Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 1760 G Dragon on the Island

good guy!

Another faction mission was triggered!

Good luck! Although the faction mission this time is only A-level, which is lower than the two faction missions that Zhang Yi has completed before, the value of the A-level mission is not cheap.

Moreover, one of the conditions for Zhang Yi's Dragon King Order to upgrade from the first rank to the second rank is to complete a rank A or higher faction quest!

So Zhang Yi opened the task list and checked the details of the tasks.

Inheritance of the Heavenly Fire Dragon King (Bright Dragons faction quest).

Difficulty level: A level.

Description: The sixth-order Tianhuo Dragon King of the Guangming Dragon Clan: Patton once relied on a suit of Tianhuo: Judgment Dragon Armor, killing countless enemies and establishing countless great achievements for the Guangming Dragon Clan. Later, Barton unfortunately died in the battlefield. Before his death, he took off the dragon armor Tianhuo: Judgment and stored it on the island of Tianhuo, hoping that one day his descendants can find this dragon armor and inherit it. Those of the bright dragon camp, please assist the son of the Heavenly Fire Dragon King Barton: Babu, the Fire-bathing Dragon King, to find the Heavenly Fire: Judgment.

Mission time: 4 o'clock.

Mission reward: experience value x5000000000000, gold coins x38000000, level 240 dragon semi-artifact equipment x3 (random parts), bright crystal x200, dragon reputation x18000.

Failure penalty: Level -1, Dragon Prestige -5000, all attributes of all dragons will be reduced by 10% for three days.

It is conceivable that the key to triggering the mission of this faction is the minibus.

Unexpectedly, in the process of helping the minibus to carry out the promotion mission, he can also trigger a faction mission incidentally!

The most important thing is: the purpose of the promotion mission is the same as that of this faction mission: to find the Dragon Armor and Heavenly Fire: Judgment, so it is really equivalent to giving Zhang Yi an A-level camp mission reward for free!

After all, without this faction quest, Zhang Yi also has to find this dragon armor!

And it seems that this Skyfire: Judgment should be a fashion that can strengthen the minibus.

This time, the harvest is not small!

So, after determining the target, Zhang Yi then began to search for dragon armor on Tianhuo Island.

From the point of view of the faction quest, the task of advancing the minibus from Tier 5 to Tier 6 does not seem to be very difficult.

After all, this faction mission is only A-level, and Zhang Yi has even completed the SS-level faction mission!

I just don't know what level of enemies will be faced on the island of fire this day.

There is no detailed location hint about the dragon armor in the mission, so Zhang Yi can only explore by himself.

Just traveled on the island not long ago.


Accompanied by a loud dragon roar.

In front of the island, a giant dragon took off from the ground and flew towards Zhang Yi!

After a while, the giant dragon sat not far in front of Zhang Yi.

Zhang Yi glanced at it and found that it was a level 255 Bright Dragon!

Zhang Yi also thought that the other party recognized his identity as a member of the Bright Dragon Clan and came to submit to him.

When I was going to see if I could ask about Skyfire: Judgment on this giant dragon.

Boom boom boom!

The ground suddenly trembled violently.

With a burst of earth shaking.

The next moment, the giant dragon in front of Zhang Yi's body suddenly burst into flames of ice-blue fire!

At the same time, its eyes also emit the ice blue cold light unique to the ghost clan!

Seeing this scene, Zhang Yi was surprised: "It's the ghost clan again!"

But why did this giant dragon not appear as a ghost as soon as it came out, but became a ghost dragon after experiencing the "earthquake" just now?

Something strange!

Just when Zhang Yi was thinking so.

The giant dragon that turned into a ghost dragon opened its bloody mouth and spit out a cloud of ice-blue ghost fire at Zhang Yi!

At this time, Babu descended from the sky and protected Zhang Yi with his body, blocking the dragon flame attack of the ghost dragon.

Immediately after.


Babu directly covered the voice of the ghost dragon with a more violent roar, and at the same time spit out a hot dragon flame from his mouth, crushed the ghost fire, and devoured the ghost dragon in an instant!

One after another up to 3 trillion damage kept appearing on the top of the ghost dragon.

Even if it is a 255-level monster at the ordinary monster ceiling level in the Apocalypse World, this ghost dragon only has a total blood volume of 10 trillion.

It wasn't even enough for the minibus to stick between its teeth, and it was scorched by the minibus in a few moments.

At this time, Zhang Yi came to the corpse of the ghost dragon, and while groping for the spoils, he wondered why there were ghost dragons on the Tianhuo Island.

According to the records on the map.

Tianhuo Island, as the residence of Tianhuo Dragon King Barton, has always been the domain of the Bright Clan.

And the ghost dragon just now was once the most loyal subordinate under the Heavenly Fire Dragon Throne: Fire Fighting Dragon!

There is no record on the map that Tianhuo Island was invaded by ghosts, and the giant dragons on the island were transformed into ghost dragons!

Just when Zhang Yi had doubts.

In the loot dropped by the ghost dragon, Zhang Yi gained something!

I saw Zhang Yi groping and found a scroll among the spoils!

When I opened the scroll, I found that it was a piece of white paper, but on the white paper, there was another place where a little frame was drawn!

I don't know why, Zhang Yi suddenly had a kind of "this

The scroll is a map scrap" feeling!

There should be many scrolls like this, and each scroll should have a part of the map recorded on it, and all the scraps should be fused together to get a complete map!

So, with this idea in mind, Zhang Yi put the scroll into his backpack and continued to go deep into Tianhuo Island.

After a while, two more fiery fighting dragons flew over after hearing the sound.

Like the previous one, they kept their normal posture at first, until the ground shook and they turned into ghost dragons!

Intuition told Zhang Yi: There must be some mystery buried under Tianhuo Island, and it was this mystery that turned the raging fire dragon into a ghost dragon!

Let's settle the current battle first.


Under Zhang Yi's order, Babu flew towards the two ghost dragons.

As a 239-level fifth-order dragon king, Babu killed the two ghost dragons effortlessly!

But this time, neither of the two ghost dragons exploded the previous map scroll.

"It should be that the explosion rate of the scroll is not 100%, let's kill a few and see."

With this idea in mind, Zhang Yi hunted down several ghost dragons one after another.

Sure enough, after almost eight or nine ghost dragons were dealt with in a row, another scroll was finally dropped!

Zhang Yi took out the scroll he had obtained earlier, and then overlapped the two scrolls.

In the next second, the two scrolls merged into one!

Moreover, on the two scrolls, the original patterns of their respective logos were integrated together.

It seems that Zhang Yi's guess is correct!

There should be a complete map, which was split into many fragments and sealed on different fiery dragons.

As long as these scraps are collected, a complete map can be synthesized.

If nothing else, the complete map should have recorded the exact location of Tianhuo: Judgment!

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