Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3174: : Some ways

"I don't know the solution, but at least I can prove that you are not looking for a wrong solution. As long as you continue to search, you will always find a solution. You have to be clear about this. We are still very useful."

"The usual small programs can't be less, such as sneaking out..."

As soon as the Chronicles of Everything was finished, several other Shulings immediately followed.

Even if they don't know a few of them, it doesn't mean that other book spirits don't know. There are a lot of book spirits here.

Besides, they also help them determine the direction, it will not become useless, right?

Can't really ignore old friends like them just because you have new friends.

It's just that a few old book spirits have forgotten. In the dense eyes, even if you count old friends, they are Jiang Xinrui. After all, they can be said to have met Jiang Xinrui when she was young.

"According to you, should I still thank you?"

"Don't be poor, now that you can hold on to the bargaining chip you can still go out and play is to find the book you said. We see what's inside and decide by ourselves."

Nongnong took a pat of Wanwuzhi, picked up the book and threw it out. Xiao Wan hurriedly followed, because that was its main body, and it was photographed by Nongnong.

Immediately, it really stopped making trouble, and quickly looked for its clone.

It can also be said that the second volume does not know where it exists.

After all, this place is too big, and sometimes they all need to meet new friends. Jiang Xinrui wants to finish reading the book here within four years and find out if there is a solution. That is really a joke.

Even with them, it takes time.

There are many book spirits that are automatically sealed and can only be opened by someone who is predestined.

So they don’t even know what is inside.

But the other book spirits are no longer inked, and the most owed all things are gone, and they cannot be left behind.

Then he flew out in all directions and started in full swing.

To find useful information.

As for whether you can find it, you can only say that it depends on Jiang Xinrui's fate.

"Don't be discouraged. In fact, what the Shizhi says is also reasonable. The Three Realms and the Six Paths are very big. Although there are not many records, there are not many things in the Profound Realm. Maybe you can find them."

"The mythical beast said it was unsuccessful, but if he can use this method, he must have his own channel, maybe for us."

Nong Nong knows how anxious Jiang Xinrui is. After all, she is her brother. She still has her own life in the human world, and she cares about her family.

"I know, the more anxious, the easier it is to do badly."

"Although I can't find a way, at least there is other news. I don't know what happened to my mother. I think there will be more news from the underworld. After all, it is the place of life and death."

"By the way, what did you mean by the clue?"

Although Jiang Xinrui was anxious, she knew in her heart that it was useless to be anxious.

I can only relax my mind, and maybe find a way in a casual way.

"My clues, in fact, are similar to those in the chronicle of everything. They are all unsuccessful cases. You know when I found these, I really admired your mother, because many people with very strong cultivation levels failed. , The most important thing is that at that time your mother hadn’t recovered her memory, she was already different."

"The one in the Profound Realm, I also found some clues, but what I found was missing. Some strange talk mentioned that someone had seen the resurrected person..."

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