Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3091: Not easy to have children

The reason why Yu Ping became like this was also because her obsession was too big, and she kept thinking about the past, and sooner or later something would happen.

People also become crazy, and finally have nothing.

Feng Xi didn't want to be like that. She was fate and lucky enough to meet Hua Sheng, otherwise she would become the earliest patriarch of the Feng family.

When you get to Grandpa, you will definitely be laughed at.

And Feng Xi wouldn't count all this on Hua Sheng's head. In her eyes, many things had gains and losses, and she had to know how to choose.

She believed that Hua Sheng was her sister and would never betray and let it go.

If it is innocent, Hua Sheng is even more innocent. If even she made the same choice as Yu Ping or Ginkgo today, Feng Xi would look down on herself.

She can't just accept the wealth of being with Hua Sheng, but can't share the joys and sorrows.

This is not her.

But similarly, Feng Xi is not a saint. For Yu Ping's actions, Feng Xi is really uncomfortable and even more chilling.

She couldn't forgive Yu Ping, she still had children, and Feng Xi couldn't let Qin Xiaobao suffer such a change before he was born.

Feng Xi can only say that she will never see each other again, and that everything about Yu Ping has nothing to do with her.

If it happens again, then she can't be blamed, and she can be dealt with as she should be handled. The Patriarch of her dignified family is not a temperless soft persimmon.

"it is good!"

Hua Sheng nodded, and reached out to hold Feng Xi's hand, the dullness in his heart dissipated.

Now she only hopes that Feng Xi's mother and her son will take care of their bodies. This is also the most important thing right now. Hua Sheng doesn't want to cause Qin Xiaobao's body to be in a bad condition because of the premature birth, and let Feng Xi's root cause of disease.

In any case, Feng Xi's body is still an ordinary person, and people are very fragile. Once he is injured, it is difficult to repair.

Hua Sheng didn't have the energy to pursue other matters.

"You can rest here with peace of mind. A Sheng and I will definitely raise you back to where you were before. A Sheng will take care of you and I will take care of your food. Don't worry about you and Lao Qin."

Jiang Liu stood at the door and followed the promise.

When Jiang Liu said this, he glanced at the White Wolf King on the side. He knew that the White Wolf King was waiting for these words. If Feng Xi's physical condition was not nourished by strong spiritual power, it would be difficult to recover.

Of course, this is also what Jiang Liu and Hua Sheng meant.

As for the White Wolf King, when he heard Jiang Liu's words, he bowed slightly to Jiang Liu, and then he looked at Fengxi's family hugging each other, looking happy...

As usual, left quietly.

"Little Treasure looks good, but this little hand is very powerful."

"Old Qin, how did you make your name? You don't really plan to make your son Qin Xiaobao, do you?"

Jiang Liu waited to finish talking about the important things that had been in his heart, and then reached out his hand to touch Qin Xiaobao, and explore Qin Xiaobao's physical condition.

Unexpectedly, this kid would directly hold back, and he still had a little strength.

Of course, children don't actually have much energy.

"Qin is not easy!"

"His name is Qin Buyi!"

"It's not easy for Feng Xi to give birth to this child, so let him remember it later and honor his mother."

Qin Wanyu hugged Fengxi tightly, and Fengxi hugged Qin Buyi, and the family was finally reunited without any accidents.

At that time, Qin Wanyu really felt that he was going to lose...

Fortunately, God still gave face!

Fortunately, Hua Sheng has this ability.

As for what Feng Xi said about Yu Ping, Qin Wanyu did not comment! Feng Xi can never meet Yu Ping again, but he is the husband of the victim...

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