Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3213: : Before and after adulthood

Bai Ran's expression seemed unintentional, and it also meant something, but it was more of a warning.

Just don't know who is warning, that look is also erratic.

Chi Feng couldn't understand, but he also felt a little strange in his heart, always feeling that something was wrong.

However, Chi Feng just dared to think about some things, and didn't dare to ask questions.

He didn't want to offend Jiang Xinrui again, Chi Feng would never forget what happened just now!

In addition, it's already like this now, found a way, everything is easy to say, he can be considered within his ability, as long as it doesn't hurt his life, let alone disturbing his mother and sister, it would be better to solve it.

Now in Chi Feng's eyes, the most troublesome problem is Qilin Blood!

As far as Chi Feng knows, the degree of difficulty and scarcity of unicorns is no less than that of his own phoenix!

There is no denying that it may be that he is still young and doesn't understand the outside world. After all, he has only been away for a few years in the pastoral barrier set by his father.

To say that Jiang Xinrui had the biggest reaction. When she heard Bai Ran's words, her eyes changed slightly, her head lowered, and her hands tightly held the book, as if to crush the strange story.

But a book is a book, it's all paper things, and it's not known how many years of squeezing, the book spirit has also become powerful, it will protect its own body.

When Jiang Xinrui squeezed it hard, Shu Ling would resist, but it could be said that it changed slightly.

No one will pay attention.

At least no one paid attention on the surface.

Such a small gap is hard to find.

"Okay, just give it to you, you can take as much as you can, don't salute."

"Waiting back to the human world, I didn't learn anything else, only learned this celestial ceremony!"

"It's just a book, and you, Little Phoenix, you are willing to help. That's your business. Don't tell me, you will be an adult right away. What you want to do, you can be responsible for yourself, and you can be worthy of your parents. Up."

"Come back, you guys, I'm probably anxious to go home to convey the news!"

Bairan ate and put down the flat peaches that she thought was very unpalatable, picked up the crystal clear grapes, and swallowed a few beautifully. She couldn't help but sigh that she was still compared with peaches, and she didn't know why there were peach trees everywhere in the Fox family .

In fact, his favorite fruit is grapes.

As for what I said to the two children, that was also true.

He is really a person with a lot of Buddhism, and many things are not that important.

Moreover, in Bai Ran's view, Little Phoenix is ​​about to reach adulthood, not to mention making any decisions to report, and always needs to grow.

Of course, there is the most important point, this is still a few years later, who knows what will happen, and Bairan will not correct it at this time.

Because Bai Ran knows a little bit clearly, the demon in adulthood is completely different from the life before adulthood!

Why call a demon a demon? It's not because of anything else, let alone what kind of discrimination, they are still different.

Before and after adulthood, it can be said that there are completely two different personalities, and maybe even the things you once liked are all thrown away after adulthood. This is the habit of demons.

Including the friends he has made and the things that he cherishes, as an adult, because of a change in temperament, it may not be important, let alone promise...

All can be overthrown.

Of course it may become more important!

Bai Ran didn't say this, because he believed Hua Sheng knew this very well.

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