Global Monopoly of Technology

Eight hundred and fifty-four chapters [obedient, there is meat to eat]

Gao Hua's words entered the ears of the attendees, and all the global vice presidents of the third-party game developers present felt very harsh, causing extreme discomfort and even dissatisfaction.

However, they all dared to be angry and did not dare to speak, and no one in the audience jumped out to refute, even the vice president of Activision Entertainment just now was silent at the moment.

In the eyes of players, Ubisoft, EA, R Star, Capcom, Square, etc., are all the top game companies in the world, not to mention the existence of the game industry, that is also The stirrer.


However, these third-party game developers are brothers in the eyes of the first-party platform providers. Content is king, channels are king, and capital is king.

There is also a big king and a small king between the king and the king. The Cote d'Azur itself does not have too much ploughing in the content sector. It is basically in the hands of third-party game developers, and it is these game companies that develop games.

However, Cote d'Azur firmly controls the channel, and it is almost an absolute monopoly. The channel on the PC side is the steam platform of Valve. More than ten years ago, Luo Sheng personally went to Magnesium to reach a PY deal with G Fat.

Although he promised not to interfere with the operation of V Club and let G Fatty do it himself, but the traffic entrance of the Internet is in the hands of Bluestar Technology, so sometimes Luo Sheng's suggestions and attitudes will not be ignored in G Fatty's heart. .

Another important channel platform is the home game console, that is, the game console. The console will finally realize the new king's ascension and become the world's largest first party.

The weak right of game developers to speak in channels and distribution is obvious. Few game developers have the capital to play well in channel operations. If you want to sell products to more players, you have to look at the platform providers. Dad's face, at least can't be offended.

Now the development cost of a game can easily be hundreds of millions or even hundreds of millions of dollars. I really dare not offend the platform business father. I can’t afford it. If a blockbuster hits the street, it will drag down the entire company and lead to bankruptcy. If you invest a lot of money on it, then your game will not be competitive in the industry.

So the conclusion is obvious, third-party game developers must never offend the first party, and it is still the case in the past. Before, they could not offend the first parties such as Nintendo, Sony, and Microsoft, and now they cannot offend the Cote d'Azur, which already has a global monopoly. Ability first.

Before that, these third-party game developers might be able to talk to Fat G and seek breakthroughs in PC-side channels. If your platform is not enough, there are other platforms.

But in the era of virtual Internet prying open by virtual brain machines, Fat G now has to look at the face of the Cote d'Azur, and his confidence in speaking is definitely not as strong as before. Steam has not yet entered the virtual Internet. A derivative small platform of , the traffic entrance is still pinched, even more serious than the traditional Internet.

In the traditional Internet era, there are other traffic portals anyway, so don't you Bluestar Technology, as well as Google and Microsoft.

And the current virtual Internet, in a sense, is the back garden of the Cote d'Azur holding all the traffic. It is really possible to turn over the cloud and cover the rain. This father really can't afford to offend him.

The third is that capital is king. I am afraid that no one will doubt Luo Sheng's capital strength. This thing is simple and unpretentious, but whoever uses it knows who has used it, and everyone who has used it is good.

"Everyone, if you have any other requests or objections, you can put them up for discussion now." Gao Hua looked around the game developers who attended the meeting. After waiting for a few seconds, everyone had nothing to say. Gao Hua couldn't help showing a touch of satisfaction. smile, and immediately added:

"OK, since everyone doesn't speak, it means that you agree with the solution proposed by Azur. Well, then implement the above plan. Azur will also cooperate with your game announcements, how much traffic or something else is needed. As the forecast comes up, the Cote d'Azur will try to meet your requirements,

The premise is that the requirements of the Côte d'Azur are met first. "

The overtone is that you have to be obedient before you can eat meat.

The meeting was over, and all the negotiators sent by the major developers also left. There was no joy or sadness on their faces. Except for Activision Entertainment, it was really hurt that "Call of Duty" was hidden in the snow.

After this meeting, these foreign third-party developers have understood a truth. The games developed in the future can't really black China. You didn't need to care about it before, but now you can't really do it. If you continue to do this, you will be your own way. Take a narrower rhythm.

Look at Activision Entertainment's "Call of Duty", it's hidden in the snow, it's either going to be rebuilt, or it's not going to be released.

Worse than "Call of Duty" is EA's "Battlefield" series, the era has been sentenced to death, not to mention the virtual Internet era that is about to take off.

Some people make the road narrower and narrower, but in comparison, Blizzard Entertainment has made the road wider and wider. Although peers and businessmen despise Blizzard's "dog licking" behavior, they are secretly envious. .

Since Luo Sheng fished Blizzard Entertainment out of Vivendi's hands through Bluestar Technology, Blizzard has started the "dog licking" mode, and licking now has everything.

From the release of the "Mists of Pandaren" expansion film specially for Warcraft players in China eight years ago, to the world's top e-sports WRPO event created by Bluestar Technology, it's all over.

No, the virtual Internet version of "World of Warcraft" has won the first release of the foreign game release sequence. The road is getting wider and wider. Blizzard's stock price is the most intuitive reaction. The market value has reached 116.8 billion US dollars. A proper brother among the three-party game developers.

Square's current market value is only half of Blizzard's, and EA is only one-third of Blizzard's. As for well-known top game companies such as Ubisoft, Capcom, and Rockstar, the market value fluctuates in the range of tens of billions of dollars, and the gap is obvious.


Two days later, Seattle, North America.

In the conference room of a hotel, the president of EA stood at the window and silently watched the people on the street below. No wonder.

In the conference room, someone was shouting indignantly at this moment, and it was the president of Activision Entertainment.

"Damn, where is this asking us to discuss it? Is this discussing with you? It's clearly an order, and it's blatant!"

At this moment, more than half of the people in this meeting are game development companies that participated in the Cote d'Azur meeting the day before yesterday, and the heads of the major leaders gathered together temporarily to discuss the future of the entire game industry.

The CEO of Ubisoft spread his hands helplessly and said: "There is no way, Microsoft, Sony and even the entire Silicon Valley can't handle the Riviera, you expect us to overthrow the dynasty of the Riviera? A very sad story is that the entire global game The total annual output value of the industry can't compare with the global revenue of the Côte d'Azur in two months... We can't fight, and we have to join in to survive."

After saying that, he laughed and shook his head with a self-deprecating smile. For the people present, this was indeed a very shocking and incredible thing.

Last year, the total annual output value of global games was 161.2 billion US dollars, and the growth rate was quite gratifying.

But the Côte d’Azur during the same period was even more terrifying, with the annual revenue soaring to 1.09 trillion, with an average monthly income of 91 billion US dollars and a two-month income of 182 billion US dollars.

The two-month revenue is more than $20 billion more than the total output value of the entire global game industry.

Thinking of these dazzling data, the bosses of the major game companies present can probably understand why the Cote d'Azur didn't even bother to do superficial work this time. invalid objection.

It's just a matter of ordering game companies to follow the strategic pace of the Côte d'Azur.


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