Grand Academy of Natural Sciences

Chapter 494: Turned out (4th

"Tutor, is that... Academician Lei Luo's summoning object?"

The female scholar with the rouge bird standing on her shoulders looked up to the guardian monster and said with difficulty.

The voice was hoarse and horrified.

Ankarev did not speak, and the body of thunder nodded silently.

He needs to maintain the operation of the guardian magic circle with all his strength, while accumulating energy, and launching another thunder strike at a critical moment.

Female scholars are full of awe, longing and bitterness.

She glanced at Lei Luo who was in a weird sleep state on the sofa, and muttered: "Deserving of the most legendary scholar in the Principality, the new royal academician, there is such a terrible summon monster."

But longing for awe is only temporary, and deep despair followed.

Facing the overwhelming, densely packed, endlessly spreading teeth and claws monsters outside the magic circle, even Xiao Hei, whose power is comparable to a legendary creature at this moment, can only affect the battlefield pattern.

As long as these monsters did not retreat, compared to the monsters, the absolute power of the small town humans was still too weak.

Affected by Leisha Evil Eye King's killing and power, these monsters tonight will not fear death until they destroy everything in front of them!


The guardian of the night dagger, with a painful groan, applied the potion he carefully prepared on the wound.

Just now.

When he was sneaking on the monster outside, he was spotted by an adult three-headed dog demon, disguised as ignorance cunningly, and suddenly tore his right arm to pieces with a single blow.

What's more terrifying is.

The bone-eroding black little scorpion-shaped energy was continuously derived from his wounds and eroded his body!

Zi Zi Zi Zi...

The potion and the residual energy of the three-headed dog were anxious to each other, and the intense pain caused the dark night dagger's eyes to split.

After a while, he was sweating profusely and couldn't help breathing, looking desperately at the shaky guardian magic array mask, the dense black spots.

Bow your head.

With a flash in his hand, a magic egg appeared.

He hesitated, unable to make a decision.

This magic egg is so precious!

It is not only the thunder nature with the talent of Phoenix Nirvana, but also a legendary creature, who has injected lava talent regardless of the original loss, and before it succeeds in Nirvana, it has the power of the third-level peak creature itself. If it is hatched, It is likely to evolve into a legendary creature with awe-inspiring talent in a very short time!


Rumble rumbling.

With the slight vibration of the ground in the distance.

Suddenly, the earth-shattering explosion sounded not far from the guardian magic array light curtain.

boom! ! ! !

Looking at the dark night dagger, he suddenly revealed a look of horror, no longer hesitating, he ran toward the tower at the fastest speed.

Rolling lava, capsized out.

Hundreds of lava servants, each with the power of a high-level magic soldier, and the characteristics of being undaunted to death, as the lava flow sprayed to an altitude of nearly a thousand meters, it turned into a raging fireball and fell.

"Quick!! Full defense!!!"

Seeing this, Ankarev, who was in the furnace, couldn't take care of the others. After a hysterical roar, he suddenly appeared at the top of the magic circle.

This time he no longer launched a thunder strike, but in a real form, doing his best to stick to the most joint node of the magic circle.

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom……


Following the lava servants one after another, Yanbuyingde launched an impact on the magic array light curtain, and the shaky guardian magic array was finally unable to support it anymore. After the light shield shone brightly, it collapsed completely.

"It's over."

Seeing this scene, the Dark Night Dagger, which finally ran to the top of the tower, seemed to have lost his soul. He noticed Lei Luo who was in a sleep summoning state, and he threw the magic egg over.

"Master, this magic egg will be given to you!"

At this time, the magic egg has become a hot potato, and whoever is in the hands of it will become the target of the monsters to chase after it.

After speaking, he ran downstairs, trying to break through to survive.

Facing the overwhelming group of monsters, the remaining strong men in the town retreated to the vicinity of the tower, relying on the source of the tower's energy to gather again, and make the final resistance.

These lonely tiny gleams in the darkness are crumbling.


"No, mom..."

Diablo flooded the town, countless monsters rushed to the ground of the town, pulled out the humans hiding in the bunker, dragged them to the high altitude, and was torn apart by the demons.

"Fire rain meteor."

The energy source of the tower burst out with dazzling light, and hundreds of fireballs fell from the sky and slammed into the dark-covered ground fiercely. For a time, the fire exploded like daylight.

Countless weird wings and twisted tentacles flashed in the shadow of the fire.

The fire was fleeting, and the earth returned to darkness again.

The harsh sound of chewing bones, accompanied by desperate wailing, seems to be the strange cry of countless insects rubbing against each other, once again emerging from the darkness.

"Hum hum hum."

The floating golden evil eyes twisted their tentacles in the air.

With its single horn on top of its head exuding a red gleam, it stared at the thunder giant and grotesque summoned monsters surrounded by ants in the distance.

After years of fighting with the **** of decay, it has personally destroyed countless rebel gathering points. This small human town on the surface will not bring him any freshness.


The seemingly unmatched power of the Thunder Giant and the giant summoned monsters, there are still no monsters that can easily approach, causing fatal trauma to them, but in the eyes of the Thunder King Evil Eye, it is just a dying struggle.

"Next, the only thing left is to destroy the energy center building. The surface humans are very similar to those rebels, and they are keen to build this kind of thing.

It murmured, wandering in the darkness behind the demons, like a hunter with sufficient patience, waiting for an opportunity.

