Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3100: Alternate new and old

Jiang Liu adjusted the temperature of the water, took out a set of pajamas for the guest room, and put it next to Bai Kangning for spare use. Under the clothes, there was a bottle of wound medicine. There were traumatic injuries. Jiang Liu took several kinds of injuries. Put it under the pajamas.

Then I asked Bai Kangning as if chatting at home.

Every sentence was questioned and asked for his consent.

If Bai Kangning is unwilling, then he will not force it. Although he is not sure, Jiang Liu knows that the child must be injured.

He doesn't see through eyes, but he will look at his appearance. If there is nothing wrong with him, Bai Kangning will not look like that.

"Thank you little uncle!"


Bai Kangning didn't know what to say for a while, except for thanking him.

Especially seeing this family being cautious with him, I feel even more troubled.

He will kill the people around him. He is a disaster star. In fact, they don't need to treat himself like this. He really can't borrow money. He comes to borrow some money and solves it himself.

But I didn't expect Hua Zhi to encounter the new injury this morning, and couldn't hold back...

"Thank you? What are you kidding?"

"You should call me my little uncle!"

"And you are still Rui'er's brother, you are kind to Rui'er, I also want to thank you!"

"Be polite to me again, the water will be cold, let's take a shower, if you are embarrassed, I will go out!"

"Also, you don't need to feel pressure in your heart. Some accidents have nothing to do with you, but they are really accidents. Although your aunt has become indifferent from the last time, she is just appearance. She has never forgotten about you and your mother. , Looking for a way to break the spell on you and your mother, so that you can be like normal people!"

"She is also looking for it now. It just takes time. You are still young. You don’t understand some things. You have to know that every world has its own laws. Invisible laws are hard to break, but there is no absolute, just time. ."

After Jiang Liu finished speaking, he patted Bai Kangning on the shoulder and was about to leave, but Jiang Liu couldn't help thinking, this kid is growing up so fast, it's on his shoulders!

So many years have passed in a blink of an eye, Jiang Liu couldn't help sighing, when he watched Hua Sheng save their mother and son, the child was still a baby...

They have grown to this height now.

"Little uncle!"

"I can't reach my back..."

When Jiang Liu turned to leave, Bai Kangning seemed to be touched, and shouted to Jiang Liu, then turned around and took out the medicine that Jiang Liu had hidden under his pajamas.

And he took off the jacket himself, before taking off the short sleeves inside, watching the wounds on his two arms up close, Jiang Liu was really a little unstable!

It's intricate, bluish, purple, and old.

When Bai Kangning took off his short sleeves again, the marks on his back would not be the same as those on his arms. It could only be said that the marks on his arms were undercut.

There are also some big scars, the most conspicuous of which are black spots. Jiang Liu is not a smoker, but he also recognizes that they are burned by cigarettes.

Children in their teens have very tender skin and heal quickly, so Jiang Liu could see the burns one after another, but Jiang Liu didn't even dare to think about how Bai Kangning could endure it.

Jiang Liu even felt fortunate to have stopped Hua Sheng and Hua Zhi, otherwise...

"It may be a bit painful to apply medicine. There is no one else here. It is far away from the hall and they can't hear. If it hurts, just shout, it's fine!"

Jiang Liu didn't know how to say it anymore. What happened the first time he met, he really felt sorry for the child, and the medicine was depressed in his heart. In fact, the medicine was not right. Jiang Liu used his spiritual power to cover it up.

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