Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3265: : Have a drink together

Now that the two children in the eldest brother's house, the girl he does not reluctantly, but the boy has to drink.

Besides, this is how he came over these years. Which man doesn't drink any alcohol?

Especially at this time, I need to drink more.

Drink to relieve worries!

Besides, it was really difficult to think of him as he grew up all these years. Now Chi Feng is like this, it's nothing.

It can be said that something happened accidentally.

If you think about it in another way, you don't feel any worries.

Fengying is really an easily satisfied and optimistic person.

Feng Ying was shocked when she first learned about Chi Feng's physical problems, and she was also worried for a long time.

But soon Fengying sorted out herself, and figured out how to manage this little Phoenix, how can she not let little Phoenix, have not experienced anything, it is over.

"In front of the children, can you tell the truth, but you really saw my second brother is gone now! What do you say?"

"I'm too lazy to tell you that I can grow up today, it's really fateful, my life is good!"

"Sweet, thick, and like me the most since I was a kid, it must be a good fate too, it's okay, both siblings will be very happy."

"Such a fate is not something everyone can ask for."

Fengying looked at Chifeng, and Wanfeng said, she glanced at her elder brother, every time he thinks about what happened back then, he is very speechless. If it weren’t for his elder brother at that time to figure it out, he wouldn’t be what happened later. I have misunderstood the drink for many years, thinking that it is still a poison.

Of course, the most important thing is to hope that Chi Feng will not always fall into self-blame and guilt and be unable to cheer up.

That Fengying is really big head.

At the end of Fengying's words, looking at the hip flask in his hand, he knew that Luo Yao was not allowed to drink from the children, so he had to take it back, but before the flask was lifted, he saw two plain white hands of varying degrees. Hold one.

Fengying held the hip flask without lifting it, her eyes lit up instantly.

Seeing Chifeng, Wanfeng stretched out a hand and held Fengying's hip flask together. The two siblings looked up at each other and then smiled knowingly.

Are you planning to come a little bit?

Luo Yao's whole body is not well, her son drinks, she resists, let alone her daughter.

This daughter has always been a female man, and now she wants to drink underage?

It is absolutely undesirable.

It's just that Luo Yao really blocked this meeting.

Because she looked at Chi Feng's mouth with a new smile, and Wan Feng's shiny eyes, she couldn't say anything if she refused.

He immediately chose to shut up, but his eyes were always looking at the two children. It was absolutely impossible for the two children to drink too much.

In fact, Luo Yao also wanted to understand, drink it under her nose, or, after all, this way, at least she can see how much the two children drank.

There is still a certain number, otherwise if it is drunk like Fengying back then, it will last a hundred years after sleeping...

Wouldn't it be foolish to wake up?

Luo Yao has always felt that the status of Fengying in the past few years is not very smart. Now it is definitely that the two older brothers did not look like elder brothers back then, and the younger brother was stupid...

Luo Yao is still sober.

"The third uncle is right. No matter what, the life will go on. If I don't get well and waste my time, I'm really sorry for you."

Chi Feng held Fengying's hip flask, really wanting to drink a little, so as to relieve his worry.

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