Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3114: : Cause of Immortality

"Yes, Kang Ning and Hua Lin's body...different."

"Then Hualin, you also know, what are you doing now? What are you trying to do now? To die and to beat the child again? I don't even see the scars on Kang Ning's body!"

"I have been looking for you since I left Ten Mile Spring Breeze last time. You didn't see me, but I never thought that you would become like this!"

"Are you still the former Hua Lin? Are you the once known Hua Lin? Are you still a college teacher, do all the education you learned over the years eat into the dog's belly?"

"Why does Hua Zhi have a sister like you!"

Hua Zhi walked to Hua Lin's side, seeing that Hua Lin actually wanted to commit suicide, and became even more angry, reaching out and pulling Hua Lin.

If it is possible, Hua Zhi really wants to pry Hua Lin's mind to see what she is thinking!

What kind of brain circuit allows Hua Lin to do such a thing.

"Hua Zhi, calm down."

Wang Junxian looked at Hua Zhi pushing Hua Lin, Bai Kangning looked distressed and tangled, and directly pulled Hua Zhi over.

Hua Lin's current approach is indeed fascinating, but no one knows what she thinks.

She can only tell her that in Wang Junxian's view, Hua Lin's behavior is a bit like a child. She doesn't want to lose something, but if such a thing is out of her control, she wants to leave. It's useless to catch it desperately.

In that case, people will have a different feeling, hysterical? So crazy, using all kinds of seemingly completely useless methods to change everything.

In the eyes of the collapsed, this is a useless way, although it is not understood.

Hua Lin in Wang Jun's eyes is like this.

Besides, Hua Lin herself said that she just didn't want to lose Hua Sheng, Hua Zhi, these sisters...

Equivalent to Hua Zhi's reaction, Hua Sheng was calmer. It can be said that Hua Sheng has always been calm.

If suicide can solve the problem, this spell will be useless. Hua Sheng didn't say it at that time, and just wanted Hua Lin's mother and son to live like normal children.

But the facts are really counterproductive.

"Hua Sheng, you are really right, these medicines are useless to me."

"I drank a bottle of dichlorvos, and rat poison, and even ate the innards of a puffer fish...I don't remember what else, it is poisonous, I ate it!"

"But it means that the reaction is slow, and my mind is a little confused. It will be fine after a while. This body can detoxify by its own means."

"Originally, I did this, it is not worthy of forgiveness. I don't ask you to forgive me and solve myself by myself. I didn't expect your spells to be so useful.

Hua Lin looked at Hua Sheng and Hua Zhi with a sluggish expression. This was not only because of her current mood change, but also because of eating more poisonous things. She would not die, but she would have some reactions.

In fact, she eats this way to verify whether her body really has an accident.

In this way, the result was obtained, and she didn't even have a chance to be forgiven, because Hua Lin didn't know what else she could do to obtain forgiveness.

"You are dead. You died from cancer fourteen years ago. How do you want to die now?"

"I used the method to seal your soul in the body, so that your soul will not rot. If you want to die, only I can!"

"Break the seal, your soul will dissipate, that is, your soul will be scattered, there is no chance of reincarnation, and your body will decay for fourteen years."

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