Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3151: : Exterminate the evil

And Feng Wumian didn’t wait for long to be “torn apart”...

At the last moment, it was to save King Xuanwu and not let him die with him.

"Patriarch, how are you? I will take you back to the Profound Realm and I will definitely heal you."

King Xuanwu quickly caught Feng Wumian when Feng Wumian's body popped up to prevent him from falling and being injured again.

As for the Patriarchs of the Yan family, they don't have this treatment, and their bodies are almost falling apart.

Anyway, there is not much time, and it's not too bad.

Feng Wuming saw this, but he was a little relieved. At that time, he didn't touch the outside world because of physical reasons. In addition, his family was more laissez-faire towards him, and his emotions were not hidden. All emotions were written on his face.

It looked like the Patriarch of the Yan family fell to death on the spot, and everyone had no time to care about him.

"Brother, how are you?"

"You can't die, you promised me that you want to take me to a world where you can't see the same, you can't speak for nothing."

Feng Wuming didn't care what the people around him were. He knelt beside Feng Wumian. Although his spiritual power was low, he could clearly feel that his vital signs were weakening.

No matter how much power there is in the body, it is useless...

Feng Wumian's parents were even more paralyzed on the ground. I didn't expect Feng Wumian to be so ruthless, not giving each other a chance, let alone a way to survive.

If he was more obedient and admitted a mistake, how could he become like this.

Or if he doesn't fight back, the worst is to become an ordinary person, with exhaustion of spiritual power, and no cultivation base, how could this happen?

The Feng family also knelt on the ground. The Patriarch is running out of time. People like them are already speechless, and they are even more ashamed. But they don't understand why Feng Wumian's approach is so extreme?

And the endings of the surrounding patriarchs will be counted on Feng Wuxian’s head, and even more on Feng’s head...

"Now it doesn't help me wherever I go, I still have things to do, Xuanwu, Wuming, help me up."

Feng Wumian looked at everything around him, without any regrets. He wanted to stop all of this directly. His joy was just as frightened, and they wanted the same.

It was just a bit of an accident. They didn't immediately return to the West, but the rest of the day was not easy. That's good, Le Yu also suffered a lot before his death.

In this way, it's a lot.

Because of the shape of Xuanwu, it can’t support Feng Wumian’s body. Fortunately, there is Feng Wuming. He supported his brother, his eyes were red, and his body was broken and his bones were also shattered. Standing, besides, it hurts so much, Feng Wuming can't imagine...

The same is true for those people in the Yao family. Otherwise, they wouldn’t have not got up, let alone a word, or even wailed, because they are using all their spiritual power to relieve pain. Saying one more word is a waste of energy. .

At this time, no one thought that he must kill the wind and sleepless, and only regret in his eyes, because only when a person is about to die, will he know how much he wants to live.

There is even unwillingness, all eyes are resentful...

Only very few people feel that they have died well enough to destroy the evil spirit, and this evil spirit is Feng Wumian.

"Brother, what else are you doing? I'll come!"

"Stop tossing..."

Feng Wuming's tears had blurred his eyes. He couldn't bear to look at the status quo of his elder brother, and he could not even think that one day his proud brother would end like this.

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