Gourmet: Re-Engraving Extinct Famous Dishes Starting From Dragon Scales

Chapter 75 The Wonderful Cooking Method Subverts The World View Of Countless Chefs! [Kneeling To Sub

Chef Lin's words caused an uproar among the audience.

everybody knows,

Chef Lin himself is a top chef in Longguo.

His culinary skills surpassed at least 80% of the chefs in Longguo,

Even he said that the culinary skills mentioned by Jiang Feng cannot exist, which more or less confused the audience.

At this time,

Chef Lin raised two fingers.

"As far as I know, there are only two cooking methods that can be cooked at the same time: stuffing and roasting."

"Four cooking methods are carried out at the same time, I think the vast majority of people should not be able to do it like me.

Chef Lin's words were recognized by many chef audiences.

The two cooking methods are not difficult,

You only need to stuff another ingredient into their bellies when roasting chicken and duck to create a roasted and braised effect.

But if steaming, roasting, stewing and frying are carried out together,

They all shook their heads like rattles.

Kyoto Prefecture.

Although the Confucian family has been busy arranging the 80th birthday banquet for the old man these days,

But Qiao Yunyun still spared the time in the evening to watch the live broadcast on time.

When she heard what Jiang Feng said, she was also very confused.

"Steaming, roasting, stewing and frying can be done at the same time?"

She expressed no doubts.

Because she knew, how could Xiao Feng, a gourmet who had reproduced so many extinct famous dishes, be able to brag.

Since he said he could, he definitely could.

It was how to operate it that aroused her curiosity.

Jiang Feng was puzzled seeing so many viewers,

Instead of explaining, he set about cooking.

"First, we take a plucked chicken, duck, goose and pigeon respectively."

Jiang Feng took the prepared ingredients from the side and put them on the table.

"The first step, we have to piece together the four different shapes."

"To put it simply, it is to cut these four poultry meat and sew them together to form a new poultry.

"Because the sizes of chickens, ducks, geese and pigeons are not the same, everyone must allocate a good proportion when putting together."

"According to Xiaofeng's observation,"

"The goose is the largest among the four types of birds, so we can choose its lower body." 04

"Everyone must remember that the position of the knife must be above the hind legs of the goose and below the wings."

Jiang Feng pointed the camera at the geese on the chopping board, quickly found the most suitable position, and cut them cleanly with a knife.

"Next we'll put together the upper body."

"Because the duck's neck is relatively long, the finished product will be more beautiful after being pieced together."

"So we took the right half of the duck's upper body, while keeping the neck and head."

As Jiang Feng said, he cut the duck in half with a knife.

Then draw a line with a knife from the left side of the duck's neck to mark half of the upper part.

Then cut it cleanly.

"For chicken, we directly take the entire left half from the neck down to the legs."

In just two minutes,

Three birds have been cut up by Jiang Feng.

The precision and accuracy of the knife skills have made many viewers feel blessed.

"Next is stitching."

"We need sheep casings for sewing."

Jiang Feng said as he took out a handful of slender white "strings".

sheep casings,

As the name suggests, it is the casing of sheep.

Because it is thin, long and tough, it is often used as a material for surgical threads.

In the cooking process of many delicacies that require sewing, casings are also commonly used for sewing.

"Sheep casings are not only very tough, but also rich in various nutrients, which can be absorbed by the human body.

Jiang Feng said,

Take a larger needle from the side, put the sheep casing into the needle hole,

Jiang Feng leaned over and carefully placed the three parts of the three poultry together, and then began to sew.

"This scene is so sweet."

"Yeah, Up is like a good wife and mother."

"Shocked, the up owner of a well-known gourmet area turned into Weaver Girl."

"In front, I don't agree with your statement that Xiaofeng is the up master of the alchemy area.

"God's alchemy area."


The audience played tricks in the comment area.

Instead, the chefs watched intently.

Because Jiang Feng's words just now were indeed beyond their expectations.

Even to some extent, this is challenging their jobs.

The four cooking methods are carried out together,

No matter how you think about it, it's impossible.

Xindongdong Gourmet Academy.

Principal Sun specially reminded the students to watch and study carefully.

