Global Monopoly of Technology

Chapter 855 [The naughty dog ​​who sells his teammates backhand]

"If our entire industry is united, we can gain greater bargaining power from the Côte d'Azur. It is not good for anyone to have a monopoly on the world. Take a long-term view and don't be too short-sighted." The president of Activision Entertainment was quite excited. said, trying to impress the people present.

But he was wrong, and the head of Capcom sneered on the spot: "What did you do ten years ago? What's the use of talking about it now? It's too late, even your company has 21% of the equity of Bluestar. Luo Sheng has control over what technology holds, not to mention about half of the world's top ten third-party game companies, but he hasn't used it for more than ten years, but that doesn't mean he won't use it."

Today, the major European and American game companies that Luo Sheng has control over are Blizzard Entertainment, Riot Games, 2K and its subsidiary R Star, CDPR Poland Donkey, and "Minecraft" developer Mojang. Ubisoft, Activision Entertainment, EA, Valve, etc., and cooperative game companies include Square, Capcom, etc.

After more than ten years, Luo Sheng has penetrated into the major core lifelines of the global game industry through capital. The weakest link in the layout is the mobile game sector, such as "Honor of Kings", "Clash of Clans", and "Royal War". Mobile games are not caught.

There is not much layout in mobile games because Luo Sheng has not paid much attention to the game industry in recent years, and his business is getting bigger and bigger. Now, these are the people below the company making strategic investments.

Another reason is that the hardware involved in the content section of mobile games is smartphones, and the AOS ecosystem is already perfect. The AOS versions of these mobile games basically have to offer 30% of the water. Instead it's a good thing.

The key lies in the hardware of the host, and naturally, it is more focused on the content layout of AAA game masterpieces.

Activision Entertainment's president, Kotick, was choked by the other party and didn't know what to say, but he still didn't give up: "Do the entire game industry practitioners have to do nothing?"

The head of Capcom spread his hands and said: "Otherwise? Then please tell us how to overthrow Luo Sheng's domination in the game industry. Do you have a feasible plan?"

Faced with this soul-like torture, the head of Activision Entertainment once again closed in on himself.

Ivan Wells, the president of Naughty Dog, looked at the head of Activision and said: "Kortic, no one wants a first party at the global monopoly level, but... even if we all unite, we will exchange for one. The game is doomed, instead of calculating an invincible opponent here, it is better to serve the platform business father. At least Luo Sheng has not let his partners suffer for more than ten years, and the people who follow him are getting better day by day. comfortable."

Kotick looked at the head of Naughty Dog with a dog-licking look, and said, "Wells, you seem to have forgotten that your parent company, Sony, was calculated by the Cote d'Azur, and it is the first-party nemesis."

Wells spread his hands and didn't answer.

When Kotick looked at the heads of several other game companies, he didn't turn his head to look like I didn't want to play with you. This attitude made Kotick look like a deflated ball.

Fighting against Luo Sheng in the middle, facing the line?

Everyone is human, and their IQ is online even if their brains are not paralyzed. Not to mention the presence of the game company R Star and 2K, it is absolutely impossible to rebel against Luo Sheng. Even if they have the heart to rebel, they have no ability to rebel. Playing with fire, if you do, Bluestar Technology will immediately request to hold an extraordinary general meeting to resign their CEO position, and then complete the management reorganization.

Although Luo Sheng does not have the ability to achieve absolute control, but with his current reputation and influence in the global capital circle, other capital shareholders will definitely follow Luo Sheng, and the current capital should not be too superstitious about the "Luo Sheng effect". No matter what your industry is, capital only cares about the growth of profits.

Stepping back 10,000 steps, when Luo Sheng had a bad relationship with the North American authorities, he was determined to sink the data center into the Pacific Ocean.

The heads of several major game companies present did not doubt that he has the courage to overturn the entire game industry.

The annual output value of the entire industry is less than the two-month revenue of Côte d’Azur. Even if the game industry is tossed and broken, Côte d’Azur and Bluestar Technology Group, which have diversified businesses, will continue to develop, at most only partial games. The business has been affected, but it will not affect the overall development of the company.

But the game industry can never stand such a toss, and in the end it must be a piece of chicken feathers.

They all have to eat, and the struggle is to eat better, not to ruin their jobs.

What's more, everyone can clearly see that Cote d'Azur is currently focusing on cultivating the Greater China market. Luo Sheng is vigorously supporting the Huaguo game company headed by "Tianji Digital", and has dug a large number of top talents in the industry. This piece is not without action.

