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Chapter 1759 Inheritance of the Heavenly Fire Dragon King!

Babu's data in all aspects far exceeds that of the Extreme Night Dragon King.

Under the blessing of Linger's god-level talent, Babu's actual combat power is already equivalent to a sixth-order dragon king!

So in the face of the fifth-order extreme night dragon king Bai Bing, Babu directly turned on the hanging mode!

The Extreme Night Dragon King, who was stepped on by Babu, had no resistance in the face of the suppression of power.

Under the continuous burning of the high-temperature dragon flame, the blood strips on the top of the head flew away!

At the same time, not far away, the snow-white Dragon King Tianji saw this scene, and the whole dragon was stunned.

I thought to myself: This is not my son? When did he become so great?

An enemy that even my mother couldn't beat was beaten to the ground by her son!

Is this really his little son!

After a brief shock, the Snow White Dragon King Tian Ji also joined the battle.

While Babu used the dragon flame to continuously suppress Bai Bing, the Dragon King of the Extreme Night, Tian Ji, the Dragon King of the Snow White, stood up, incited his huge wings, and continuously volatilized the ice and snow, merging with Babu's flame, causing the Dragon King of the Extreme Night to have two layers of ice and fire. Double erosion!

Mother and son are connected.

In the end, the Dragon King of Extreme Night was invincible with both fists and four hands, and was defeated by the attacks of Babu and Tianji!

With Babu using the dragon flame to kill the Dragon King of the Extreme Night.

Babu flew to sit in front of Tian Ji, looking at his mother who he hadn't seen for a long time, he couldn't help but put his head on Tian Ji, rubbed gently, and let out a low growl.

Tian Ji also covered Babu with her own wings and embraced her son in a way unique to their dragon clan.

Meanwhile, on the other side.

Under the heavy blows of the three dragon knights, the dragon blood knight, the undead crossbowman, and the soul reaper, under Zhang Yi's seat, the ghost king Alpha gradually retreated.

Realizing that he is not the enemy's opponent, Elfa cast a spell to open a barrier in front of him, trying to escape through the barrier.

At this moment, a dragon flame of "Boom" descended from the sky, directly destroying the barrier that Alpha had just opened.

Immediately afterwards, Babu, the fifth-order fire-bathing dragon king, and Tianji, the fifth-order white snow dragon king, sat in front of Alpha at the same time!

And behind Alpha, there are three little ones.

It has been surrounded by the five-headed dragon king!

The most important thing is: Zhang Yi, the biggest boss, hasn't even started.

He was eating melon seeds with Linger.

At this time, the ghost king Alpha suddenly turned to Zhang Yi.

Zhang Yi also happened to glance at Alpha, and the two looked at each other.

Zhang Yi said coldly: "What do I do? Let's add vegetables!"

next moment.

Boom boom boom boom!

Five dragon flames spewed out from the mouth of the five-headed dragon king at the same time, instantly engulfing the ghost king Alpha.

Under the erosion of a huge amount of damage at the trillion level, the little blood bar left on the top of the ghost king Alpha's head was emptied in a short while!

"Boom" fell to the ground.

It was not until the battle was over that Zhang Yi got up and walked over.

He came to the corpse of the ghost king Alpha, and while picking up the spoils, he muttered: "No, you, you died without me doing anything."

"With the combat power of 258, you dare to touch my minibus?"

Just picking up the Alpha Explosion, a system prompt came down beside Zhang Yi's ear.

"Ding~ You have found the Snow White Dragon King: Tian Ji, please help Babu complete the challenge of the royal bloodline according to Tian Ji's guidance!"

Hearing the system prompt, Zhang Yi came to the White Snow Dragon King Tianji.

At this time, Tian Ji, the Dragon King of the Bright Dragon Clan, saw Zhang Yi, who was a member of the Bright Dragon Clan, and immediately showed a gesture of surrender to Zhang Yi respectfully.

"Don't be so polite." Zhang Yi said calmly, without any air, "You are the mother of the minibus. Without you, I would not have such an excellent minibus."

And Tian Ji seemed to understand the purpose of Zhang Yi and Babu coming to the Snow Palace this time.

At this moment, Tian Ji leaped into the air and breathed dragon flames towards a magic circle behind.

The next moment, the magic circle emitting bursts of shimmering light!

And above the magic circle, a scroll appeared!

Tian Ji sat in front of Zhang Yi and showed a gesture of surrender again.

She seemed to be signaling Zhang Yi to get that scroll!

So, Zhang Yi came to the magic circle and took out the scroll inside.

Open the scroll, only to see a map recorded on it!

The final location shown on the map is a place called Tianhuo Island.

Zhang Yi opened the map, searched Tianhuo Island, and found that the map was located in Hell City!

In this way, the key to making Babu evolve from the fifth-order dragon king to the sixth-order dragon king is on the island of fire!

Zhang Yi was about to leave the Snow Palace, but found that Babu and Tian Ji were inseparable.

It was really sad to see mother and son.

Zhang Yi let their mother and son stay warm for a while.

In the end, the minibus returned to Zhang Yi independently.

Zhang Yi touched the minibus and said, "It's okay, if the minibus gets homesick in the future, I'll bring you back here at any time."

Hearing this, the minibus nodded, and then gently rubbed his head on Zhang Yi to express his gratitude.

Then, Zhang Yi said goodbye to the Snow White Dragon King Tian Ji, rode a minibus, and left the Snow King Palace under the watchful eye of Tian Ji.

back to earth

Inside the prison city.

On the way to Tianhuo Island, Zhang Yi learned about this place through the map.

According to the description on the map, Zhang Yi learned that:

lv255 Tianhuo Island, originally the sixth-order Tianhuo Dragon King of the Bright Dragon Clan: Patton's habitat.

According to legend: Barton, the Dragon King of Tianhuo, died in battle a hundred years ago, and before his death, he had accompanied him to fight the battlefield for many years. Island, find Tianhuo: Judgment, get the noble inheritance of the Dragon King family!

Seeing the map description, Zhang Yi can also understand.

It seems that this day, the Fire Dragon King: Patton, is the father of Babu!

It's just, unfortunately: his father has already died in battle!

A sixth-order dragon king! Pity

Following the map guide, Zhang Yi soon arrived at his destination.

After flying over a sea area, Zhang Yi sat down on a huge island in the middle of the sea.

This is the lv255 Heavenly Fire Island!

Just sitting on the island, I really felt a dry heat, as if there was a fire burning the island under the island!

"It's called Tianhuo Island!" Zhang Yi couldn't help but sigh.

Even Babu felt hot on the island and fled to his exclusive dragon domain.

At this time, Zhang Yi looked around.

Suddenly, the system prompt fell from the sky.

"Ding~ Please find Dragon Armor Tianhuo: Judgment in Tianhuo Island, and you can complete this mission!"

"Ding ~ congratulations for triggering the A-level bright dragon camp quest Inheritance of the Heavenly Fire Dragon King, have you received it?"

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