He also looked at the live broadcast with a studious face.

For more than forty years in business,

He even worked as a teacher for more than 20 years and a principal for more than ten years.

Principal Sun thinks that he has a thorough understanding of cooking skills.

There are not a few top chefs he has taught.

However, the simultaneous operation of the four processes of steaming, roasting, stewing and frying mentioned by Jiang Feng still shocked him.

looks like

Jiang Feng does not intend to cook the four ingredients in four different processes, but to stitch them together and then cook them together.

But in this case......

How to carry out four steps at the same time?

Is it possible that this spelled four-face can really be like the beast in Fengshen Yanyi, which can be transformed into three clones?

However, out of trust in Jiang Feng,

Principal Sun has a learning attitude at this time.

After all, he dare not say that he has fully understood the profound food culture of the Dragon Kingdom.


Jiang Feng has completely stitched chickens, ducks and geese together.

"Look, everyone, this four-figure has already been put together."

Jiang Feng picked up this 'four different images' and showed it to the audience.

duck head and neck,

The body is a chicken wing and a duck wing,

The lower body is a goose.

"Not to mention, it's a good match."

"Hmm... I'm sure I wouldn't be able to tell it was made up without turning on the lights.

"Chicken, duck, goose: I thank you, I never thought we would die in this way."

"Wait a minute, didn't you say that there are four alike? Why are there only three?"

"Yeah, where's the pigeon?"

"Could it be that up forgot?"

The audience immediately discovered Huadian,

This "four unlikes" currently only has three unlikes.

Jiang Feng smiled lightly: "The pigeons will be dealt with later, let's go to the next step first."

He put the three statues on a big plate,

Then take it out for seasoning.

"We use: onion ginger cooking wine, peppercorns, soy sauce and sesame oil, salt and light soy sauce, nine kinds of marinade, to marinate this three-shaped pigeon and pigeon."

After Jiang Feng finished speaking, he poured the marinade into the plate.

Paint the three images and the pigeons completely.

"Next, let Sanxiang and the pigeons be marinated for two hours to get rid of the fishy smell."

Two hours is not long.

But as an up master, let the audience wait so much,

If it is placed in another live broadcast room, it is basically courting death.

After a few times, the popularity of the live broadcast room will be completely lost.

But Jiang Feng is different here,

Everyone knows that slow work leads to careful work.

Top-notch cuisine requires a wait.


Jiang Feng's old audience has long been used to it.

Almost every live broadcast requires a long wait.


Two hours passed.

Jiang Feng took the three elephants and the pigeon out of the plate.

"Everyone, this recipe [Four Different Images] has reached a critical step, and the four cooking methods of steaming, roasting, stewing, and frying are carried out at the same time.

"Perhaps some fellow chefs will feel puzzled and unbelievable."

"But Xiaofeng is here to tell everyone,"

"In front of Longguo cuisine, nothing is impossible."

"The gourmet culture of our Dragon Country has a long history, and it embodies the wisdom of countless chefs in the royal dining room."

"They created so many recipes that we can't even imagine today.

"This is also one of the meanings of Xiaofeng's tireless efforts to reproduce the extinct famous dishes."

Jiang Feng's tone was very flat,

But his words ignited the pride of many audiences, especially the pride of the chefs like a fire primer.

"well said!"

"Suddenly it ignited."

"That's right, our Long Country food culture has a long history, and we still have a lot of things."

"What we can't do now doesn't necessarily mean that our ancestors can't do anything."

"We can never imagine what kind of sparks of wisdom a chef in the imperial kitchen would burst out in order to satisfy the emperor's appetite in ancient times."

"up, let's get started."

"I've already spread out my little notebook to take notes."

The audience is engrossed.

in the lens,

Jiang Feng also started to act.

"First we deal with the pigeons."

"We wrap the pigeons in a lotus leaf big enough to trap them with rope.

Jiang Feng moves fast,

In less than a minute, the pigeon was wrapped tightly with lotus leaves and rope.

"We stuffed the wrapped pigeons into the belly of the three different images, and the three different images became four different images.

"At this time, we use sheep casings to completely seal the four different stomachs, so that its stomach forms a sealed state.

