Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3099: mutual respect

Jiang Liu pulled Hua Sheng aside and prevented her from moving. They were all adults, and many things did not need to be confirmed.

You can see that there must be a problem by looking at the child's expression.

He understood that Hua Sheng and Hua Zhi were too worried, but they had to save face for their children.

"That's right, you two have to take off clothes directly? We still have a little princess, but it's a younger sister, my sister, and you can't watch her brother get clothes off!"

"Go, Kang Ning, let your little uncle find a room for you, clean it up, your third aunt has a lot of hands, and the clothes are broken. The third uncle will buy you new ones. You go take a shower and you will have new clothes soon! "

Wang Junxian pulled Hua Zhi, and slightly exerted his strength in his hands to make her restrain. Now that everyone's eyes are full, Bai Kangning originally wanted to hide it.

Just don't want to be pityed!

When the child is older, his self-esteem is particularly strong.

Hua Sheng and Hua Sheng are so tough, how can the children be treated with their younger siblings?

Even become more inferior.

Besides, he is still an elder brother, Bai Kangning has always wanted to be an elder brother, a good elder brother, an upright elder brother!

He had already made up his mind to be able to come to Shili Chunfeng. If it were not for nothing, he would definitely not come.

After Wang Junxian finished speaking, he directly called and sent someone to buy clothes for Bai Kangning. In fact, he and the children were not in good shape. The prince's clothes were smaller for him, and those of adults were bigger for him.

But Jiang Liu directly stretched out his hand to hold Bai Kangning and found a guest room.

Hua Sheng, Hua Zhi also felt that he was a bit too extreme, and stayed on the sofa with a serious expression, and was silent again.

Shili Chunfeng Today’s meal is overwhelming.

Because no one wants to eat.

Let alone Hua Sheng, Feng Xi and Qin Wanyu were very heavy. They had no children before, and they were different, especially when they looked at Bai Kangning's aggrieved look.

Feng Xi has become heavier. The impression of Bai Kangning has always been a very sensible elder brother, and this child is also very sensible, and never bothered Hua Lin. Feng Xi can be seen by an outsider. Bai Kangning is really very sensible. be good.

To be straightforward, this kid is a little bit dumb, he doesn't even know what making people are!

Just do what the elders say, just because of the prince’s little devil’s temperament, Feng Xi’s brain hurts as he watched by the side, not to mention Hua Zhi, wishing to plug it back into rebirth, but Bai Kangning never blushed. Feng Xi's patience with the prince was amazing!

Who can offend a mild-tempered child like this? School violence is impossible. There hasn’t been before. It has happened recently. The only factor of instability is Hua Lin!

This is also the reason why everyone is silent.

If it is Hua Lin, how can she bear it?

It's just that Hua Sheng and others haven't seen Bai Kangning's body, otherwise they may just be unable to sit still. First rush to Hua Lin's home and ask if she knows it!

The prince and Jiang Xinrui, one put down the hand that disassembled the TV set, and stopped playing, the other put down the paintbrush, and stopped drawing. Even Qin Xiaobao didn’t spit bubbles to play. The eyes that were copied by the wind, stared round and round. The ceiling is very quiet.

At the same time, Jiang Liu even helped Bai Kangning with the bath water.

"I adjusted the water temperature, you try?"

"You change clothes, we are all men, don't be embarrassed, I will help you rub your back?"

"My little uncle has only daughters and no sons. I have always envied the father and son rubbing each other's backs. I don't know if I am lucky enough to experience it today?"

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