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Chapter 1761 The ultimate island boss!

Not sure why this is the layout though.

But it turns out: it's really just as Zhang Yi imagined!

Later, Zhang Yi killed some ghost dragons and collected several scrolls.

Then merge these scrolls, they are really slowly synthesizing a complete map!

According to the parts that have been synthesized so far, it can be inferred that this map is indeed a detailed map of Tianhuo Island!

And Zhang Yi found that the position that has been spliced ​​out on the map is exactly where he is now!

In this way, it should be a map where the location is marked, and killing the ghost dragon in the corresponding area can explode.

Figured this out.

Next, it's time to kill!

Zhang Yi took out the Dragon King Token, activated the authority of the bright dragon faction, and summoned the dragon group.


A huge enchantment was transformed from the sky above the Skyfire Island, and then, countless 239-level bright dragons leaped out of the enchantment.

Under Zhang Yi's order, they scattered around the Tianhuo Island.

The appearance of the large-scale dragon group directly caused a stir among the fiery dragons on the entire island.

They all turned into ghost dragons and fought fiercely with Zhang Yi's giant dragon!

The giant dragons manipulated by Zhang Yi did not fight for a long time with those ghost dragons. Their purpose was to attract the hatred of those ghost dragons.

These giant dragons remain at level 239 with Zhang Yi, and even with Linger's talent bonus, their attributes are almost as good as the level 255 ghost dragons.

Dragons and ghost dragons can reach the level of fifty-five.

However, in this battle, Zhang Yi still intends to do it himself.

After a while, the giant dragons summoned by Zhang Yi flew towards Zhang Yi from all around the island!

Behind every giant dragon, several ghost dragons follow!

Above Zhang Yi's head, the barrier was still open.

The dragon flew directly into the barrier.

And what Zhang Yi is facing is the countless ghost dragons flying over from all directions!

In the air, the ghost dragon pressed a large area of ​​black, as if it could cover the sky!

Zhang Yi is waiting for this moment!

Facing the countless ghost dragons approaching, Zhang Yi brought up the trial by fire.

Boom boom boom!

Casting spells summons a barrier in the shape of a dragon shadow in the air, and blasts out countless fire dragons within the barrier, instantly engulfing those approaching ghost dragons!

Under the huge damage of about 6 trillion, all the ghost dragons failed to withstand the two attacks and died one after another!

roar roar

In a burst of mourning one after another.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the hundreds of ghost dragons that approached from all around were all killed and fell on the golden dragon seal on the ground!

Killing hundreds of full-level dragons at once, Zhang Yi's experience bar soared by 5%!

All around, next to the ghost dragon corpses piled up in mountains, there are countless golden spoils scattered.

In the case of Zhang Yi's personal shot, the three little ones could only be a foil, helping to pick up things.

God-level Warcraft help take care of the battlefield and pick up garbage.

Except for Zhang Yi, I am afraid that there will be no second beast master who is willing to do this in this world!

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Yi followed suit.

Launch the dragon group again and let them attract the hatred of the ghost dragon.

Attract a large number of nearby ghost dragons, let them gather together, and then Zhang Yi launches a group attack to kill them.

How strong is the game experience of the dragon campers, ordinary people will never understand it unless they try it out in person.

that's it.

With wave after wave of ghost dragons were killed.

In a blink of an eye, the ghost dragon corpses around Zhang Yi were really piled up like hills!

Countless of how many ghost dragons have been slaughtered, Zhang Yi's level has already reached 92% of level 239!

It's not too long, it's about to go to level 240!

At the same time, the three little ones who were in charge of picking up trash also presented all the spoils in front of Zhang Yi.

Through the 50 scrolls harvested in total, Zhang Yi overlapped them all, and finally, a complete map was finally merged!

And this map is also a detailed map of Tianhuo Island!

After the full map is rendered, a red marker appears above!

This mark should be Tianhuo: the position of judgment!

So, Zhang Yi came to the center of Tianhuo Island according to the mark on the map.

Here, Zhang Yi saw a dry pool.

While approaching the pool, the map in Zhang Yi's hand suddenly turned into stars and floated into the pool!

Until this time, Zhang Yi finally understood:

It turned out that one hundred years ago, Tianhuo Dragon King: Barton sealed it in a fire pool within Tianhuo Island in order to protect the Dragon Armor Tianhuo: Judgment from being captured by the dark forces of the outside world.

In addition, the only key to open the fire pool, Tianhuo Dragon King dismantled it into 50 scrolls, which were sealed in the body of Tianhuo Zhanlong.

Only one day, when his descendants find Tianhuo Island, Tianhuo Battle Dragon will collect the secret key and deliver it to the descendants of the Tianhuo Dragon King, so that they can inherit and get the Dragon Armor Tianhuo: Judgment.

Only later, after the Heavenly Fire Dragon King Barton died in the battle of the ghosts, a large number of ghosts invaded.

Entering the Skyfire Island, they slaughtered the dragons in the Skyfire Island.

Therefore, these fiery dragons that Zhang Yi encountered were transformed into ghost dragons.

And Zhang Yi got the key from them, which is the map.

The map turned into starlight and floated into the fire pool. Suddenly, a raging fire burned in the fire pool!

Fire does not have a burning effect.

Without further ado, Zhang Yi stepped directly into the fire.

The next moment, the line of sight turned and appeared in an empty field!

Looking around, what caught my eye was a very ancient-looking dragon relic.

Just when Zhang Yi was about to start looking for the trace of Dragon Armor.


Accompanied by a deafening loud dragon roar.

Zhang Yi only felt a violent tremor under his feet.

Looking in the direction of the source of the sound, I saw: a huge super fire dragon with purple flames burning all over its body, soaring from the ground and leaping towards this side!

A powerful aura that was different from ordinary people radiated from the purple flame dragon's body.

And on its body, it is wearing a pair of dragon armor that looks very thick!

Against the background of the dragon armor, the Purple Flame Demon Dragon appears to be more advanced, like a valiant general in the dragon family!

If nothing else, the dragon armor should be the Tianhuo Zhang Yi is looking for: Judgment!

In addition, the eyes of the purple flame dragon exudes an ice-blue cold light.

It turns out that it is the ultimate boss of Tianhuo Island!

However, what surprised Zhang Yi was the golden id on top of the purple flame dragon's head——

lv255 Tier 6 Skyfire Dragon King: Barton (Physics/Ghost)!

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