Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3083: Well-behaved today

I have to say, the prince is the truth!

Originally because of the first half of the prince's sentence, Hua Zhi still thought it made sense, but what happened later made Hua Zhi understand instantly!

How much sleep does this man die?

Did he sleep so comfortably when his wife was absent all night?

"I don't know, so I fell asleep in a daze. I don't even know you are not here..."

"Then if you are there, tell me, I'll be here right away."

Wang Junxian really felt that he was wronged, but he also felt that he was unreasonable.

I didn't find no one by the pillow all night, this is really not a qualified husband.

Not a qualified dad.

After listening to Wang Junxian's obvious lack of confidence, Hua Zhi actually felt that she was a bit too much, she should have contacted Wang Junxian long ago.

It's just a competition with Hua Sheng, which is not better than Hua Sheng, but I can definitely say that my old man!

But she can't always bully her old man.

They are all people who should be cherished.

She competed with Hua Sheng, because she wanted Hua Sheng and Hua Lin to cherish her sisters, but she herself faced all her violent tempers to her favorite, and at the same time the person who loved herself most.

Hua Zhi really felt that she shouldn't be like this.

In fact, after all, she is also afraid of losing.

Suddenly, Hua Zhi seemed to understand. Hua Sheng was like this, driving away the people around him indifferently, even wanting to stay.

She is also afraid of losing.

Because Hua Sheng was worried that he and her would be the same as today. Instead of waiting until the relationship breaks down, which is irreversible, and the result is immeasurable, it is better to break the contact...

Thinking of this, Hua Zhi's expression was also a bit complicated. Everyone who looks strong is vulnerable, not to mention Hua Sheng, who has always been soft.

"After a busy night, let your family take a break, no matter what you will be, this body can't stand it."

"Stay up all night and troublesome."

"Your brother-in-law came to pick us up, so we will go back to rest first, and rest, come to see you again, there is still windy! What will she do afterwards, tell me, don't let me take the air, her son, I haven't Hug well."

"Prince, goodbye to my aunt and my aunt, we are going home."

Hua Zhi didn't want to talk to Hua Sheng any more. The most important thing now was Hua Sheng's emotions and Fengxi's body. She couldn't delay her time here.

She should know Hua Sheng best in her heart. What happened on this day was enough to make Hua Sheng feel uncomfortable, so she should not compete with Hua Sheng at this time.

We are all sisters, and we know exactly what we think in our hearts, and no one will really leave anyone behind.

After so many years, there is no need to say a few more words to verify.

Although she is not forgiving, she is not a temperament willing to lose, but with Hua Sheng, there is nothing to lose or not to lose, and there is no one who wins.

Besides, Hua Sheng is now like this. She should be understood by her older sister. How can she argue with her at this time? Is she sincere?

There is no need for theory at all.

After Hua Zhi figured it out, it was very simple, and directly took the prince home with Wang Junxian.

The prince was also a rare obedience this time. He usually dragged him away, even completely dependent on the ten-mile spring breeze, but today, the prince did not make trouble at all, and followed his parents very well.

He wasn't stupid either. It was not the time for him to sneer today, so of course he followed him.

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