"In this way, while the outer layer is heated, the pigeons inside will continue to be heated, thereby achieving a stuffy effect.

do this step,

The audience showed stunned expressions.

But the chefs weren't surprised.

Because everyone knows this step, this is also the method that Chef Lin just mentioned, which can realize stewing and roasting at the same time.

What everyone is curious about is the next steps.

"After sewing up the four-faced belly, let's proceed to the next step."

"A piece of lard oil is needed at this time."

Jiang Feng took a piece of lard oil that looked like a lace net from the side, but it was actually the mesentery of a pig.

"We wrapped the lower half of the four-shaped with lard oil."

"Wrap it in tinfoil again."

"Because pork net oil will melt into oil when it is heated, and when high temperature is continuously applied externally, it will form a frying effect."

"That's the second of four cooking methods."

Jiang Feng said this,

Chef audience suddenly realized.

"So that's how it is."

"Smart, really smart."

"Wrap the pigeon meat with four different images, and then wrap the lower body of the goose with lard oil and tin foil, layer by layer, forming two different cooking methods."

Chef Lin in Ertai was surprised.

Put it bluntly,

Jiang Feng's operation showed his face.

"It turned out to be so simple, why didn't I think of it before."

Chef Lin looked ashamed.

Just a few minutes ago, he thought that Jiang Feng had some magical method to achieve this step,

Didn't expect it to be so simple!

Simple enough to make him feel ashamed.

Xindongdong Gourmet Academy.

When Principal Sun saw this scene, his eyes were so astonished, and then he showed a look of shame.

If Jiang Feng used some magical technique

He feels better if he completes this step with a certain method.

But this step is so simple,

It was a shock to him!

this moment,

Suddenly he realized something.

It's not that they couldn't think of this kind of "magic" operation, and they couldn't learn it.

223 It's that they haven't thought about it at all.

think carefully,

In recent years, the food industry in Longguo has relied too much on the knowledge handed down from the ancestors.

Even some super chefs rarely innovate.


It's not that they didn't think of this way,

It's because they are self-styled and don't explore, which leads to them not cooking similar dishes at all.

In this situation,

How could it be possible to discover more cooking methods.

In contrast to those royal chefs in ancient times,

Under the emperor's gaze, they were thinking and making breakthroughs all the time.

That's why we can make unique and unique delicacies.

"He really lost his ancestors."

Principal Sun was ashamed.

He has secretly decided in his heart that in the future, no matter what, he must teach students to try and innovate.

Don't sit back and enjoy the success, don't think about making progress!

Jiang Feng still doesn't know how much impact his operation has brought to many professional chefs.

After he completes this step, he proceeds to do it next.

"Next, let's prepare a piece of dough."

"We use dough to wrap the dough on the left side of Sixiang, so that when heated, the dough can lock the moisture in the chicken and prevent it from flowing out, forming a steaming effect.

Jiang Feng took out some flour, added water and kneaded the dough.

Quickly knead a ball of dough and work your way to cover the chicken.

this step,

It also makes many chefs extremely ashamed.

There is no fancy operation, it is all some ingenious ideas, but the basic logic is still based on the basic cooking principles.

Many viewers feel ashamed.

they ask themselves,

Did they not expect such an approach?

not necessarily

It's just that they never thought about it.

compared to

Jiang Feng, who is willing to spend a lot of time, energy and money to reproduce extinct delicacies, has crushed them in every way.

Looking at Jiang Feng who is so good and serious,

The thoughts and ideas of the vast majority of chefs have quietly changed dramatically.

"Finally, we use white vinegar, red vinegar, Huadiao wine, maltose, and boiling water to make crispy water."

"Apply crispy skin water on the duck body and duck neck and duck head to turn it into a roast duck."

"Now, this four elephants already have the process of making four different flavors.

"The last step is to bake."

"Everyone must remember that when baking, it must be baked by hanging on the wall, so that it can be heated evenly and make a perfect [four images]."

After Jiang Feng finished speaking, he took the live camera to the wall-mounted oven in the warehouse, and hung the four images into it.

"Okay, we'll get a perfect [Four Different Images] in one hour."

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