Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3113: : Hua Lin committed suicide

"A Sheng, something is wrong, please take a look at Hua Lin's physical condition!"

Jiang Liu stood at the door, not knowing what he thought of, and walked directly to Hua Sheng and said.

From the very beginning when he entered the door, Jiang Liu felt that there was a problem and kept observing it. Now if Hua Lin was added, it would be even more problematic.

Hua Lin definitely had a bad idea, so she kept her home clean, as usual!

When Hua Sheng heard Jiang Liu's words, he walked to Hua Lin and held Hua Lin's hand under the shocking expressions of everyone.

Afterwards, Hua Sheng calmly said something that shocked everyone.

"Hua Lin, have you taken poison?"

Hua Sheng felt Hua Lin's pulse and knew that she had indeed taken poison, so she was a bit silly and spoke slowly.

But the body can't deceive people, Hua Sheng also has mana, and of course he can't read it wrong.

It's just that Hua Sheng was calm, and the others were not calm. Except for Jiang Liu, he had already expected it.

When entering Bai's house.

"What? Mom, you committed suicide?"

Bai Kangning looked at Hua Lin in shock, and it was too late to answer Hua Lin's apology.

Now that my mother has committed suicide?

"Hua Lin, I think you are really crazy, what do you want?"

Bai Hao was the one who broke down the most. He knew from his wife's mouth that she had caused the child's injury, thinking that she was finally back to normal, but in the end she took poison?

This also keeps people from living.

It’s just that despite Bai Hao’s words, he quickly took out his cell phone and called the 120 ambulance. I don’t know if he could be rescued, but seeing Hua Lin sitting normally at the moment, there shouldn’t be a big problem, right?

"No need to fight, it's useless."

"Poison or mixed, how many have you drunk?"

"Why are you afraid that you can't die? Or do you want to taste more?"

"It's too late for a normal person to drink one. You still need to fill in something for yourself. I really don't know whether to praise you."

Hua Sheng let go of Hua Lin's hand, sat down beside Hua Lin, and said flatly.

For Hua Lin's approach, Hua Sheng was really speechless, especially able to understand Bai Hao's current mood.

"Sister Wu, what are you talking about? I've been poisoned, so I don't call an ambulance!"

"It's important to save people, Wang Junxian, call me quickly, what are you doing in a daze? I asked you to come here to watch the excitement?"

Hua Zhi stood behind Hua Lin and heard Hua Sheng's words. He was stunned. Before he could say anything to Hua Sheng, he turned to call Wang Junxian.

Wang Junxian was stunned again, and subconsciously took out his mobile phone and responded to Hua Zhi's words, but when he was about to make a call, his hand stopped.

"It's better not to trouble the first aid, let them save the more in need."

Wang Junxian put down the phone and looked at Hua Zhidao very seriously.

Hua Zhi couldn't believe her ears, why didn't she care about Hua Lin's life or death?

"Sit down, too. You forget that she and Kang Ning have the spell that I cast on them. They are not old or dead. Their bodies are not normal."

"Those things are useless at all, and they just look like people."

Hua Sheng asked Hua Zhi to sit down. Seeing her anxious, Hua Sheng didn't know what to say. If it was that easy, what four-year agreement would she and Bai Kangning have?

I ended it by myself.

But Hua Sheng also knew that Hua Zhi was concerned and messed up. She was also with Bai Kangning just now.

Including the vampire sent by Tuttle, Hua Sheng knew that there would be nothing wrong with Bai Kangning, but Hua Lin didn’t quite understand it...

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