Gourmet: Re-Engraving Extinct Famous Dishes Starting From Dragon Scales

Chapter 73 Travel All Over The Land Of Dragon Kingdom, Just To Cook A Delicacy! 【Kneeling To Subscri

Because Jiang Feng did not prepare too many ingredients,

So the amount of this [Dinghu Shangsu] is not much.

Within a few minutes, he swept away all the top vegetarian dishes in this Longguo recipe.

"The fragrance of the vegetables is smooth, so that no matter how you eat this dish, or how much you eat, it will not feel a little greasy."

"At the same time, the steamed and overcooked meat taste of the mushrooms also brings the satisfaction of the meat taste to the diners-."

"This vegetarian dish not only represents the pinnacle of our Longguo vegetarian culture, but also a crystallization of ancient chef-wisdom.

"You guys in front of the camera, have you learned?"

After Jiang Feng finished commenting, the barrage filled the screen with:

"Study is useless."

"Study is useless."

"Study is useless."

"Today's live broadcast ends here."

"If you have any extinct food that you want to see, please private message Xiaofeng in the background."

"I'll see you tomorrow."

Jiang Feng turned off the live broadcast, and put the smart plus crystal on the side next to the steamer of Dripping Guanyin.

After one-click editing and uploading the live video, I went home and went to sleep.

at the same time,

【Dinghu Shangsu】

【Dripping Guanyin (2/3)】

The two videos quickly set off a huge heat on the Internet,

Has rushed to the hot search list of major platforms.

Not only that,

[Dinghu Shangsu] caused a sensation even higher than the previous famous dishes!

【Want to eat meat】.

This is a post bar with a small number of people but a high degree of daily activity.

As its name,

The active Tieba users here are all bar friends who are eager to eat meat.

their special situation,

The vast majority are due to diseases, and they can only eat vegetarian food all day long and cannot eat meat.

Eating meat is a luxury for them.


They set up this post bar together to share their daily chores.

Of course, what everyone shares the most here is the various ways of eating vegetarian food.

After all, everyone can only eat vegetarian food every day,

Sharing more ways to eat vegetarian dishes is not so boring.

Li Susu

Want to eat meat, my lord.

Fifteen years ago, she developed a rare and severe kidney disease, and she has been unable to eat meat since then.

Nutrition depends entirely on vegetarian dishes and infusions.

late at night

Li Susu, who described being thin, was awakened by the vibration of her mobile phone in her dream.

She answered the phone in a daze, but was so shocked by the other party's words that she lost all sleepiness.

"Susu! Good news! You can eat meat!"

"Eating meat? Mom, do you mean that there is a special medicine that can completely cure my disease?" Li Susu was overjoyed.

"That's not true, but Mom has just learned a dish that can taste like meat with a vegan dish. Haven't you eaten meat in many years? Mom will cook it for you in a while.

"That's it..."

Li Susu was immediately discouraged when she heard the words.

"Mom, it's not that you don't know. If you want to use vegetarian dishes to make meat taste, you have to cook broth or gravy in the end.

"No. Don't worry this time, Mom is sure. Just wait a little longer, Mom has already prepared the dishes, and it will be at your place soon."

After hanging up the phone,

Li Susu rubbed her temples helplessly.

My own mother has this character, she is in a hurry.

But she also knew that her mother did this for her.

After she got sick, mother always wanted to fulfill her wish.

Knowing that she wants to eat meat, my mother has learned a lot of cooking skills over the years, so she wants to make a delicacy that can taste meat without a little meat.

But there is no doubt that it has never been successful.

As for those delicacies on the Internet that use vegetarian braised pork and vegetarian twice-cooked pork, they all need more or less meat to taste.

She still can't eat.

Although my mother was in a hurry this time, Li Susu still didn't give any hope.

It is simply impossible to make meat taste with vegetarian dishes.


Mom came late at night with two bags of vegetables in her hand.

"Susu, don't worry.

"This is a royal dish that my mother learned from a national treasure-level up master, and it is guaranteed to have a meaty taste.

"The ingredients were also found by my mother who went to your vegetable wholesaler's uncle's warehouse overnight."

"Although there are a few ingredients that are too rare to find, it should be possible to make a high-quality imitation version.

"You go to rest first, Mom will be fine in a while."

Mom puts down the vegetables in one operation.

Li Susu had no choice but to help her mother.

But she looked at a table of fungus food, and she was even less confident about this dish.

More than a dozen ingredients are all vegetarian dishes,

How could it be meaty?


Three hours later.

