Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3084: Almost accident

The prince had a hunch that if he dared to be as usual today, he might be beaten by his mother!

Then the prince looked at his father again. If he wanted to be really bad, he might still play men's and women's doubles today.

Because of his father, he has been worried about their wives all morning.

"You guys also rest early."

Jiang Liu watched the family leave again.

It's just that Jiang Liu's mood is different this time, not only his mood, but also his tone of voice.

Because the Huazhi family still moved him a lot.

Jiang Liu believed that Hua Sheng was the same.

How worried Wang Junxian was, Jiang Liu of course could understand this feeling. If his A Sheng had no news all night, Jiang Liu would not be mad.

The same goes for Wang Junxian. When he notified Wang Junxian in the morning, Jiang Liu still remembered Wang Junxian's tone, as if he had come back to life again.

In the face of such worries, Wang Junxian never complained about him, let alone Hua Sheng.

Just trouble yourself, take care of Huazhi mother and son, there is nothing to say.

Jiang Liu didn't have this kind of trust. It's just that there were too many reversals last night. Jiang Liu has already prepared to meet Wang Junxian's blame and resentment.

Jiang Liu even thought about whether Wang Junxian would say something and was implicated...

That is true, the prince is a disaster.

But Wang Junxian didn't. Even if he didn't know everything, he wouldn't understand it at all according to Wang Junxian's IQ. He knew, but he didn't.

And Hua Zhi was even more on Hua Sheng's side from the beginning.

Jiang Liu didn't think that he was a good person on the side of Hua Sheng and him, but he and Hua Sheng still felt better.

There are still people left, and they are not wasting their feelings, are they?

So when the Huazhi family left, in Jiang Liu's eyes, it was the same as usual, and they remained the same.

Hua Sheng still has sisters who have never changed.


"Hua Zhi... Although she is straightforward, she is also right..."

Jiang Liu looked at the two of them in the hall, and said after thinking about it, looking at Hua Sheng.

Sometimes, because of the sisters' broken hearts, only the sisters can heal. No matter what Jiang Liu does, it is still different in Hua Sheng's heart.

Because he is a husband and a lover! Can't replace the sister's position in Hua Sheng's heart.

Jiang Liu thought that he might leave today, but it was okay!

"Go and see Fengxi."

"If you still have time, just find a part-time job, otherwise when the Huazhi family comes over for dinner, I won't be able to sit on a large table alone."

Hua Sheng turned his head and replied.

And Hua Sheng's expression was still indifferent, but the tone was not lifeless, it was serious, and she wanted a part-time job very seriously.

Because Hua Sheng had already thought of who would be going to cook the dinner again.

When Jiang Liu heard it, the corners of his mouth moved slightly, which was a chuckle.

It seemed that Hua Sheng could let go of it more than he thought.

In this case, he can rest assured.

"Listen to you, hourly work, don't work for a long time, our family of three is enough."

After Jiang Liu finished speaking, he took Hua Sheng to see the wind.

This time I am really ready to see Fengxi.

Since Feng Xi gave birth to a child, Jiang Liu really didn't even look at it!

At the same time, Wang Junxian's car.

Their family has set off to return to the Wang's villa.

"Husband, don't you have anything to ask? The prince really almost had an accident last night..."

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