Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3092: Dismissed as ugly

Qin Wanyu would not continue to follow Fengxi when Fengxi had said not to worry about it. Naturally, Fengxi said what it would do.

"Sounds good, but don't you want the surname Feng?"

Jiang Liu naturally thinks it sounds nice, but he remembers that he said before that Feng Xi's child needs her last name?

Isn't this the next Patriarch of the Feng Family?

After Jiang Liu asked this, he also felt that he was talking too much. As long as it was because there were a lot of things today, he also wanted to divert everyone's attention.

After all, it is a happy event to have a new life.

But after asking this question, it was very embarrassing, because he shouldn't ask, what is the child's last name, this is after all the parents' decision.

"I don't want him to be the head of the Feng Family, I want him to be like an ordinary child."

"Let's do it, let's see if he has fate in the future. As for the heir of the Patriarch, the Feng Family still has many children. Let's see that child has the most potential. After all, every Patriarch chooses this way."

Feng Xi smiled faintly when he heard Jiang Liu's words. She was still very happy when she talked about her son.

Although he kept talking about disgust, but his own child, how could he really dislike him.

Feng Xi is also really happy. Thinking about her own life, she still wants her child to be like a normal child. The only thing she shouldn't be in contact with from an early age is to reduce demons and eliminate demons. He is too courageous.

Moreover, now that the child is young, he may not be the most suitable person.

But immediately, Feng Xi realized that his conclusion was too early, and the old man Feng Wuming fell into his dream every night and expressed his dissatisfaction with the name Qin Buyi.

Because this kid has been skeptical since he was young, and he will be a different life...

In this regard, Feng Wuming is also the last to understand Feng Xi. If the child does not change the surname and is trained according to the parent, then Feng Xi may have to have another one. If the parent of the Feng family cannot reach Feng Xi, the generation is over!

Of course, Feng Wuming is also selfish and does not want other children to take over as the head of the family.

It's just that, in Feng Xi's place, there is no more information. She is enough for one child, and she doesn't want a second child.

In fact, Feng Xi could also feel it. Qin Buyi was the same as she was when she was a child, but she didn't want to, and did not admit it. Unless the child was willing, Feng Xi would never pass the position of Patriarch to Qin Buyi...

Time passed quickly, and in a blink of an eye, Fengxi spent a month in the ten-mile spring breeze.

Even the confinement is over.

Naturally, Qin Wanyu also lived here for a month. If he didn't take care of Fengxi, how could he feel at ease.

As for Qin Xiaobao, the white and fat man who was raised this month has completely broken away from Feng Xi's ugly monkey title, and has begun to look a bit human.

Those eyebrows are especially like Fengxi, which really responded to the saying that a boy is like a mother. Qin Wanyu looked at the photos of Fengxi when he was a child, and then looked at Qin Xiaobao. He felt that he seemed white about Fengxi’s birth. Work hard.

This kid is nothing like him!

Regarding this, Jiang Liu was very serious and comforted, "This is not grown up, if it grows longer and changes, you will feel that it is better to be like the wind!"

Qin Wanyu...

He felt that he was not comforted.

Besides, he has reason to suspect that Jiang Liu is not comforting him!

Jiang Liu thinks he is ugly?

If it hadn’t been for Feng Xi to live in the ten-mile spring breeze, and he needed Hua Sheng’s spiritual power, he would give Hua Sheng face, otherwise Qin Wanyu would definitely have to reason with Jiang Liu. Their brotherhood was greatly affected. test!

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