It is difficult for virtual brain machines to be distributed globally in a short period of time, but the entire Asia-Pacific market is already huge enough, even if it is the Greater China market, careful management can form a hematopoietic cycle.

In the face of such an opponent, can a group win? What an international joke?

All of this shows that the Cote d'Azur has long been rushing to the worst of the international market.

At the end of the meeting, the discussion was over. Activision Entertainment wanted to do something, but no one followed. They were scared to death and licked to death, and there was no way to form a joint force.


The next day, the Science and Technology Complex Building.

"Master, you received an email from Iwan Wells, CEO of Naughty Dog, do you want to open it to read?" Xiaona's voice resounded in the large living room.

"Naughty Dog? Isn't this a wholly-owned subsidiary of Sony? Is it in the name of Sony or himself?" Luo Sheng came to sit down on the sofa, and was a little curious when he suddenly received such a private email.

Cortana responded: "Ivan Wells represents only his personal personal emails."

Luo Sheng picked up the tablet next to him to read the email, and opened it just in time to have a look.

In fact, Luo Sheng doesn't like this company very much. Naughty Dog's "Doomsday 2" game, which was just released this year, openly discriminated against Asians, and also played a big role in Zhengzhi, correct and disgusting players, and the plot was evaluated as a lump by players soar.

"Hahaha~~, it's kind of interesting!"

Luo Sheng was overjoyed when he read the content of the email that Wells sent privately.

It turned out that a group of top third parties in the game industry "conspired to rebel" happened in Seattle yesterday, and Luo Sheng really didn't know about it.

But Ivan Wells made a small report to Luo Sheng about the "conspiracy to rebel" with the industry leaders yesterday. Activision CEO Kotick never expected to be sold so thoroughly. If he knew Knowing the truth, it will gradually kill Wells.

"I didn't expect to be able to lick it for the sake of it... A dog with a name is different from others." Luo Sheng looked at the email message on the panel, couldn't help laughing and fell into thinking.

I suddenly realized that this is a good strategy and can be counted. The current review of Naughty Dog has gained a series of negative effects due to the "Doomsday of Magnesium 2". Correctly correct and discriminate against Asians, and correct it in the game plot...

This is a good example, sending a clear signal to other third parties who want to "rebel". As long as they are honest and obedient, I will still hold up such stinky fish and rotten shrimps as Naughty Dog regardless of the past.

Luo Sheng couldn't help but nodded secretly: "If you hold a batch, you should also beat a batch accordingly. Others will be honest..."

After thinking about it for a while, Luo Sheng immediately made a decision when he saw Activision Entertainment mentioned in Wells' email. This kind of bird.

"The carrot is given to Naughty Dog, and the stick is given to Activision Entertainment, that's it." Luo Sheng immediately asked Xiaona to send an internal email to Yao Jianhong in his name.

Wells stated in this letter that Naughty Dog Studios wanted to be independent from Sony's control, and firmly believed that following Sony would only be buried with Sony in the future.

So I decided to lick the Riviera, and in the private message, it was stated that Naughty Dog Studio wanted to "redeem" from Sony, but the money was not enough, and I hoped that Riviera would come forward to fish the company out of Sony.

Luo Sheng has done this kind of thing a few times before. He fished out Blizzard and raised Ubisoft. In the past ten years, his reputation in the game industry has been quite good, and he is a serious angel for many game industry practitioners. investor.

It's just that the showdown at the meeting a few days ago, and the expressions were too lazy to do it, everyone realized that Luo Sheng had "changed his mind" and was no longer that angel investor.

Obviously, Luo Sheng chose to agree to Wells' deal, and decided to let Cote d'Azur come forward to lend money to Naughty Dog Studio, and let him go to Sony to "redeem" himself.

Naughty Dog happens to be an excellent example. Blizzard is not obvious enough, and the licking force is not strong enough. Luo Sheng is going to tell the practitioners in the game industry through Naughty Dog.

Licking the dog to the end is definitely not nothing, but everything; on the contrary, "rebels" like Activision Entertainment are really nothing.

Luo Sheng doesn't care about the twenty percent stake in Activision Entertainment, let alone a game like "Call of Duty", no matter how well-known a big IP is, it's just an IP, it's all sacrificial , and is trivial.

The absence of Activision Entertainment and the absence of "Call of Duty" will not impact the layout of the Cote d'Azur in the entire game content sector, nor will it affect the overall strategy of the entire company.

On the contrary, sacrificing it and throwing it on the ground is more conducive to the smooth advancement of the overall strategic situation.


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