Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3007: The face of death

Who would have thought it would develop into this in the end? The fate was gone, and he became a corpse, still under his own eyes, Feng Xi didn't know how to tell his little apprentice then.

Feng Xi looked at Jasmine's corpse, tugging in his heart. I really hope that A Sheng's move just now can directly kill him, which is regarded as revenge for Jasmine.

It's just that Feng Xi can be considered sensible. She has not forgotten that Jiang Xinrui is still in the other's hands, even if she hates it in her heart, she didn't say anything when Hua Sheng shot it.

If he could kill, it would be life, the same, if he didn't succeed, waiting until Jiang Xinrui was rescued, it was also Tuttle's death.

No matter what, this Tuttle was dead in Feng Xi's eyes.

"And... and what exactly did you just say? We are all fine, how come we leave A Sheng!"

Yu Ping has been standing silently on the side without stepping forward. The reason is simple. She is an ordinary person who can't do anything, can't help, at least she won't hold Hua Sheng's hind legs, so she has been very quiet.

It's just that at this time, Yu Ping seemed a little unbearable, and finally asked her question after holding back for a long time.

When the words fell, Yu Ping was excited and disturbed, and her doubts about this now exceeded her worry about Jiang Xinrui.

As for Jasmine who was thrown on the ground, Yu Ping was even more unlikely to feel anything. The only thing she could think of was whether they were the same result?

And Jasmine's corpse was lying on the ground and no one helped. It wasn't that she didn't want to. It was just that no one would pass away. Jasmine's corpse was still at Tuttle's feet.

"Yu Ping? What do you mean by this?"

After Yu Ping asked, the other people changed their faces slightly and looked at each other before Hua Zhi asked first.

Hua Zhi could not help talking. Jiang Xinrui didn't know what was going on at this time. She couldn't look at what happened here, because someone around her affected the child's vitality.

So when facing Yu Ping's question, Hua Zhi also had a faintly suppressing tone, she hoped that everything could be suppressed!

It can break out, but not this time.

Hua Zhi is also a clear-headed person. She feels something is wrong, and her instinct tells her that if she doesn't stop it today, something unexpected may happen.

Hua Lin also looked at Yu Ping. She felt that Yu Ping would not ask for no reason!

Hua Lin and Hua Zhi had the same idea, even if they didn’t agree with what they wanted to say, they looked at each other and saw rejection in each other’s eyes. They wanted to stop...

Although several people have dreams as a guide, after all, everyone's situation is different, and dreams are even different.

Different circumstances have different perspectives on people and things. Looking back in time, aside from the trajectories of many strangers, just look at the most important friends around Hua Sheng, and the impact is also Different.

The most different, and the most influential, are just two people, Ginkgo and Yu Ping.

Ginkgo’s happy married life is over before it starts. If it doesn’t happen again, Ginkgo’s life will be a bland and happy life. It’s just a renewal, with sudden twists and turns, and Yu Ping will no longer have children, so the two people are also Tuttle's focus.

It is the easiest to be agitated.

The impact of those dreams is also the most complicated of the two of them.

Yu Ping was able to wait until now to ask, but was shocked by Jasmine's death!

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