Grand Academy of Natural Sciences

Chapter 495: Violent Hehe (Part 1)

Is this the apostle of the creator of light?

Staring at the figure that summoned a beam of sunlight out of thin air in the dark night, the monsters around instinctively fleeing because of the ultraviolet rays of the sun couldn't help but wonder in their hearts.

But those who know a little bit about Gran’s academic circles sneered at it.

The man in front of him led the academic circles of the Principality of Grande to officially declare war on the Holy See that was trapped in the war. Legendary scholars even personally killed an apostle of the creator of light by unknown means. How could he be the apostle of the creator of light?


Just now, when he said ‘I said, if there is light, there is light’, he compared himself to the creator of the "Guangming Ceremony". Such a heretical and rebellious thing is an unimaginable overbearing sarcasm in the eyes of many scholars.

What kind of mind and courage, and at what height of truth, can we make such a satire on the Holy See!

the most important is.

Judging from the reactions of these monsters, this beam of light summoned from the void of the unknown universe is definitely not the power of light.

It's the real sunlight!

The title of this legendary scholar is [Solar Energy].

According to the "Heliocentric Theory" published by the pioneer of Bernie Vince eight hundred years ago, the sun is the center of the universe. Doesn’t it mean that this academician Lei Luo has been able to directly communicate and summon the source of truth in the depths of the universe? ! ?

The top of the tower.

Kodo, together with the Dragonhawk Rider, who was personally rescued by Lei Luo, stared at Lei Luo, who was so ambitious and unbelievable, his heart was beating violently and violently, and passion could not help but surge up. Above the head, his eyes are filled with envy, longing and longing that is hard to hide.

It was the Thunder Giant who stood a little far away and tried his best to guard the tower. At this moment, he was shrouded by the sun beam refracted from a distant unknown place. As the temperature in all directions rose slowly, he couldn't help but look at the source of the sun beam. After finding nothing, he turned his head and looked at Lei Luo.

"Is this the power you gained from studying solar energy?"

Deep in the darkness.

The golden tentacles floated slowly.

Leisha Evil Eye King stared at the figure in the center of the sun's beam, with a solemn one eye.

With such power, there is no doubt that this is an apostle of God!

The power of the apostle is not to explore the power of the apostle, but to look at the power of the gods behind him, and the degree of favor and trust in the apostle.


Leisha Evil Eye King could not confirm the identity of the great existence behind Lei Luo.

It's just that he can summon the power of the sun in this dark night. Such a power is unheard of!

After all, in the general biological understanding, the rising and falling of the moon are the essential laws of the world and cannot be reversed and changed.

in this way.

The cunning Thundershad Lord would not risk himself personally to directly confront the great existence behind this mysterious apostle.

After it quietly released a wave of will, a hesitant demon commander in the dark reacted.

"who are you!"

This is a third-level mutant blood eye evil eye.

Its body is full of wild and vigorous beauty, and the blood-colored one-eyed eye on its head, like a bottomless abyss, makes people look at it for a while, as if the soul is about to be sucked in.

Amidst the rich blood qi, the evil eyes of the mutant blood eye sternly said: "Being able to summon such power, you are already qualified to let this uncle know your name."

Lei Luo, who was excited about summoning the power of the sun in the night, slowly looked sideways.

Being watched by the pupils of the sun, as if suffering from the baking of the sun, the **** evil eyes stood on the spot.

Jie Jie Jie Jie, Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie...

In the gloomy and excited laughter, Leiluo stopped paying attention to this boring guy, his body floated silently, came to the top strong light source of the tower, and looked at the young female scholar who was controlling the energy source of the tower. Ankalev's female disciple.

"Master, you..."

The female scholar asked in astonishment.

The vicinity of the source of energy is by no means accessible to ordinary scholars.

The strong magnetic field turbulence here is enough to cause fatal trauma to scholars who do not have the power of the real body, and even the scholars who master the power of the real body are not without influence in this magnetic turbulence.

However, Lei Luo is no ordinary scholar.

The energy source of this high tower is the utilization of his solar energy source reactor technology. In other words, one of the energy power inside is radiation Jinghua!

Just when Relo was about to say something.

the other side.

The blood-eyed evil eye, who was deterred by the majestic and majestic spirit of Lei Luo's sun pupil, also woke up.

In the spiritual power of that angry rebuke in the dark, it became angry from shame, roared lowly, no longer succumbing to instinct, and rushed into the sun-shrouded area on its own initiative, rushing towards the figure who despised itself.

Ultraviolet allergy is just lethal to low-level magic soldiers.

For high-level demon soldiers or demon commanders, it only needs to mobilize some energy for protection, and the strength is slightly weakened during this period.

"court death."

Perceived the evil eyes of the sneak attack.

Being interrupted by the plan, Leiluo's eyes were filled with bloodshot eyes, and the cold color looked back and stared.

The pupils of the sun flickered and filled with the radiant fire of the apocalyptic destructive aura. In a short time, a terrible dark red fireball with a diameter of ten meters was formed. With unrivaled courage, it challenged this mutated evil spirit who was unable to do so. The pressure of the eyes is over, and the momentum seems to be wiped out with one blow.

"is that a lie……"

Little evil eye struggled in despair.

Because it sprints too fast, it is too late to avoid the shroud of solar radiation fire, so it can only go all out to activate its innate power that it has been most proud of.

The dense bloodshot eyes gathered around the pupil in the center of the one eye.

The **** evil eyes roared hysterically.

"Hemolysis is overwhelmed!"

The **** shimmer was fleeting, and landed in the center of the dark red fireball coming from the head.

In the expectant gaze of the blood-eyed evil eyes, a dim ripple flashed by, but the dark red fireball remained unchanged.

"Do not!"

Immediately afterwards, the dark red fireball flooded it with an unstoppable force.

Engulfing the mutant evil eyes along the way, this unstoppable dark red fireball still didn't mean to stop. It continued to rush into the distance, until the dark area more than a thousand meters away from Lei Luo, it "boomed". , Instantly turned the surrounding area of ​​more than fifty meters into a sea of ​​fire.

After the dark red fireball exploded, the flame produced was a mixture of blue and green full of unknown aura.


At least dozens of monsters were affected, their bodies burning with raging flames, and they fell to the ground wailing.

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