Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3090: Let go

Feng Xi had always worried that Hua Sheng would say the same thing as himself, and would drive away all the people around him. Feng Xi felt uncomfortable.

Because she loves Hua Sheng.

She knows many things, plus the memory recovery, who can be blamed?

In fact, everyone is innocent, but there is really no alternative.

The development of many things has long surpassed everyone's expectations.

Even out of track, Feng Xi would not blame Jiang Xinrui or a child.

As for Qin Wanyu, who invited Hua Sheng and Jiang Liu in, and then sat next to Feng Xi, watching Feng Xi's mother and child are safe, he felt that he was alive.

Even if he stayed here all the time, Qin Wanyu felt unreliable.

Mainly because of Fengxi, she can't take a good rest now, and Qin Wanyu can't really feel at ease.

Qin Wanyu is an ordinary person, and he doesn't know where the spiritual power that can be gathered by raising his hand comes from.

Although he could see Feng Xi's wound healing with the naked eye, he just felt that Feng Xi's body was still weak and could not be brought back overnight.

There are children too, so Qin Wanyu's heart is still hanging.

If it wasn't for Feng Xi that he didn't want to move now, and emphasized that he didn't need to go to the hospital, the White Wolf King would also agree that he would have to go to the hospital for whatever he said.

"You still have the heart to pinch me to death, it seems that nothing is going on."

"Relax and rest. I will stay here for this period of time. When you repair it and leave, I don't have time to run back and forth."

"And... Yu Ping's matter, I'm sorry. When you are done, how do you want to solve it? I will not participate. It is you who are affected. This time I will not take care of it. She almost killed two lives and was responsible In me, the two of us owe you. I have no opinion on me or how you want to compensate."

Hua Sheng felt helpless when he heard Feng Xi's words, but he was still at ease, because she knew Feng Xi's physical state best.

Now only need to recuperate slowly, just recuperating under her eyelids, Hua Sheng can rest assured.

Without watching Feng Xi jumping around again, Hua Sheng would not let Feng Xi take the child home.

In fact, before coming in, that is, when Hua Zhi was asked to leave, Hua Sheng really wanted to drive away all the sisters around him.

She really didn't want to hurt them anymore.

Hua Sheng also really reviewed herself, blaming Jiang Xinrui for her conceit, and at the same time blaming herself, she was just as conceited.

But then Hua Zhi's words calmed her a bit, and she couldn't hurt her sisters.

Now that Feng Xi is added, Hua Sheng understands that if she really drives away the premature Feng Xi, then she will be really crazy.

As for Yu Ping's matter, Hua Sheng remembered, that would not stop Yu Ping, because she was not in a windy state and could not see her.

And Hua Sheng wouldn't make Feng Xi difficult, thinking that she was sheltering, she really wouldn't care about it this time, she herself owed Feng Xi now, Hua Sheng couldn't control it anymore.

"If you have a conscience, don't let me go now!"

"If you really dare me to go, I will pinch you to death."

"As for what you owe me, then you will often let me come to Cengfan in the future. During the period of my recuperation, I will keep it delicious and delicious!"

"And Yu Ping, she... I feel sorry for her, I don't want to see you again in the future, let her go, presumably she is already enough to torture herself, and I don't want to find her."

While Feng Xi was talking, he patted Qin Xiaobao again and again, his expression became a little low, but he quickly let go.

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