Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3264: : No alcohol

"The third brother, Chi Feng is not an adult yet..."

"How can I drink!"

"And you, Wanfeng, you can't drink if you are a girl..."

Luo Yao looked down at his young son, his eyes looked at Fengying's hip flask, as if he was looking at a virus, and then he reached out to hold his son, and he refused to let the young Chifeng be contaminated with the wine. .

Turning his head to look at his daughter, the voice was even more disapproving. What I didn't know was that the two children were going to get drunk.

That tone is even more disapproving.

After Luo Yao finished speaking, he didn't forget to look to the side of Brahma, who looked like an okay person.

On one side is his younger brother, and on the other is his son. He who is the eldest brother, he should always be in charge when he is a father, right?

As for Brahma, his expression was a bit eager, but looking at his wife's warning and sturdy eyes, he could only pretend to be a sign, almost enough...

"Hey, my sister-in-law is wrong. What's wrong with being a child? Compared with the children in the human world, he is almost at an advanced age, in his nineties, and has been drinking."

"Besides, you are all going to pack Chi Feng and send it to Shili Chunfeng to be your son-in-law, not children anymore."

"Man, how can I not even drink wine? Besides, you still look at my elder brother? I think I tasted this wine for the first time back then, or my elder brother poured it down..."

"I slept for almost a hundred years before I sober up! Then he didn't care about me..."

Fengying looked at Luo Yao's maintenance look, her eyes were rather helpless, and she couldn't help but tell her past deeds.

Although it's shameful in front of the juniors, Fengying thinks it's not bad to take it out as an example at this time. He has been used to being chic these years.

When Luo Yao heard Fengying's words, his eyes widened. How could a person like Brahma, a thoughtful person of Buddhism, still pour his brother wine?

When she didn't know, would she teach the children to drink?

As soon as Luoyao's eyes came over, Brahma frowned immediately, and secretly said that it was not good. This kid, Fengying, is just a pig teammate. He hasn't grown much in recent years!

It’s fine to drink in private...

"Let me interrupt for a moment. Let me tell you one thing. When you drank for the first time in the past, I did not drink you. It was me and your second brother drinking together. You ran by yourself, and then you picked it up. I drank a whole big pot. It was the wine that my second brother and I started drinking from three cups. It was brewed from a thousand-year-old drunk fruit. I think you are unconscious, so I poured you a pot of sober soup! "

"You can't remember clearly. You can't wrong me. I didn't care about you. It was your second brother. He said that if you drink this wine, you can't die. I don't worry. I still take care of you. How can I remember... …"

Brahma’s tone was a bit wronged, he was really wronged. At that time, Zhanyue thought to control the shadow of the beacon, the whole person was completely trapped in the tomb of love, unable to extricate himself...

He has always been a big brother!


He really didn't remember, but he still remembered one thing. Zhanyue said that he couldn't die. Don't worry about it. What Brahma said was whether he would use the wine to attack the wine and sober...

In the end, it was the guardian beside Zhanyue who made the sober soup for him. His elder brother choked his neck and poured it in, so that Fengying thought for many years that he was poisoned and almost died. A few hundred meters did not dare to touch the wine... …

It's simply a waste of so many years, not tasting all kinds of wine!

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