When my mother buckled the finished [Dinghu Shangsu] into the bowl,

The thin Li Susu's eyes widened, and the tip of his nose twitched sharply.

"Meat... the taste of meat?"

Li Susu's eyes were full of astonishment, and then the astonishment turned into surprise.

She just watched her mother make this dish the whole time,

It's useless to have a little bit of meat, but it really tastes like meat.

"Susu, try it quickly."

Mom pushed this not-so-good-looking [Dinghu Shangsu] in front of Li Susu.

Even though what she made was not at the same level as what Jiang Feng made, and even lacked several rare ingredients.

But she strictly followed Jiang Feng's steps to cook, and still made some meat flavor.

"Eh, good."

Li Susu wanted to suppress the excitement in her heart, but found that she couldn't control it no matter what.

No outsider can understand,

How much does a non-vegetarian yearn for meat after being forced to eat vegan dishes for more than ten years.

Li Susu picked up a piece of mushroom meat and put it in his mouth.

The fragrance of vegetarian dishes and the slight taste of meat explode in the mouth at the same time.

Her thin body trembled violently.

Fifteen years without meat,

She had long forgotten what meat tasted like.

But her desire for meat has almost turned into an obsession.

not just her,

All patients who are forced to be vegetarian for a long time like her are obsessed with the taste of meat.

this moment,

Along with the entrance of vegetarian dishes, the burst of meat flavor.

The obsession in her heart was answered.

"Fifteen years."

"Finally, I finally got meat."

Li Susu couldn't control her inner emotions anymore, she wept with joy!

next morning.

[I want to eat meat. 】

The bar owner, Li Susu, shared a video early in the morning———【Dinghu Shangsu】.

"My friends, our gospel is here!"

"Following the steps in this video, we can have the taste of meat in a vegan dish."

After Li Susu ate meat dishes last night, she immediately learned about the video from her mother and shared it with her friends.

"My lord hasn't shared a food tutorial for a long time."

"How can it be possible to eat meat with vegetarian dishes..."

"Not necessarily, the owner can easily not forward the recipe.

"This is really okay, I watched the live broadcast last night.

"It doesn't matter, let's try without much effort.

Bar friends are skeptical, but they are all willing to give it a try.

Anyway, the worst result is to continue to be a vegetarian.

but this time,

They really got their wish.


There are many bar friends in the post bar who really tasted the meat, and they all returned to the post bar to announce the good news.

"Family, it's really possible!"

"Woooooo...Thirty years, I've been a vegetarian for thirty years, my face is turning green, and I finally tasted the taste of meat."

"Thank you, Lord, thank you for the gourmet Xiaofeng, and thank you for the ancient royal chef! (Tears jpg.)"

"From now on, today's date will be my second birthday. This is the first time I've eaten meat since I was born.......(泪洞jpg.)"

"My dad is only a few days away, and he can still taste the meat when he is dying. I am really grateful to the owner and Xiaofeng."

"Is it really that amazing, I'll try it!"

The reverberations in the post bar quickly spread to a wider area.

Those netizens who got their wish and finally tasted the meat have posted videos and Moments to commemorate this event.

for a while,

The popularity of [Dinghu Shangsu] has swept the entire network, firmly occupying the number one hot search on all major websites!

#满汉全饭Top vegetarian dishes, you can taste the meat! 【热】#

When this hot search first appeared,

Many netizens in the comment area remained skeptical.

Vegetarian dishes taste stale,

You can use vegan dishes without any meat as an auxiliary, and you can still taste the meat, which is too outrageous.

but soon,

[Want to eat meat] Friends from the bar came to express their thanks one after another.

"Thanks to Food Xiaofeng, for letting me know what meat tastes like in my lifetime."

"This dish may have little effect on ordinary people, but it means a lot to those of us who want to eat meat but can't eat it."

"From now on, Gourmet Xiaofeng will be my god."

"It's a pity that I can't find pork belly bamboo shoots and hanging shredded bamboo shoots, otherwise I can taste the perfect Jinghu Shangsu.

Most people don't think that,

There are still a small group of people in this world who are troubled all the year round because they cannot eat meat.

After netizens saw this phenomenon,

Jiang Feng's figure couldn't help but grow taller in his heart.

Holy Spring Temple.

The little monk went down the mountain early in the morning to buy ingredients.

Although there are still many pilgrims today, the abbot is also extremely curious about [Dinghu Shangsu].

0…ask for flowers………

So I received tourists outside by myself, and asked the little monk to cook in the back.

Unexpectedly, when the little monk made Dinghu Shangsu more sloppily than the gourd painting ladle, the smell of meat actually wafted out of the kitchen.

