I also have a sister!

Ruoxi's answer confirmed Zhang Yi's inner guess.

Sure enough, the Ruoxi that Zhang Yi knew in the last life, and the current Ruoxi are sisters?

Otherwise, how could it be so coincidental, even if it looks so similar, even the ID is the same!

Regarding the phenomenon of duplicate names not allowed in the world of Apocalypse, Zhang Yi has already made an inference:

In the last life, Ruoxi should have changed her name later. Before that, the ID of Ruoxi belonged to this girl.

It should be that this Ruoxi changed his name later, and then that Ruoxi changed it.

At this time, Ruoxi said, "I have a twin sister, but she got angry with her father three years ago and left the family."

In the last life, Ruoxi actually never mentioned to Zhang Yi that she had a twin sister!


Ruoxi and Zhang Yi were together for the purpose of taking advantage of Zhang Yi, that's all.

How could she say this to Zhang Yi?

Because in the last life, before he met Ruoxi, Zhang Yi obtained a dragon artifact through a lucky coincidence.

That artifact can be used to locate the location of the Dragon King of the Dragon Clan.

And it has a binding function. When Zhang Yi gets that artifact, he is directly bound to it. It cannot be dropped or traded.

Thinking about it now, Zhang Yi felt that he was so stupid in his last life.

He was so stupid that he was used by Ruoxi and Mu Chen, and he didn't even know it.

They are using this dragon artifact on Zhang Yi's body to help them find the ninth and seventh-order dragon emperors of the dark dragon clan. After finding and killing them, they get the dragon blood scroll fragments and synthesize dragons that can give players dragon blood. Blood Scroll.

That's all.

Thanks to Zhang Yi in the previous life, he always thought that Ruoxi really loved her.

Ruoxi and Ruoxi have known each other for five years and have been together for three years.

Ruoxi never let Zhang Yi do anything too intimate to her.

According to her words: She wants to keep the best for world peace, everyone leaves the world of Apocalypse, returns to the real world, and then gives it to Zhang Yi.

Fortunately, Zhang Yi at that time really listened to Ruoxi.

Really stupid to grandma's house...

The ghost knows what Ruoxi has done with Mu Chen in private, behind Zhang Yi's back.

Thinking about it now, Zhang Yi only feels disgusting.

After going back and forth, Zhang Yi also figured out some things.

It turns out that the current captain of the royal family is a level 105 mage [Ruoxi, her real name is Lin Xi, and her sister is Lin Ruo.

Before the apocalypse.

The Lin family is a super enterprise ranked among the world's top 500 companies, and it competes with the "Lin family" where Lin Qian belongs.

Coincidentally, and I don't know what fate is, everyone Zhang Yi knows is related to the "Lin family".

Of course, Zhang Yi knew that this Lin family was not the Lin family.

Lin Qian and Lin Xi are not the same Lin family.

After all, I just met, and Zhang Yi didn't inquire too much, so as not to make Lin Xi think that he was profitable to her.

In fact, Zhang Yi is indeed profitable for Lin Xi:

Approach Lin Xi, go through Lin Xi, and find Lin Ruo!

Since Lin Ruo was able to change the ID to Lin Xi's current ID later [Ruoxi, it means that according to the historical progress of the previous life, the two sisters will definitely meet again later.

As for why Lin Ruo and his sister Lin Xi were separated from the royal family and left alone, Zhang Yi will not speculate on this for the time being.

He only needs to find Lin Ruo, and then repay it a hundredfold. She colluded with Mu Chen and betrayed Zhang Yi in the last life, which brought pain to Zhang Yi!

Just when Zhang Yi thought about it.

Lin Xi suddenly asked suspiciously, "Your ex-girlfriend, isn't it my sister?"

"My ex-girlfriend is not named Lin." Zhang Yi's answer cut off Lin Xi's thoughts.

Regarding the matter between the last life and Lin Ruo, Zhang Yi naturally would not tell Lin Xi truthfully.

After a short break, the five continued to hunt monsters.

At present, the Monster Islands are only open to the third-level area, and the opening of the second-level area requires the completion of the second stage challenge of Purgatory City [National Energy Storage.

The first stage is to ask 100 players to collect 2000 energy.

In the second stage, 100 players are required to collect 5000 energy.

Zhang Yi has a huge advantage.

That is, before the end of the first stage of the challenge, the more than 8,000 energy he collected, excluding the golden energy hourglass and the bonus bonus of the first stage, there are still more than 3,500 remaining.

When the second phase opened, it was almost halfway up to the target.

The reward for the first place in the second stage has been upgraded to two red skill books, plus 2000 energy points.

As a result, Zhang Yi and the others spent a whole day in the third-level area of ​​Monster Island.

From 8:00 in the morning to 10:00 in the evening, the cleaning continued for up to 12 hours, until the fatigue level was almost full, and a few people were ready to stop work.

The explosion rate of the Monster Manual is 100%.

Zhang Yi's five people, with several times more efficiency than other raiding teams, collected a full 3,000 F-E grade monster illustrations in one day!

Under the 1.6 times experience gain, several people have gained six or seven billion experience points each!

Including Zhang Yi, all five have been upgraded!

After level 100, you can upgrade one level a day.

This is a thrill that countless players other than Zhang Yi can't experience at this stage.

End the fight.

The five people divided the monster illustrations, and each received an average of 600 illustrations.

Then, evacuate Monster Island.

On the beach at the edge of the Monster Island map, find the monster merchants wandering here and submit their tasks.

100 monster illustrations can submit a quest.

Zhang Yi submitted 600 illustrations and accumulated six task rewards, which made Zhang Yi gain a lot:

4 billion experience, nearly 30,000 gold coins, and 15,000 reputation, plus 6 pieces of 110-level 9-star hunter equipment.

Zhang Yi took a look.

Hunter suit series equipment, star rating between 9-13 stars.

9 stars is the lowest grade among them, and the bonus effect of set skills is naturally the smallest:

9-star two-piece suit: Reduce the suppression effect from monsters by 2% (the calculation method is direct subtraction, that is, when you have a two-piece set, the suppression effect of F-rank monsters is reduced from 10% to 8%)

9-star three-piece set: Reduce the suppression effect by 5%.

9-star four-piece set, reducing the suppression effect by 8%.

By analogy, the complete 9-star seven-piece hunter suit can reduce the suppressing effect of the player by 30% from monsters!

With a 10-star hunter set, the suppression effect can be reduced by up to 50%.

11-star 70%, 12-star 100%, against SS-level monsters, it will not be affected by suppression.

13 stars is said to have an anti-suppressing effect on monsters, which is very powerful!

The probability of monsters directly blasting the hunter's equipment is indeed extremely low. Zhang Yi and the others killed 3,000 monsters, and only gained ten pieces from them, with an average of 2 pieces per person.

In addition to the quest rewards, Zhang Yi won 8 pieces of 9-star hunter equipment. In the end, Huang Wuji Ruoxi and the others reconciled them with each other, and exchanged what they couldn't use from others. on the top.

In the end, Zhang Yi got 6 pieces available: 2 pieces for Assassin, 1 piece for Archer, 2 pieces for Knight, and 1 piece for Beastmaster.

Of course, Huang Wuji and the others might actually be collecting hunter suits.

And Zhang Yi, just meant something.

The grade of 9-star equipment is too low, and Zhang Yi does not intend to use it.

In the hot stage of the Monster Island map, the equipment of the hunters must be looted.

Zhang Yi planned to sell these 9-star hunter equipment when he returned to the city.

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