Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3150: : The oil runs out

If it weren't for being sealed in the barrier by Feng Wumian, it would have come long ago.

How could he wait until now, the time to break through the barrier, has caused Feng Wumian to be beaten like this, and the blood of King Xuanwu surged.

This is its owner, so great, how can it make people so insulted.

And his family...

Since it doesn't matter, it does.

Ordinary people say that beasts are inferior, and they are beasts. Now these words should be placed on Feng's family intact.

"Since you still let me be your master, just let me go!"

"This is my personal grudge, you don't need to interfere."

"Find a new owner yourself."

"You and I are dead."

The seat of the windless sleep, otherwise it will come, seal it, so that it does not want to be involved.

The patron saint of the Feng Family Patriarch can only be summoned by the heart. Of course, when the Patriarch's life is threatened, he will come quickly without waiting for the summoning.

Feng Wumian knew that King Xuanwu had come today, and it would not be a good end. If he was gone, he would be affected by standing with him.

The Profound Realm has always been clear and wise to protect himself. If it were not for the contractual relationship with the Feng Family, nor would he participate in the affairs of the Human Realm, what he wanted to do is now impossible. When he can’t let everything be incomplete, Let the remaining people around him bear it.

And the Feng family was embarrassed by the words of King Xuanwu.

Obviously King Xuanwu's words were spoken to the Feng family. It cannot interfere with the Feng family's decision, but it can light them in other ways.

Enough of self-confidence.

No matter how these people are the family of the Patriarch, King Xuanwu will not be too much, but if something goes wrong with Feng Wumian now, King Xuanwu will stay away from each other even if something is wrong with the Feng Family. The future patron saint of Feng Family will also Will chill.

When King Xuanwu listened to Feng Wumian's words harshly, he wanted to drive it away. He was silent. It was a dead-headed beast. He only recognized this Patriarch and would not change it.

He didn't listen to him at all, and for the first time ignoring the Patriarch's command, he took out his own power and inputted it on Feng Wuxian's body to protect his body from damage.

But the same thing, the idea of ​​Feng Wumian's death at the same time will not work, he can't let King Xuanwu be buried with him.

When King Xuanwu's power was transmitted to his body, Feng Wumian's eyes closed tightly, and then everyone around him was bounced out by a burst of invisible power.

The range can be seen to be 100 meters.

The person behind Yan's house fell to the ground with a bang like a cannonball.

Needless to say, vomiting blood at the mouth, originally the spiritual power was being consumed, and now coupled with the sudden blow out, the people who were all humans could not bear it at all and were paralyzed to the ground.

Those who did not participate, like the Feng family and the Ling family, who had been neutral, were also affected.

Of course, he wouldn't be beaten up like Yan's family.

It can be seen that Feng Wumian's strength is really strong and should not be underestimated.

This is also the fear of the Yan family and others. Such strong men are not friendly forces, but opponents. Even if they die, they cannot allow them to develop.

Now they can be regarded as saying that they have done it. After being beaten up, coupled with the short-term loss of spiritual power, they are all old Patriarchs.

People with old arms and legs are afraid that they will die soon.

It can also be said that the oil is exhausted and the lamp is dry.

But Feng Wumian didn't get better anymore. His body could not be restored by King Xuanwu's transfer of spiritual energy. It was like a porcelain bowl with tear marks, and a little carelessness would be broken.

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