Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3094: Pass completely

Although Qin Wanyu never showed up in this matter, Jiang Liu knew that Qin Wanyu had used the relationship and increased the sentence.

And Yu Ping's madness is also related to the White Wolf King.

It's just that Jiang Liu didn't tell Hua Sheng this, just as Qin Wanyu didn't tell Feng Xi.

What everyone knows is only the result.

The process is no longer important.

Jiang Liu understands Qin Wanyu's concerns. Women are sentimental and will have pity for the weak, especially those with personality like Feng Xi and Hua Sheng.

If they knew that they would put pressure on Yu Ping, who was miserable enough, neither Hua Sheng nor Feng Xi would bear it.

Jiang Liu can say with certainty that if the two of them before, they would definitely be.

After experiencing so many things now, no one can say for sure, let alone take risks.

It's just that Jiang Liu didn't expect that Qin Wanyu would really start in the middle. You must know that Qin Wanyu was never that ruthless person.

No matter how you are doing things, you will leave room, let alone step on a foot when the opponent is already in trouble.

But this time about Yu Ping, no matter how Feng Xi was rescued, the people outside depended on the result. Besides, Feng Xi did not call the police, and there was no major incident between her and the child.

Even if Yu Ping was sentenced to three years at most, it goes without saying that Qin Wanyu was dissatisfied with this result, because if he did not intervene with Hua Sheng, Feng Xi's result would be very dangerous.

So Qin Wanyu used the relationship and increased the sentence, and after Qin Wanyu, the White Wolf King went to prison again.

Not knowing what he did, Yu Ping went crazy directly!

Normally, she can be released from prison at the end of the ten-year period, but for Ping, she cannot go out of the mental hospital.

"Where is Yuan Shao?"

After a brief silence, Hua Sheng glanced at Fengxi, then looked at Hua Zhi and asked.

These days, she has been focused on Fengxi mother and child, thinking about the nutrition for the mother and daughter, and the outside affairs are basically closed.

In addition, since the last Tuttle incident, all the outside affairs have been handed over to Jiang Xinrui.

Hua Sheng didn't even know, of course she didn't want to know.

But now that he has said it clearly, Hua Sheng still wants to ask, Yu Ping's choice can be considered causal.

She was upset. Even if she didn't care, there were laws. No matter if Yu Ping had chosen to surrender in her heart, or for other reasons, she had already surrendered.

For this, Yu Ping also paid a price.

A month ago, Hua Sheng still remembered that Yuan Shao came to pick her up.

Whether it was Ginkgo or Jasmine, someone came to pick it up.

Therefore, they are not nothing. After ten miles of spring breeze, they still have their own happiness.

"Yuan Shao works as a nurse in a mental hospital."

"The house where Yu Ping lives."

Hua Zhi thought for a while to add something.

After Hua Zhi finished speaking, everyone was silent for a short while.

And Feng Xi stretched out his hand and touched Qin Xiaobao's forehead. There were two scars. You can't see clearly unless you look closely, but you can still feel it if you rub against it.

Hua Sheng said that because Qin Xiaobao was young, as he grew up, these two scars disappeared...

But no matter how he disappeared, Qin Xiaobao really hurt at that moment, and Feng Xi felt it.

She really can't forgive Yu Ping. The greatest kindness to her is that she didn't make a move. Yu Ping can surrender and Feng Xi has nothing to say, but she didn't expect Yu Ping to be crazy.

Feng Xi has nothing to say to Ping, knowing all this, and waiting for Qin Xiaobao's scar to disappear, it will completely pass away!

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