Skyfire Dragon King: Patton!

The giant dragon that appeared in front of him made Zhang Yi stunned for a while.

He also realized that there must be a big boss buried on the island of fire.

Otherwise, you can find Tianhuo: Judgment just by hunting some ordinary ghost dragons, this task seems too simple.

It's just that Zhang Yi didn't expect that the final final boss was actually Barton who was transformed into a ghost dragon!

Just when Patton appeared.

A system prompt fell in Zhang Yi's ear——

"Ding~ Please note: When attacking the dragon armor spar part, when the destruction progress reaches 100%, Skyfire: Judgment will fall off naturally!"

This means that this task does not need to kill the Skyfire Dragon King, but only needs to get the dragon armor on him!

After hearing the system's prompt, Zhang Yi also discovered that a diamond-shaped blue spar is inlaid on the chest of the dragon armor on the Dragon King of Skyfire!

If he directly kills the Heavenly Fire Dragon King, who is a rank 255 and sixth rank, it is not a problem for Zhang Yi's current strength.

But Zhang Yi will really feel a little unbearable, after all, he is the father of the minibus!

Fortunately, you don't need to kill Barton to get the dragon armor!

at the same time.


Beside Zhang Yi, Babu roared involuntarily when he saw his father Patton.

But at this time, Barton has long lost his self-awareness and has become a ghost servant. He no longer knows Babu.

Dressed in dragon armor, the Heavenly Fire Dragon King Barton let out a deafening roar, attacking Zhang Yi and Babu with the momentum of swallowing the sky and destroying the earth.

Before you know it, night falls.

Hell City, West Square, a pvp competition is going on fiercely.

At this moment, the huge square was full of people.

In the center of the square, many players are pking, while outside the square, there are crowds watching the excitement.

And those who are developing pvp are all underworld players!

This is not an infighting, but an election meeting being held by the Dragon God!

There are fifteen teams in the underworld, with a total of four million people.

Such a huge force, close to the Dragon God alone, is difficult to manage.

But if you want to become an official in the underworld, you must have the strength to be able to convince others!

Therefore, the God of Dragons came up with a way to hold an electoral system for the PK contest.

The rule is: whoever can defeat ten opponents 1v1 in a row can be promoted to the official candidate.

At the end, all the advanced players will conduct PK to determine their respective positions, whether they are team captains, vice captains, or team elites.

In this way, it is fair and impartial, and it can also strengthen the interaction between team members.

Originally, this was only an internal activity in the underworld, but it involuntarily attracted many scattered people to watch!

Even in the process, there are still many people who volunteered to participate in PK.

Just taking this opportunity, the God of the Dragon Clan preached a wave, and took advantage of the situation to recruit some members to the underworld

I have to say that the God of the Dragon Clan is indeed a wise man, who can be said to be both civil and military!

At this time, it is not only the West Square.

On the remaining squares of Hell City, the Underworld PK election contest is being held.

The Dragon God stood outside one of the squares, watching the team members duel each other.

Nodding from time to time, showing a look of admiration.

For the leaders of the various teams in the underworld, he seems to have some candidates in mind

Therefore, the Dragon God opened the friend list and prepared to send the list of officials from the underworld divisions that he had drawn up to Zhang Yi, so that the big boss Zhang Yi would review it for the last time.

At this moment, a player from the underworld suddenly ran to the side of the Dragon God in a hurry.

"Captain, I found that group of fish that slipped through the net!"

Hearing this, the Dragon God immediately closed the chat interface and asked the Underworld Assassin player who reported the situation: "Where are they?"

"Outside the city, the city of blood bones!"

Knowing this news, the Dragon God immediately opened the map to determine the location.

Afterwards, he called out the people who had just drawn up to be appointed as the captains of several teams in the underworld, appointed them as team captains on the spot, and told them to continue to supervise the election contest.

And the God of Dragons himself brought an elite group of 100 people from the underworld to the lv234 Blood Bone City located in the north of Hell City!

There are 14 fish that slip through the net in the underworld.

Although they used to be officials of the underworld, all of them were very powerful.

But in front of the Dragon God, it is not worth mentioning.

Therefore, to deal with them, there is no need to recruit a group of people, a group of 100 is enough.

Before leaving for the city of blood bones, the Dragon God sent the official list to Zhang Yi, and added: "Boss, check these people back, I will go to the city of blood bones to clean up the remaining group of fish that slipped through the net in the underworld. !"

Leave Hell City.

The God of Dragons led the Hundred People from the Underworld on their way to the City of Blood Bone.

In the queue, someone worried: "Captain, ghost clans are haunting, right now, it's not peaceful outside the city! Shall we inform the boss of Yinuo Qingcheng?"

"I have informed the boss, he should have a task now, we will solve this small matter by ourselves." The Dragon God said to the accompanying

The hundreds of players in the underworld said: "Everyone is ready to rewind the scroll. Once you encounter ghosts, if you can kill low-level ghost soldiers and ghosts, you will kill them, and if you are strong, withdraw!"

"Yes!" Everyone responded in unison.

Soon, the team arrived at the Bloodbone City.

What caught my eye was a city that was located in the darkness, exuding a strong bloody smell, as if it had been slaughtered.

The Dragon God is very cautious.

Through the map, I learned that there was nothing unusual about this blood bone city, so I led the team to dive in carefully.

On the ground of the city, blood flowed into rivers, and blood and bones could be seen everywhere.

And just when the Dragon God and the others came to the city, they found the fish that slipped through the net in the underworld!

Fourteen fugitives, including the Sacred Shield of the Underworld and the Pharaoh of the Underworld, were all present!

It's just that what makes the Dragon God feel strange is that they don't seem to have been discovered without a doubt, but they seem to be waiting for him here on purpose!

When the Dragon God and his Hundreds appeared in the city.

The dozen or so people in the underworld stood in the corner of the city with the guys in their hands, staring straight at the dragon god who just arrived here!

As if they were not surprised at the appearance of the Dragon God.

Seeing this, the Dragon God also said directly: "Don't blame me for being cruel, if you want to establish a new order in the underworld, you must die!"

Against, the people of the underworld don't talk nonsense.

The leader, the black armored knight underworld holy shield raised a spear in his hand, pointed at the dragon god, and shouted: "Don't talk nonsense, you traitor!"

"Get ready to go to hell!"

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