Grand Academy of Natural Sciences

Chapter 585: Law weapon (47)

At the end of the sky, a faint reddish color has appeared.

Compared with the endless light energy released by the stars and celestial bodies in the universe, the four mini-suns at the end of the horizon that have lasted for two more hourglasses are really not worth mentioning.

Under the sun.

As this celestial body called the Star Screen rotates, it is exposing its shadow side to the sun in the universe. The temperature at the junction of light and darkness between the continents, the sky, and the ocean is increasing at a speed that is almost visible to the naked eye. The basic particles of the microcosm are affected by this. Influence, the speed of the original smooth operation has gradually increased, and the creatures that have been sleeping for a night begin to gradually wake up and start a new day of vitality.

Compared with the impact of cosmic celestial energy on nature, the so-called civilized creatures who have evolved to survive in this world's humble world have only the fireflies and bright moon.

Rumble rumble rumble...

In this pre-dawn darkness, at the front of more than a hundred advanced bachelors, the eyes of the wind that are constantly expanding and changing in front gradually made high-frequency shocks. The light and dark twisted Lei Luo, under the trembling doomsday cloak, Slowly raised his head and looked at the wind wall that was being torn apart by brute force.

It was a black claw, tearing a crack in the weak wind wall.

A perfect and powerful creature!

The black wings actually exudes the magnificent atmosphere of the bloodline miracle in the ancient, sublime, sacred and majestic long biological chain.

It looked over.

In the color of arrogance and curiosity, with a touch of undisguised contempt, he looked at these little things who looked at death like home.


The eyes of the old scholar are hopeless after seeing death as home.

Courage urged him to stay, but in the face of this real despair, reason told him that all the struggles were just futile.

In this last time, he took a deep breath, and with tears in his eyes, he slowly lowered his head and kissed his necklace.

The photo on the necklace is of his dead wife.

Once rushing to the stars because of the pursuit of truth and knowledge, he ignored the family and left this woman in the cold. But at this moment, his most hopeless time, his heart is all the ordinary woman who silently watched and waited for him and paid selflessly. .

I once wanted to have the whole world, but in the end I realized that the whole world was always in front of me.

"I am proud because I was born in Gran, and I am a child of the Shanlan family!"

This is a female scholar. She silently lifted the wand engraved with the family crest and looked at the terrifying creature exuding overwhelming oppression. Her face was pale as a piece of paper, and her body was even suppressed by the level of evolution. Humble and rickety.

In the male-dominated Principality of Grand Duchy, women want to achieve the same achievement, and often pay several times that of men. However, at the age of fifty-three, she successfully obtained an extraordinary scholar degree certificate and was named an honorary viscount of the duchy. The glory of the family.

One scholar after another stood in the air.

They represent the truth and glory gained by Antonio exploring the mystery of biological evolution under the lamp wall of the tomb in the dark age of cruel oppression by the Holy See eight hundred years ago.

That is the miraculous road from the birth of single-cell organic life to the evolution of the multi-cell ecological food chain in the star screen world for millions of years.

In that dark age that makes people unable to breathe.

The humble aristocracy, as the native humans of the star screen world, cannot understand the will of the creator in the depths of the Holy See, the hatred of this land they love, and the fear of this indigenous wild planet. They have launched a cross to the night. Army expedition.

They are simply eager to explore unknown knowledge and satisfy their love, and in this love, they may have the power to finally make them on the stage of history.


In this world for a long time, there have been too many miracles of life evolution.

The dark and deep seas, magnetic islands in the sky, mountains on the mainland, and places buried beneath the ground have continuously unearthed powerful and ancient fossils. Tell Antonio that there have been too many fearsome creatures in this world. If they can gain their power, then... Can you break through yourself and master the power comparable to God?

Following this philosophy, thousands of Gran aristocratic elites established the Gran Academy of Natural Sciences, exploring the evolution and power of biological energy.

After more than 800 years of unremitting exploration, Gran scholars have finally gained the power of pioneers, and through various blessings of real bodies, they have mastered some powers comparable to gods!

However, it is only comparable.

At least in this world, biological energy has its confinement and limits after all. After all, it is just an individual creature. Compared with the accumulation of individual biological energy, which is becoming more and more cumbersome, the power of the **** body is used by collecting the power of faith to create the power of the law. Undoubtedly more superior!

That's the case with gods, not to mention those true gods who stand at the peak of the gods.

Defined by scholars as the power of five-level creatures, it is not even possible to plan and grade with scientific energy for the time being. They only know that their existence is the source of the tone of the eye on which hundreds of millions of creatures rely, representing a certain ecological will .

The exploration of biological energy is like this. Almost at the same time, the natural energy explored by another group of aristocratic scholars in the Principality of Sealand has almost reached the same level of achievement, reaching the limit of the tree of truth and knowledge that they rooted, and can no longer Acquiring quality becomes an achievement.

For a long time, the scholars seemed to have only two paths.

One is to build a temple with the theme of heroes, collect beliefs, follow the old trajectory, and become a so-called higher creature.

Second, waiting for the golden age of a new round of knowledge explosion.

The golden age pioneered by scholars 800 years ago quickly became a longing memory among a small population and was forgotten by the majority. In the day-to-day oppression of the Holy See, among the huge number of millions of scholars, finally, very few In a variety of ways, scholars have issued lawful weapons statements, which will improve the future evolutionary path of scholars from biological energy and natural energy to the use of lawful energy.

More and more scholars define this as the second golden age of scholars and affirm the great contribution of the concept of law weapons!

Among the many concepts of law weapons, radiation weapons and alpha particle weapons are the most mature.

The concept of radiation weapons originated from one of the three pioneers of the golden age eight hundred years ago, Bernie Vince, who was tried by the Holy See by fire, he created the simple and practical technical concept, proposed the "Heliocentric Theory" world view, and advocated for humanity. Efforts should be made to discover the conversion efficiency between matter and energy and change the world.


After being tried by the Holy See for a long time, until eight hundred years later, there was an unknown elementary school student who used this as the foundation and created the law weapon of the famous star!

The other is a rule-applied weapon discovered in the archaeological literature of ancient civilization remains.

There are countless ancient civilizations in the desert of death and yellow sand. Some of these civilizations are only fleeting, while others have created splendid cultures that stun the discoverers, but they are also time and time again. The unknown attack became history.

In this way, a mysterious weapon capable of destroying the stable structure of the wind eye was born.

According to the records of ancient civilization documents, this weapon is probably one of the most conventional, effective, energy-saving, and environmentally friendly methods for the world's mature and advanced civilizations to destroy lower civilizations!

"Hmph, funny little are not afraid of me?"

The black phoenix looked down at these humble and weak surface creatures with a relaxed and arrogant voice. Judging from the weak energy levels in their bodies, they were almost insurmountable compared to themselves.

The most important thing is that they also seem to have no laws to bless them.

It's just a bunch of mutant species.

He was so scared that his soul was trembling, but he still stood in front of him, unwilling to retreat?

The black phoenix, the real body of the decaying devil, has only Michelle in physique. It is even small compared to many giant birds.

"No one can change the order of the universe's celestial bodies. The star screen world is not a box. The world will certainly recognize the truth of the "Heliocentric Theory". You are just a higher-level creature that the world claims to be a god."

The murmur grew from low to high.

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