Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3215: : Fall into beauty

Bairan frowned when she saw the two little monkeys come out, and quickly got up to pull.

As a result, Bai Xiaoqing and Bai Xiaocheng changed his face when he saw his father coming, with a serious expression, holding Jiang Xinrui tightly one after another.

Those who don't know thought it was a family.

Bai Ran has become the villain who broke the family apart?

Besides, you should have been taken apart or your own father?

How much Bai Ran looked forward to having a child with Feng Qingcheng before, now she has many headaches.

It's not how difficult it is to take these two children, I can only say "so easy to take."

As long as the world around is beautiful and the environment they like, it's fine.

Anything that is a little ugly or unsatisfactory will start to make trouble immediately, and will even be stern and unhappy.

Bai Ran didn't expect that, why did her own children become like this?

Feng Qingcheng will answer this very seriously every time, "It must be your crow's mouth. I hoped that my child could be a beautiful evil demon girl, but now it is all right. The country has not been harmed. I want to harm us..."

Because of this, Feng Qingcheng directly handed the two children to Bai Ran, and went busy by himself...

So most of the time, Bairan takes care of the children.

Although he is the emperor of heaven and he is busy with government affairs, it does not affect him to take the children.

It's just that these two children, under the leadership of Bai Ran, can only say that they are getting farther and farther on a straight Kangzhuang road...

The appearance of playing a rogue really looks more and more like Bai Ran, plus the look like Bai Ran, I can only say that it is... more alike.

Jiang Xinrui looked at the two children who suddenly rushed out from under her body. She was really shocked at first. She almost raised her hand, but when she felt the spiritual power of the other party, Jiang Xinrui also reacted. This is the heaven, neither What will hurt.

In addition, looking down at the two children, there is nothing else that I don't understand. As for the words of the brothers, Jiang Xinrui has directly blocked them.

In fact, no one needs to introduce him, Jiang Xinrui already knows who these two children are. After all, his face is very similar to the first sitting Emperor Tian Bairan!

Not to mention that Bai Ran can't sit still anymore, just stand up, and will pull the child...

"Uncle Tiandi, it's okay..."

"You are the little majesty."

"Didn't you just sleep? But was awakened by the sound of our conversation?"

Jiang Xinrui looked at Bai Xiaoqing and Bai Xiaocheng in a low voice. Everyone said that the twins were usually exactly the same, but they were easy to distinguish.

Although I don't know which is the older brother and younger brother for a while, they are not exactly the same in length.

"We didn't wake up, we didn't wake up, it was we who woke up... Father's barrier is still there, and there is no sound coming in!"

Bai Xiaoqing watched Jiang Xinrui talk to herself in a low voice, the voice was sweet, she liked it so much, her eyes narrowed, as if she was enjoying it.

"We came out of the barrier created by ourselves. Every time we wake up, we come out to play. It has nothing to do with the fairy sister. Don't blame yourself!"

"It's really beautiful, and the voice is so nice. It's the person in my dream. My name is Bai Xiaocheng. That's my brother, Bai Xiaoqing. He was born a little bit earlier than me..."

Bai Xiaocheng is even more exaggerated, but his eyebrows are soft, showing that he is gentler, but his small shiny eyes have exposed his nature.

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