The pilgrims passing by were shocked.

"Why do the monks here still eat meat?"

"I've heard that the current monks don't talk about clear rules and precepts, but you should avoid us anyway."

"Suddenly I feel sorry for my incense money."

"The little monk looks thin and obedient, how could he do such a thing?"

The pilgrims passing by became angry.

Although everyone said that the main purpose of coming was to drink the holy spring water, but seeing the little monk eating meat in broad daylight, he couldn't bear it at that time.

"Don't get me wrong, benefactors, poor monks don't eat meat."

"This is the delicacy that the poor monk learned from a benefactor named Gourmet Xiaofeng on the Internet. It is called Dinghu Shangsu, and it is cooked with vegetarian dishes.

"It's just that after cooking, it will have a meaty taste."

The little monk Zhiyuan immediately explained.

"The little monk is not ashamed, and even quibbles when exposed."

"that is."

"How can vegetarian dishes taste like meat?"

Pilgrims are not willing to believe this kind of nonsense.

But the little monk immediately took out the bowl and showed it to the pilgrims.

"Look, benefactors, what the little monk said is absolutely true, it is indeed full of vegetarian dishes."

The pilgrims saw it, and it was true.

"I still don't believe it. The smell of meat must come from somewhere else."

a big waist

The pilgrims still don't believe it.

"The charity is mainly because you don't believe it, so you might as well have a taste."

The little monk looked sincere and handed over the chopsticks.

"Just try it."

The big man had an expression of cracking down on counterfeiting, and even coaxed the fungus to taste it.

next second,

The big man's expression changed, and he said resentfully: "It really tastes like meat, I was the one who was abrupt. I'm sorry, little monk."

"The vegetarian dishes make meat taste, Shengquan Temple is really magical."

The pilgrims clicked their tongues.

The little monk waved his hands again and again: "This is not the practice of our temple, but the poor monk learned it from the benefactor of the food Xiaofeng.

When the audience heard the words "Gourmet Xiaofeng", they suddenly realized.

They all came here to ask for water after watching [Longevity Porridge]. Of course they know who the food Xiaofeng is.

"So I learned it from up."

"Ah, I couldn't watch the live broadcast on the road last night. I didn't expect to miss such a miraculous dish."

"Little monk, can I have a taste?"

"I want to have a bite too."

"And I."

When the pilgrims heard that this dish was an extinct famous dish, they immediately became interested and wanted to eat it.

The little monk couldn't refuse, so he handed over the bowl and chopsticks.

after a while,

The pilgrims all showed unsatisfactory expressions, and left here amidst admiration for Jiang Feng.

The little monk had a bitter expression on his face.

The freshly made [Dinghu Shangsu] was gone before he took a bite...

I spent a whole morning working hard,

"I didn't expect to smell only meat in the end."

"The donors didn't even leave a mouthful of soup."

The little monk was holding an empty bowl, wanting to cry but no tears.

On the other side, Jiang Feng's house.

"Your courier, please sign for it."

A delivery man knocked on Jiang Feng's door.

Jiang Feng took a flat package.

"I didn't buy anything."

Surprised, Jiang Feng went back to the house and carefully opened the package.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be a beautifully decorated invitation card.

[Sent to Mr. Jiang Feng, shareholder of Confucian Catering Group:]

【On August 2, 20xx, we would like to hold an 80th birthday banquet for Qiao Luan, the 146th generation successor of Confucian cuisine. 】

[Welcome to come, no invitation. 】

[Location: Confucian mansion in Kyoto. 】

[Inviter: Qiao Yunyun. 】

"An 80th birthday banquet for the contemporary inheritor of famous Confucian dishes?"

Jiang Feng was surprised how he received this invitation, and he reacted in the next second.

The beginning of the invitation has already explained the situation,

He is now a shareholder of the Confucian Mansion Group, and his shareholding ratio is not low. It is reasonable to be invited to participate in the birthday of the old man of the Confucian Mansion.

"August 2nd, isn't it the day after tomorrow?"

"The place is at the Confucian mansion in Kyoto..."

"It can be considered."

Jiang Feng was not very interested in this birthday banquet.

The main location is in Kyoto.

Many of the rewards he got from the system are in Kyoto.

And tomorrow he will be able to complete the production of [Dripping Avalokitesvara].

At that time, he will make a new extinct famous dish,

It's better to take this opportunity to fly all over the land of Longguo, and make those delicacies with ingredients spread all over the country.

"Ok, deal."

Jiang Feng made up his mind and accepted the invitation. .

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