Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3153: : Can't bear to remember

Feng Wumian’s parents watched their son die, their souls dissipated willingly, giving up the chance of reincarnation, and could not bear the blow and fainted. Feng Wumian’s patron saint, King Xuanwu, silently left the human world with Feng Wumian’s corpse on his back. No news!

What Feng Wuming can do for his brother is to set up a burial mound for Feng Wumian, including Le Yu mother and child, and the things that Feng Wumian wrote by himself, and burned...

When the Feng family discovered it, it was too late. The things written by Feng Wumian were not there, but Feng Wuming, who had read his brother’s stuff, could memorize it. Because of the family elders, Feng Wuming wrote it many years later. ...

After Feng Wumian died, Feng Wuming's only younger brother was also promoted to the position of Feng Family Patriarch.

In order to cover up those things Feng Wumian did, we had to completely cover up Feng Wumian, get rid of Fengjia, and get rid of this world.

For future generations, those favorable pasts of Feng Wumian have all become Feng Wuming's past.

Feng Wuming has also become different in the eyes of future generations.

But he never laughed, because these are all of his brother and have nothing to do with him. He snatched his brother's things.

It's just that Feng Wuming couldn't refuse. His mother was deeply hit, and she died in depression within two years. His only wish before his death was that he could provoke Feng's responsibility, not like his brother.

In the first sentence, for the sake of his mother's last wish, he did it, but in the latter sentence, Feng Wuming chose not to hear it. He felt that his brother was wrong.

The Feng family’s father’s health is not as good as one year, and the middle-aged father lost his son. For this reason, the collective death of the family’s old patrons was still in the Feng family, and it took him many years to deal with this mess.

The Ling family did a lot of effort, which is why Feng Wuming was able to marry the Ling family later, but the children were unwilling, and he did not force it too much.

As for the book that year, he burned it. He didn't expect that it was not burned that day, and it was still incomplete. I don't know who took it away. It involves so much...

Feng Wuming didn't want to continue the investigation, just didn't want to take this out. After Feng Wumian died, he really handled a lot of things, he didn't want to remember...

"Grandpa, the Feng Family is really... I didn't expect it!"

"Then why didn’t you write Grandpa Feng Wumian back when you sat on the head of the Patriarch? At that time, your parents were no longer there, and those who participated in those things were no longer there. In fact, there are only a few people, and outsiders are also Grandpa Ling Xiao..."

Feng Xi sat cross-legged on the ground, her expression was very complicated, but she was also heartbroken. How did such a person end up like this?

What she found was only a person's name, or a person who was expelled from the genealogy by the Feng family, but she didn't expect the facts to be different.

Feng Xi listened for almost all night, watching grandpa's memories from the beginning to nostalgia, even guilt and regret...

She knew that grandpa cared very much about this brother, which was incomparable to any cousin.

"It's meaningless, my elder brother is dead, and he has no feelings for the Feng Family anymore. If he writes him back, he won't be at ease!"

"Leaving without hesitation like that, there is no nostalgia."

"Moreover, even if I learn him back, I can't change the ancestral system of the Feng Family. His wife and children can't be by his side..."

"Now it doesn't matter to his Feng Family, he hasn't been restrained for so many years after his death, so why should I put a chain on him."

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