Years of war experience told him that he must be careful at all times.

Especially in this kind of large-scale war, where God’s apostles may appear at any time.


The Thunder Giant that Ankalev transformed into, after the guardian magic circle is destroyed, the range of movement is limited to the extremely limited space radiated by the energy source, but it does not need to be distracted to keep the magic circle running. It can be in a normal state, and The nearby monsters fought.

With a flash of thunder, a monster hiding in the dark, ready to go, was easily electrocuted into coke.


He sighed slightly.

He is not a scholar of the laws of nature. At this moment, his energy element real body can exert a limited power.

Compared with the real energy body of the natural law scholar, it requires thousands of various micro-energy to be matched and carefully woven. The evolutionary esoteric scholar needs to use various magical material materials to simulate the mystery of biology and change into All kinds of strange creatures.


He had no choice but to develop the real body of energy elements, and the power he could exert was limited.

More importantly.

It can be faintly felt that something dangerous is about to be in the dark, waiting for an opportunity to spy on here.

So, he couldn't help but glance at the direction of the tower.

It has been nearly seven hourglass hours, is he not ready yet?



Amidst the darkness and silence, a violent mental shock turbulent flow hit the Thunder Giant.

The slabs and buildings on the ground along the way of the mental turbulence were torn apart a clear gully, and the rubble flew around. After a few hapless monsters were caught in it, they melted into plasma and evaporated without a word.


Ankalev was prepared.

He also released a thunderstorm in the direction of mental shock. As the two energy hedges consumed each other, the controller of the energy source in the tower seemed to be equally prepared, and the dark red chaotic thunderball was fleeting.

Rumble, rumbling! !

Lightning flickered and wiped out the source of the mental shock wave, but only a golden afterimage flashed past, avoiding the attack.


He glanced at the direction of the tower again.

Only the last few spots of light remained, barely supported in the flurry of demons.

"Leilo, Leilo, Leilo..."

At the top of the tower, Kodo called over and over again, constantly looking at the monsters flashing outside the window.

The magical cover of the tower's flickering light is about to be extinguished at any time, and there is a little anxiety and despair in the voice.

"I'm just an alchemist, I don't want to die here, I still have a lot to do, I..."

call out.


Lei Luo on the sofa opened his eyes and looked at Kodo, who was staring at him, and immediately noticed the monsters outside.

"you're awake?"

Kodo struggled.

the other side.


After seeing the intact energy source furnace, Lei Luo couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Immediately after, he noticed the magic egg next to him, and the color of surprise flashed by, but at this moment he did not care about studying and admiring it carefully. He quickly got up from the sofa, his body quietly, and fluttered to the window.

"Although it's a bit late, but finally caught up."

He murmured to himself, pulling an injured dragon eagle rider outside with gravitational waves forcibly, and with a "poof", the dragon eagle staying in place was torn to pieces by a purple-skinned poisonous monster. Up.

This is a third-level demon commander, after a single shot, he froze for a while, and then looked cruel with dark red blood eyes.

Indifferent and calm, Lei Luo seemed to be looking at a dead person.

After the pupil of the moon flashed slightly, the demon commander was stunned, and before he could react, he was drowned in a blazing blue ice flame.

"what is this!!"

The devil's body surface was poisonous and kept rolling, trying to destroy the ice flame.


The so-called ice flame is nothing more than a gravitational locking attack of the astral body with the power of the true body after shaping the astral body based on the Yongyue Ice Flame.

This feeling.

It is as if the astral body is passing through a gravitational channel straw, locking in and absorbing a soft jelly!

After the initial pressure counterbalance, as the baptism of the astral body increases, the group jelly will inevitably succumb to the huge pressure and enter the locked gravitational channel at an astonishing speed.


Just a moment.

The struggling demon commander disappeared abruptly in the eyes of the surrounding demons, as if being annihilated by the blue ice flame, there was no trace in the world!

"This is... the magic!?"

The surrounding monsters couldn't help but have such thoughts.

Leiluo slowly moved his body out of the top of the tower in the gaze of being rescued by the knight, and then, under the gaze of many monsters, in the gaze of nearby scholars, he slowly opened his arms and made a summoning gesture. In the posture of a magic stick, he said the scary spell.

"I said, if there is light, there is light."

In the dark night, a beam of sunlight murmured with Lei Luo, from the high altitude of a distant unknown place, accurately refracted to the vicinity of the tower here, and shrouded the thousands of monsters besieging the tower in ultraviolet sunlight. under!

And this is just a slight adjustment of the angle of the star body, which slightly refracts the sunlight.

But in the gaze of many scholars and monsters, Lei Luo is like a creator, showing the miracle of controlling the sun's light, which is a miraculous power they cannot understand!

The contemptuous smile on the corner of his It is a high scholar, and his disdain for humble and ignorant creatures, he finally understands the human in the eyes of Superman.

Scholars who master the knowledge of truth are carrying out an ecological catastrophe attack with extra-dimensional power!


This so-called catastrophe is only a small area of ​​several thousand square meters.


Greatness begins with smallness!

Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi...

The monsters under the sun, in the pain of ultraviolet allergy, centered on the tower where Lei Luo was, quickly fled, hiding in the darkness.

For a time.

Lei Luo, who summons the real sunlight out of thin air in the dark night, is like a man who has the vitality of creation and the power to destroy the world.

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