Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 802: God Killing Technique

Zhang Yi's goal was quickly determined.

Other players only need to collect a set of Hunter suits.

And Zhang Yi needs to collect 4 sets!

One set of Dragon Blood Knight, one set of Undead Crossbowman, one set of Soul Reaper, and one set of himself.

And this suit, at least 11 stars, Zhang Yi likes it.

In order to reduce the suppression effect by 30%, give up 11-12 star equipment and wear a 9 star hunter suit.

In the end, Zhang Yi will find that: the 30% suppression effect brought by the hunter suit is not as good as the loss of data after changing the equipment!

As long as the strength is strong enough, it can directly supplement the suppression.

Today is regarded as a small test, the survey map is here.

Zhang Yi's next goal is to collect A-B-level monsters with 11-star hunter suits.

Using data and operations to supplement the 50%-60% suppression effect of AB-level monsters is indeed very difficult.

However, Zhang Yi was sure he could handle it.

In this way, it is the challenge for a returnee who has been reborn from the next eight years!

Otherwise, Zhang Yi would be no different from ordinary players.

Today, the 14-hour battle in the third-level area of ​​Monster Island caused Huang Wuji and the others to consume more than 800 energy points each!

And Zhang Yi, who has a monster invitation letter, has halved the consumption, only consuming more than 400 energy points.

According to this calculation, Zhang Yi's energy of more than 8,000 is enough for half a month.

It doesn't matter if you stop collecting energy and stay on Monster Island all the time.

At ten o'clock in the evening, after returning to the city.

As promised, Zhang Yi invited Ruoxi Huang Wuji and the others to have a meal, just as an apology for misidentifying Ruoxi and hurting them today.


In one day, the level of the demon king of chaos rose from level 104 to 30% to 105% to 70%, and Le's mouth could not be closed:

"As expected of a super treasure map, the income of Monster Island is really high!"

At this time, Huang Wuji looked at Zhang Yi and said, "Let's continue tomorrow? We can try to brush D-level monsters tomorrow."

"I won't go tomorrow, you go." Zhang Yi said.

Hearing the words, Ruoxi raised her eyebrows slightly, with a hint of regret in her expression: "Why didn't you go?"

Zhang Yi is also blunt: "It's a waste of time to brush the third-level area. I plan to wait for the second-level area to open and directly brush the second-level area."

After all, energy is kept, and it will never expire.

"Is this the difference between a master and a mortal?"

Hearing what Zhang Yi said, the royal family and the genius doctor thought to themselves: To say that brushing the third-level area is a waste of time! This is really not an operation that ordinary people can think of...

After dinner, Ruoxi took the initiative to apply and added Zhang Yi as a friend.

Say goodbye to them and leave the restaurant.

Zhang Yi put a few pieces of 9-star hunter equipment on the auction house, set up the auction, and went to bed early.

the next day.

When other players in Purgatory City are still marching into Monster Island in full swing.

In one day, Zhang Yi completed three tasks with a difficulty of 80,000 to 90,000 yuan and collected a lot of energy.

Because energy cannot be obtained in Monster Island, now is the best chance to challenge [the second stage of national energy storage to challenge the first place.

In one day, Zhang Yi collected more than 1,000 points of energy!

In the second stage of the challenge, the energy ranking is calculated based on the 1.5 times the silver hourglass.

Zhang Yi obtained it directly by accumulating 4,200 historical energy, ranking first in the Purgatory City Energy List!

In the evening, Ruoxi sent an invitation: "Want to have dinner together? You invited us last night, and I will invite you tonight!"

Zhang Yi hesitated for a moment, then replied, "Okay."

The next few days were basically the same pattern.

During the day, Zhang Yi does tasks to farm monsters and collect energy in the high-level wild areas outside the city.

In the evening, it was either Ruoxi's treat or Zhang Yi's treat.

Occasionally, Huang Wuji and the Demon King of Chaos will also have a meal. A group of people will have a meal together every night, just like an agreement, to exchange feelings~

Zhang Yi completed the second stage of the National Energy Storage Challenge in just two days, and received two red skill books and a reward of 2000 energy.

The second stage of the challenge was completely over, that is, five days later, when 100 players in the entire Purgatory City had collected 5,000 energy in history.

In the past five days, Zhang Yi did not step into Monster Island.

Keep leveling through quests, use quest rewards, and a lot of experience points gained from slashing monsters to raise the three younger brothers, Soul Reaper, Dragonblood Knight and Undead Crossbowman, to level 108!

You must know that in Purgatory City, which now has 50 million players, the first-line players are only level 107 and 108.

Plus, accumulate total energy to 16,000!

As a result, the first phase of the national energy storage challenge has just begun, and a city-wide announcement has fallen from the sky-

"Ding~ Congratulations to the player [Yinuo Qingcheng completed the [National Energy Storage Phase 1 challenge and won the first prize: Golden Skill Book x1! Energy x3000!"

The system prompt just fell, and the chat area of ​​Purgatory City exploded:

"This... a monster!"

"It's too awesome, how can it end before it starts?"

Ignore the hilarity in the chat area.

On Zhang Yi's side, he directly used the one he just got.

Golden Skill Book Rewards.

According to the setting that the user's available skills must be obtained, a Beastmaster/Mage gain skill is obtained:

[Godslayer (Golden Skill):

Description: Activate the God-killing Artifact, which lasts for 30 seconds, increasing normal attack damage by 50% and skill damage by 30%.

Cooling time: 60 seconds (the CD starts to be calculated after the skill effect ends)

Consumption: 2150

Skill Specialization: Killing (increases damage to monsters by 25%)

good guy!

This golden gain skill is like a divine help for Zhang Yi, who is pursuing explosiveness!

Without further ado, take advantage of the dozens of vacant skill slots and learn skills immediately.

With the end of the second phase of universal energy storage.

The second-level area of ​​Monster Islands has finally opened.

Zhang Yi has also been waiting for this day for a long time.

However, on this big day when the second area of ​​Monster Island is open.

Many players in Purgatory City were forced to withdraw from Monster Island because they consumed too much energy a few days ago, and they were forced to do regular tasks to farm monsters and collect energy.

Through the huge profits reaped on Monster Island before, players are now very motivated to collect energy.

Early this morning.

After completing all aspects of the supply, Zhang Yibing officially began to enter the Monster Islands with an energy of up to 16,000!

I contacted Xiahuang Wuji and the others, and found that even they had withdrawn from Monster Island due to insufficient energy.

It seems that in the second-level area of ​​Monster Island, Zhang Yi can only break through alone.

Or, go see if you can find a few loose people to team up with.

After all, the 1.6 times return for five people is much stronger than the 1.2 times return for a single person.

Eight in the morning.

Zhang Yi rode Babu, who had gradually grown into a second-order dragon emperor, and arrived at the Monster Islands.

Only when Zhang Yi rode a fire dragon and flew over the third-level area of ​​Monster Island.

On the land, countless players who were brushing monsters in the third-level area cast envious glances.

Zhang Yi could also rely on his height advantage to see that there are still countless players in groups of three or five, spawning monsters in the third-level area.

Soon, Zhang Yi arrived at the secondary area.

Look down.

One by one, B-level and A-level monsters with a height of more than ten or twenty meters, and their levels are distributed between 110-120, can be seen everywhere...

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