Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3152: : Fengjia pride


"my son……"

Feng Wumian's parents can't say much anymore, let alone see the tragic situation of other patrons, only their son is in their eyes.

"I have already dealt with half of the people who killed my wife and children, and there are two people who brought them to death with my own hands!"

"my parents……"

"Why kill your daughter-in-law and your grandson? Blood is thicker than water, even if Le Yu's identity is different, but the child is innocent, he has no chance of being born, even my father does not know his Existing, he was sent to **** by his grandparents!"

"No, not even hell, he and his mother are frightened..."

Feng Wumian could no longer stand, his muscles and veins were broken, and his bones were broken. The pain of his body was not the pain in his heart, the pain of losing his love, and the pain of being abandoned by his parents...

Moreover, his Le Yu was even more painful than him.

And every question of Feng Wumian brought blood out of his body, and his question was dripping with blood.

"That's a demon, how can my grandson be the product of a human demon?"

"Your child is also the heir of the Feng Family in the future. As a result, he is a personal demon. It is almost unheard of! How can you keep my face in the Feng Family?"

"How can you be worthy of your ancestors? Feng's hundreds of years of reputation can not be destroyed in your hands!"

"So, are you going to kill your parents now? For such a demon?"

"You have killed all the Patriarchs, and the Feng Family has become the target of all. Do you want to add more sins to yourself?"

Father Feng stood up slowly. He didn't dare to touch his son. He knew how painful Feng Wumian was, for fear that it would make him more painful.

But seeing Feng Wumian's accusation and **** questioning, Feng's heart hurts even more.

Feng Mu was already crying, she couldn't figure out how could this child become like this?

Don't worry about it since I was young!

Now everyone is shocked!

"I won't kill my parents, I still have a little heart!"

"But the vengeance of killing a wife and a son is not the same. How can it be enough to kill those old guys?"

"It's just that the remaining enemies are you, my parents..."

"You can't help but repay your hatred... In ancient times, fathers and sons paid off debts. If you owe Leyu, you can use my life in exchange!

"From now on, I will have nothing to do with the Feng Family!"

When Feng Wumian said this, he raised one hand, and a yellowed book slowly appeared in his palm.

There are two big characters written impressively on it, genealogy!

Feng Wumian is in front of the Feng family, and under the Feng family's ancestral hall, has erased the name of Feng Wumian from the Feng family tree!

In the end, he also dissipated his own cultivation base. This is a skill learned in the Feng Family. He doesn't want it. He can't even change his wife. How can he change the world!

Feng Wumian gave up.

He separated himself from the Feng family, didn't want to have a relationship with the Feng family, and would not enter the Feng family tomb after death.

This family does not recognize his wife, he will definitely not be able to be buried together after death, and now this ending, the remaining Feng family members are still alive, the changes he once wanted to make, the Feng family members will not continue, so he has nothing to do with this family , At least will not be regarded as his comrades, chased and killed...

After doing this, he gave up and couldn't hold on anymore. He slowly closed his eyes. The important person was gone, and his parents were kind enough to pay him back. He didn't take everything the Feng Family gave him...

The proud Feng Wuxian of the Feng family did not die in the hands of the evil demon, but because of the evil demon, he died with his own people!

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