Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3216: : Be a locksmith

"Oh, by the way, the fairy sister is called Ruirui? Does it mean Huarui? Beautiful person, beautiful voice, more beautiful name..."

Bai Xiaoqin didn't care when he heard his brother's words, because Bai Xiaocheng was dissatisfied, what's the use?

He is still the elder brother, and that brother has to listen to his brother.

This is a fact, nothing to say, nothing to change!

But fortunately, the aesthetics of the two people is the same, that is, they like all beautiful things...

Hate all complicated, ugly things...

"Also, don't call your Royal Highness, just name it. We have all seen it in our dreams. Don't be so strange to mother."

"Where did Sister Fairy come from? Did my father find her to stay with us? That's great..."

When Bai Xiaoqing's words were over, Bai Xiaocheng hurriedly followed, and would not give other people a chance to speak at all, even the old man could not do it, just stand back.

For the two children who did not follow common sense at all, Jiang Xinrui felt a bit tricky for the first time. She didn't know how to say it.

"You two are almost there, don't go too far."

"This elder sister is not with you. Besides, elder sister is going home. Let go. Now that you have woken up, that's right. The gentleman your mother asked you is ready at any time. The class will start immediately. It should be courtesy, righteousness and shame! Now I'm only five years old, and I've seen Feng Liu for the first time. What seems to have been acquainted, I saw it in a dream, where did you hear about it?"

"You two shameless, you can't walk when you see a beautiful woman. Your father and my old face have defeated you two bastards!"

"Rui Rui, don't mind. These two kids have leather tubes. It's useless to say anything. They just like beautiful women. I'm trying to educate this problem. Don't call your Highness. Just call your name. , Otherwise it’s time to scream again and take the identity, but it will be fake."

Bai Ran was already super helpless. He went up with one hand and looked at Jiang Xinrui apologetically. Unexpectedly, the two children's methods of breaking the barrier were getting more and more powerful.

It seemed that he was definitely pretending to be asleep just now, and when he left, he began to study how to come out.

Bai Ran originally felt that these two boys were making trouble, but didn't think much about it, thinking that he wouldn't be able to come out so quickly, since that's the case, it's fine.

I didn't expect this to come out by myself. If I didn't see Jiang Xinrui, I would definitely have to ask him for credit.

Although these two children are usually a little bit skinny, they are obsessed with "beauty" and cannot extricate themselves from it. Coupled with the little mouth that the "fengliu" can talk about now, most of the Celestial Fairy's faces are happy to smile...

For this reason, Bairan and Feng Qingcheng have no less headaches, but one thing is really speechless, that is their talent, they can work together to unlock the barrier at the age of five, or his barrier, without any help, The two gifts sent by Emperor Fengdu were only shown to them at the full moon, and then they were collected by Feng Qingcheng.

After all, that weapon is too overbearing, and the two children can easily break the barrier now. If this is added with a weapon, wouldn't it be possible to poke a hole in the sky? You know, whether it is Feng Qingcheng or Bairan, you can't do it when you are five years old...

Because of this, Bai Ran has already thought about the future work of his two sons, and can be a locksmith to help people open various barriers!

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