Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3214: : Hugged thigh

What everyone didn't care about the connection between the two children was actually because of Chi Feng's adult habits.

Of course, I am not afraid that Jiang Xinrui thinks too much. Whether it is Jiang Liu, Hua Sheng, or others as his parents, he can see clearly that Jiang Xinrui is a more rational girl than an adult.

This has also been verified...

Therefore, whether it's Bairan or someone else, I really don't care very much, and even interfere with who the two children meet.

"However, the solution that Rui Rui found is... very scarce, let alone the phoenix that is hard to find, after all, there are only three left now, so the unicorn is also difficult to find."

"As far as I know, the seat of Emperor Fengdu is the jade unicorn. It belongs to the same clan as the unicorn you mentioned, but in the strict sense, it is not a real unicorn."

"Except for the jade unicorn, if you want to find a true unicorn beast, it's unique."

Bai Ran recalled what Xia Jiang Xinrui said, and then thought of the second solution, Qilin Blood, which was a bit difficult to handle.

After all, it is difficult to find a real unicorn now.

Except for Yuqilin, it is really gone.

"Whether it works or not, I can only give it a try."

"There is no other way."

After Jiang Xinrui finished speaking, she placed the strange story that Bairan had been allowed to take away in her arms, almost at the position of her heart.

Saying goodbye to Bai Ran, then nodded with Chi Feng, got up and left. After all, he had found a way and it was time to go home.

Mother is still looking for it, she has been delayed for a long time.

It's just that when Jiang Xinrui turned around and turned her back to Bai Ran and the others, she subconsciously reached out and touched the position of her heart, and there was a strange story there at the moment.

Chi Feng saw this, and just about to get up and go over, he saw two dwarfs, one after another surrounding Jiang Xinrui, then Chi Feng's eyes looked a little helplessly at Bai Ran who was sitting on the bench.

The two dwarfs who made Chi Feng's eyes helpless were not others, but the twins of the Bairan family.

Bai Xiaoqing, Bai Xiaocheng.


"There is another beauty here?"

The older brother, Bai Xiaoqing, has a small mouth, obsidian eyes, and a gleaming little head. He hugged Jiang Xinrui's thigh. He was small and only reached Jiang Xinrui's thigh.

But this does not prevent him from seeing beauties!

And those eyes were not sleepy at all, they were very energetic.

"Where are you from the beauty sister, how do I feel familiar with you?"

"No, it should be said that this fairy sister, but the one who just entered my dream! Now it is reality? Is this my dream come true?"

Bai Xiaocheng is more like his mother, and Feng Qingcheng has more. Unlike her brother, Bai Xiaoqing has a cunning look in his eyes. He has a soft look, but his shape is somewhat like phoenix eyes.

No matter who these two children are, they are definitely ecstatic when they grow up.

Even if the mouth is a little unfocused, but there is no way, they are all beautiful things, whether it is people or objects...

Since I was young, I have been in contact with parents with superb looks, and my younger brother is as beautiful as Chifeng. The two brothers have always had a deep understanding of the term beauty!

Can't accept the ugly, or the appearance is worse.

But Jiang Xinrui's ability to become a dazzling presence in these prosperous beauty is enough to prove that the longer the girl, the more beautiful!

"You two little skin monkeys, when did you wake up?"

"Stop making trouble, come over quickly, and scare your sister Rui Rui."

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