Grand Academy of Natural Sciences

Chapter 584: Law weapon (46)

Boom, boom, boom...

After the light and shadow giant rushed into the wind's eye, the internal energy shocked and exploded, and it never stopped.

Affected by this, the bubbles that are forming on the wind wall have also begun to become unstable and are undergoing energy shocks.

And with the passage of time, the people who initially suffered from the decaying laws of supernatural power and the soul will freeze, especially those who have been exposed to this situation, have gradually begun to ease. The battlefield generals and extraordinary scholars have even been sweating coldly. In the beginning of mutual exchanges.

Huh, huh.

With a low gasp, Windsor's complexion was really ugly, but fortunately, her strength had been restored.

She even felt that the reason why she was able to live until now, apart from the element of luck, was originally the [solar source] Academician Lei Luo.

I didn't see the wrong person at first!

With soaked clothes, Windsor looked back with difficulty and looked at Lei Luo, she said in a desperate voice: "This battle has been fought to such an extent, how do we continue? The Principality of Gran has been fought for at least several decades. It’s hard to fight the Sealand Chamber anymore."

At this moment, Lei Luo looked like an ordinary scholar.

Standing in the sky, he has been like ordinary scholars frozen by the will of the soul. He hasn't moved for nearly half an hourglass, and he hasn't even blinked his eyes. He is just standing in the sky, letting the violent wind that gradually spreads blow on him. Cloak.

But Windsor knows that this academician, who has always been serious, elegant, and rational, can never be affected by the will of the soul.

Everything about him is so mysterious.

"With half an hourglass time, the sun will break through the horizon and spread here. It is a wonderful morning that I have never expected before, just like my eleventh birthday, my father's birthday gift."

Leiluo still didn't move, but suddenly said such a sentence.

Sure enough, he was not affected by the decaying devil!

Windsor breathed a sigh of relief, as if he had found the backbone, and was about to say something, but when he saw Lei Luo who was originally calm, elegant, and rational and calm, the corners of his mouth suddenly appeared with a strange curve.

From this smile full of relief and cruelty, Windsor only felt shocked, as if seeing an evil demon slowly taking off his harmless disguise.

For long-term communication with alien creatures in time and space, Windsor believes in his instincts.

At this moment, Windsor felt that even her breathing had become depressed. If she had to have to, she had already left this terrible guy that made her feel full of danger.

Lei Luo turned his head slowly and looked at Windsor.

The unabashedly sly sneer on her face made her unforgettable, as if staring at a poor cat. Leiluo even touched her soft hair and said softly: "It's not just the oppression of the Holy See, the rule of the country, the nobility Class...Don't you think that we are on the road of pursuing the truth. There are too many of these things?"


Humph, hum, hum...

Jie Jie Jie Jie, Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie!

Leiluo looked around, just a low sneer at first, but in the end he laughed brazenly, like an old conspirator, laughing heartily and hysterically, as if he had obtained a huge relief.

Everything that happened suddenly made Windsor feel terrified.

She looked strangely at this scholar who had made her admire, respect, and admire in her heart.

At this moment, she was left with only fear.

With the sun and moon pupils, Leiluo's eyes were sharp as a knife cut, and the mad smile at the corner of his mouth turned out to be a trembling tenderness.

"Don't worry... This disaster is not just Gran, Sealand, Willan, Utoran, all the countries in the Principality, the thorn forest, the Hengduan Mountains, and the Aurora Bright Empire. This disaster will No country can escape from all the countries across the entire Star Screen, and no one can avoid it."

Take a deep breath, as if breathing in the beauty of the new world and admiring your own artwork.

"The land of the star curtain will be reduced to a vortex of despair, fear and death. Any creatures and civilizations that try to approach will be completely involved in it. By then, the so-called class, all the biological barriers, and all the kingdoms will be ruled. No longer exists, only creatures that have adapted to this cruel disaster can survive this death vortex full of despair and fear and become the new owner of this land! Gran? It's just the starting point."

"I do not understand."

Windsor was almost speaking in a trembling voice.

Instinct drove her to turn around and escape, but the desire to chase the unknown truth made him stop.

"It doesn't matter, you will understand soon. Get out of here as soon as possible, take those three guys, give full play to your scholar's instincts, and work hard to survive this most cruel ecological catastrophe screening!"

Windsor walked along what Lei Luo expected, and there were three people [Blood Reversal] Lena, [Scale Reversal] Ruth, and [Feather Reversal] Beyoncé.

