God of Time System: Harem in the Zombie Apocalypse

256 Escarte: We aren't just merely rich

"Where should we go first?" Caroline asked as she looked at me, her eyes a bit curious, a little excited. Though her question made me a bit confused,

"Weren't you going to decide everything?" 

Hearing my voice, she realized something and corrected herself,"Ah! I didn't mean it like that. What I was saying was where should we go immediately. Should we go to my house, or are we going to stop somewhere first before starting our plan?" 

I pondered over it before speaking,"do you need time before you can initiate your plan?" And she nodded before answering,"I was thinking of starting my plan by picking up my little sister from highschool. Both my little sister and her best friend. Though on second thought, should we go meet brother?" 

She was excited. 

'I guess, meeting with her family in the apocalypse really changed her views about them,' I smiled as I looked at her before nodding as I suggested,"let's go meet with your brother then."

We then asked the cab driver to change directions and reach the Escarte Comms. Where Caroline's brother would have been spending his time right now.

It was about a 2 hour journey by cab from here, which I reduced using the skill [TIme Reduction] and reached there in 1 hour and 48 minutes, which wasn't much of a difference, but still it was better than nothing.

Reaching there, my eyes gazed upon the huge skyscraper that was as tall as my mother's business firm. It should be about 100 floors tall… or perhaps more?

Though it was early morning, there were still some people walking around the area as they walked inside and outside of the building. Using [Inspect] on them, I found out that they were the night workers of the place. The company actually had a night and day staff to improve the efficiency of the company. 

"Not exactly smart, but okay, it would decrease the workload,"I mumbled under my breath as I entered the building with Caroline, who reached the receptionist and took out a card that made the receptionist's eyes wide, just enough to barely hold the eyeballs. 

Her nonchalant attitude took a 180-degree turn as she welcomed us nicely and asked us to rest in the guest room. Thanking them, we both went to the guest room, waited for another 10 minutes before a staff member appeared and approached Caroline.

"Are you Miss Caroline?" he asked with a polite smile and Caroline nodded before he spoke,"your brother is expecting you at the top floor."

Then both of us walked behind him before we reached the lift and suddenly he stopped and turned around. 

"Are you with Miss Caroline?" he asked as he looked at me with a slight questioning gaze. My eyes looked at him from top to bottom before Caroline answered,"he is my boyfriend."

His eyes widened a little as a glint of disgust appeared on his face before he smiled and spoke,"your brother is only expecting you. I cannot allow anyone else to visit the top floor. I apologize."

Though his face was hiding that pathetic smile of his, I could still see the glint in them. Plus the fact that he was lying… this makes me wonder if people get the pride in their head a little too much?

"What's your name?" Caroline asked as she looked at that guy and he answered,"It's Winter mam. Winter Clay."

Odd name, I thought as I looked through his Status


[Name: Winter Clay

Race: Zombified Meta-Human (E-Grade)

Class: Assassin 

Description: Born in an average family who lost all their wealth in a scam, Winter took part in an experiment in exchange for the company to look after his family. Being one of the few successful experiments, he is now one of the 8 octagons, who protect the Escarte Family and their business. There is…

Cessation Energy: 9000/9000

Status: Healthy


Strength: 102

Constitution: 123

Agility: 92

Intelligence: 60

Wisdom: 34

Charm: 56]

'Just like I thought… pathetic,' I smirked at him as Caroline spoke,"He is coming with me, Winter. And that is an order."

Winter observed me for a few seconds more before he took out his phone and made a call before explaining the situation. After he was done with the call, he smiled at me again as he spoke,"seems like you are lucky. Sir, Nicholas is expecting you."

Caroline, not amused by his smile, entered the lift and following her, I too moved forwards as I entered into the lift. Since we were going to the highest floor, it took about 20 minutes to reach the top floor, which was actually Floor 110.

While we moved to the top, there was a complete silence as we kept standing there. Nobody uttered a single word before finally reaching there and the door opened, welcoming us to something that looked more like an apartment than an office floor.

Caroline got off first before I moved, but Winter stopped me briefly as he muttered,"don't try to catch the sky. Worthless worms like you belong to the mud," before letting me go. 

I could only chuckle at that before I moved into the room behind Caroline. Caroline moved into the apartment, traveling all the way on the other side, and I followed behind her as I looked at the apartment carefully. It was lavish in every way possible.


Caroline opened the door without knocking as we both entered into a large bedroom. The room had a large window that filled one side of the walls while the others were plated gray and white. Other than the white king size bed on the right, there was a large table on the other side of the bed with a couple of green plants at the corners, giving the room a minimalist yet aesthetic look.

Near the window that showed the view of the entire city and the sun barely visible on the horizon, there was a man in his casual clothes. My eyes turned to the bed where a woman was sleeping naked, with a blissful expression on her face.


[Name: Silver Rey Livia

Race: Vampire

Class: NightWalker

Description: One of the servants of Lady Iris, one that was created as a vampire to fulfill the ecstasy of Iris when she was in her high Moon phase. She was born into an esteemed family of merchants, which was…

Status: Healthy


Strength: 89

Constitution: 129

Agility: 167

Intelligence: 56

Wisdom: 43

Charm: 231]

'A… Vampire?!!' I was genuinely surprised as I looked at her status. While I did know that other races exist, but… 

'I didn't expect them to be expecting this on this planet!' 

"Want her?" I heard the voice of a man as I looked at the person standing near the window. It was Nicholas, the brother of Caroline, who was smirking at me, getting lost in thoughts as I was 'looking' at Silver.

"Yeah," I said as I looked at him and he chuckled slightly, glaring at me before turning to Silver,"Wake up."

As if she were waiting for his command, Silver woke up from the bed all naked as she looked at him before turning at me. Her eyes glinted a little as she licked her lips before speaking,"he looks tasty."

"You can have him,"Nicholas spoke as he ignored my existence without ever considering anything. 

"Like right now? Won't your sister say anything about it?" She spoke with a glint of excitement as she looked at me and her. 

"Yeah. I was going to tell her about the rules, anyway. It is about time she finds out how our family words," he spoke as he sighed as he looked at Caroline while Silver made her way towards me with her naked body that was white as snow, as she shook her booty, while her hair, silver just like her name, moved in sync with her body. 

"Sorry, pretty girl. Your boyfriend is mine now,"she chuckled as she moved towards me and her eyes turned red and she commanded,"come with me. I don't want to dirty this place."

'Is this some form of Mind Control Skill?' I thought as I looked at her with my face turning 'Neutral'

Caroline , who was watching everything happening, was quite confused, yet curious about this whole ordeal. She looked at me for a couple of moments before finally asking,

"Is there anything special about her that you find attractive?" Silver chuckled at her question as she spoke,"come on, girl. He is too enchanted by me. He won-"

"Something along those lines," I answered as I looked at Caroline as I moved closer to Carol. I pondered a little before turning to Nicholas, who did not have eyes narrowed at me before turning at Silver, who was confused plus shocked.

Scratching my chin with my fingers, I pondered what exactly I should do now. I did want to talk to Nicholas about the Zombie monsters and stuff and level up but this Vampire stuff is really interesting too. 

'Which path should I take?' I pondered really hard 

"You! Listen to me! Follow me! I command you!" I saw Silver glaring at me really hard as her eyes turned super red. At this point, it was obvious that she was trying to use her skill using as much energy as she could. But sadly, there is only so much she can do.

Then her eyes turned to Caroline as she began to speak

[Light Aura!]

Using the spear arts, I swiftly moved towards her as I held her mouth by my hand,

"Now now… let's not cross the limit, shall we?"

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