Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3173: : Similar approach

Jiang Xinrui and Nongnong quickly entered the state, and the two of them had nothing to do with them, and all the problems that had been held in their hearts for many years were explained.

The mentality is naturally different.

Especially now there are more things in my mind.

However, several Shulings saw that they were completely abandoned, and they didn’t want to do anything messy, let alone assist, and began to help earnestly, because they knew that when they didn’t move, it was really useless. Up.

Nong Nong has his own good friends again. If he really never comes here again, who would play with them?

More importantly, where can I find a face that can be as good as Dongrong?

The only thing that can be compared is Jiang Xinrui next to him, but they will not come...

It's not that I can't help them this time!

So what each one should do, this is the time when it is true, it really is clearer than anyone else.

"In fact, we don't have too many clues, I still have an impression of other books!"

"I am a chronicle of all things. I have separate volumes. I remember in one book that there was a divine beast in the mysterious world. He had a great mana in his lifetime. There was also a similar method, that is, the spell used by sister Jiang’s mother. I really don’t remember what the world’s spell is. There are so many things to remember this day..."

"In short, it's similar. The beast who wants to resurrect is a person, pure human, from the human world, but I don't know if he succeeded, because in the end the beast also died. It died strangely, and the mana was drained because of him. The person who wants to be resurrected is already gone, and his ability can't stand the consumption. It is like a bottomless pit. No matter how you consume it, the other party will not be enough. In the end, it will only end in tragedy..."

When Xiao Wan said this, his expression was still a bit sad and indignant, as if he was empathizing, in short, he was completely caught in the plot, unable to extricate himself.

"What then? Nothing?"

Nong Nong raised his eyebrows, and questioned the will of all things floating in the air with a certain tone.

Although Jiang Xinrui didn't ask, her eyes were the same. She looked at Wanwuzhi very seriously, and waited for it to continue. It was just that Xiaowan stayed for too long in the middle of the speech.

Don’t know, think this is sleeping?

"Hmm! Nothing."

"I also know these, and are they not enough? It all ended in tragedy, and naturally they are all dead."

Wan Wuzhi slumped out two small hands and looked at them.

The tone is even more natural.

It is not easy to know that these things were not recorded in his book. Now he still knows these things, okay?

"So what's the point of what you said?"

"Do you think I dare not beat you!"

When Nong Nong began to talk about it, he felt that he might have been brushed up. After all, he had been asking for a long time. If he had known this, where would he wait until now?

After all, the chronicle of everything is the most constrained.

It's just that in the end he still had the mentality to try, but in the end...

Nong Nong felt that he was a little bit prestigious in front of his friends.

"Why do you become irritable when you have new friends? It hurts your image as a beautiful man."

"Why do I say nothing? Have you listened carefully!"

"Similar! Grasping key words, similar methods, what does this mean? Someone has used this kind of method before, so there must be a solution?"

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