She took a deep breath and calmed down her anxiety about the unknown prospects, and said with difficulty: "Then what about you? This war is defeated, what about Gran?"

"Didn't I say that the unit scale of the state will soon cease to exist."

Reello turned his head and looked at Antonio Fengyan again.

"The battle there is no accident. It should be over soon. As for me... Hum, even if reason already knows, the result of all this will not change, but I still suffer from the deepest trace of human morality in my heart. The condemnation of conscience, in that case, let me follow everything here and end this period of history. At least in this old era, I am still a hero in people's hearts."

Rumble rumble rumble...

Just like Lei Luo said, the energy of the wind eye is overflowing, and it is calming down.

With a calm smile, Lei Luo said, "If you don't leave, I'm afraid you won't be able to leave."

No longer hesitating, Windsor flew into the distance with a "shoo".

Qunlong has no leader, she is not the first to escape, nor is she the last.

Nearly half of the Grand Masters realized that this battle will not change because of them. Only waiting for His Majesty the King is the key to winning the normal battle. They must save their vitality and wait for the next battle, and fled one after another.

The other half of the Grand Masters maintained a heroic spirit after waking up, and gradually gathered together as if they were dead, staring at the fading eye.

Although the land of the star screen is vast, they cannot retreat.

Because behind them is their beloved country and the people they need to protect!


With joyful laughter, the decadent demon could not understand a stupid surface god.

When he was obviously invincible, he was looking for a dead end, fighting head-on with him endlessly, even after being killed by himself, there was no accident that he was worried about.


The black phoenix sucked up the divine power remaining in the corpse of the **** of justice, supplementing the divine power that was empty because of lack of faith.

As early as in the underground world, as one of the most pinnacle creatures in the food chain, it also heard about the promotion methods of the gods of the Abandoned Lands through some special channels.

Among them, the way they promote the gods, in addition to absolute power, they also need something called heroism, with the respect of people, harvest the first faith, and cast the gods.

There, if there is nothing but power, if there is no deed, there is no qualification to build a temple.

But in the underground world it's completely different.

Strength is everything.

Respect for the strong is the most primitive instinct of every living thing from the cell for millions of years!

Of course, the decayed demon **** does not understand the history of the **** of justice, nor does he understand his emotions such as shame, regret, and so on. It is almost suicidal to seek liberation, and what it pursues is something more realistic.

Selfishness and selfishness run through every soul who masters the greedy contract.

"According to the ancient books, the Abandoned Land was far more rich and prosperous than the underground world could imagine before the shadow rebels appeared. Judging from the life force absorbed when it just recovered, it is indeed so! Only absorbed once! , Almost completed the contractual recovery conditions. If it were in the underground world, it would almost wipe out half of the valley, and it would take at least a dozen corrosive ripples to reach it. In that case, without the supplement of faith, the body's divine power would almost be exhausted to the limit. , Will be the most dangerous time, how can you be as comfortable as it is now!"

If at the time of recovery, the decayed demon god's divine power was only one-tenth, and the successive battles lost a little, then at this moment, the residual divine power in the **** of justice has been absorbed, and it has been restored to at least about one-fifth.

Such reserves.

Unless it is a war of the War of the Gods level, it is enough to support it to build a temple, replenish faith, or flee to other areas invaded by the demons.

Thinking about it this way, the original indifferent color of its vertical pupil eyes could not help showing a little frivolousness and curiosity.

Lazy color, spread his wings.

The black phoenix flies to the where the shadows of the ground pass by, a black decayed mark suddenly appears. The soil of the original flying proud instantly decays, and the solid rock decomposes into fine scattered sand. The eyes of the wind are full of depressive music.

The strange thing is.

This eye of the wind, after experiencing the fall and death of the three masters of the power of Antonio, the Devourer, and the God of Justice, although most of the law and divine power of the latter two have been absorbed by the decaying demon, the overflow is not obvious, but it is still unavoidable. .

And these collapses, after being blessed to the strength of the laws of Antonio's collapse, actually took some wonderful changes.

The black and green bubbles that had been violently expanding before and gradually forming the wind wall have become stable, seeming to have some unknown properties.

Naturally, the Black Phoenix didn't care about all this.

What it needs to do is to leave here, lead the monsters to build their own temple, and then clean up all the rulers on the surface by sweeping away heresy, and become the new master here!

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