Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3095: Ginkgo now

Then when everyone was silent again, Hua Zhi looked at Hua Sheng and continued: "And Ginkgo, she went back to her hometown with Gao He, Gao He's hometown."

Because the Zhao family was not satisfied with the case concluded by the police, they did not believe that any murderer had died, and still refused to let go of the Gao family. That is to say, they did not want to let Gao He go. They wanted to make some accidents so that the Gao family's parents would also experience the pain of losing their children.

At this time, the wall was pushed down by everyone. When the Gao family was an official, it was inevitable to offend a few villains. In addition, the whole Jiangcheng knew that Gao He had nothing to do with Jiang Liu and others, so the stepping would be even more ruthless. Wang Jun showed his hand and stopped, the Gao family might not leave Jiangcheng safely...

Going back to the hometown, Gao He's family was not very happy. The rest of the old home in these years are some poor relatives. It is inevitable that there will be some runs, but fortunately, the life is still acceptable.

Under such difficult circumstances, Gao He and Ginkgo held a simple wedding, which was said to be simple, except for some people who watched the fun, that is, Gao's parents.

Regarding Gao He's result, Wang Junxian was still quite uncomfortable, not to mention others. After all, he really regarded Gao He as a younger brother after a brother.

I gave Gao He a check and gave them some money. It would not be too difficult. It was worthy of the friendship between them and the kindness of saving the prince. Wang Junxian did not do much. After all, he still needs to watch Jiang. Flow, Hua Sheng's face.

After all, Ginkgo and Gao He are together, and Ginkgo takes Jiang Xinrui away. No one can say that this matter really doesn't care.

Wang Junxian himself felt that this matter was too difficult, but Ginkgo finally turned around and saved several children.

So some things are hard to say what kind of result.

This thing is unclear.

I can only say that I hope they are happy. For each other, whether it is Gao He or Ginkgo, they have paid a lot.

Now the two people can be considered consummate, together!

No one will mention the original grudge.

As for whether they can live well in the future, it can only be up to them. No one can participate, let alone participate.

Once some decisions are made, there is no turning back.

Hearing about Ginkgo, Hua Sheng was still very touched. After all, she has been with her for many years. Ginkgo is different from anyone.

When Chuntao left her, Hua Sheng still remembered Ginkgo's words. She said that she would never leave her...

Just now...

Hua Sheng didn't know who should say he broke his promise, and he really couldn't let go of Ginkgo in his heart.

But again, Hua Sheng would not mention Ginkgo. What she wanted to do was take Jiang Xinrui away. Can you forgive Ginkgo for Jiang Xinrui's decision?

Because she grew up with Ginkgo, not Jiang Xinrui. The time she spent with Ginkgo was actually only a few years, and the relationship was not deep. Hua Sheng would not use her own thoughts to influence Jiang Xinrui, even if it was her own. child.

It's just that these are really not important to Jiang Xinrui, and she never thought that Ginkgo would leave the spring breeze for ten miles!

"Actually, I think I still need someone at home to take care of it. Aunt Ginkgo's meals are really appetizing."

"If she wants to, I would use my pocket money to pay her."

Jiang Xinrui sat in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, holding a paintbrush and turning to look at Hua Sheng.

She is serious.

Since the mother didn't open this mouth, she was willing.

Because she didn't care, she also had an element of taking advantage of what happened at the time, using ginkgo to find Tuttle's nest.

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