Grand Academy of Natural Sciences

Chapter 840: do it at will

The surface of this tusk is stained with some acidic corrosion substances, forming mucus.


These mucus stained the white and blue fingers, and it made a corrosive sound, but under the protection of a faint shimmer of light on the skin of the white and blue fingers, this layer of corrosive mucus was isolated.

After Bai Lan took the fangs out of the flower heart, she saw a red soft tentacle at the flower heart, which kept rolling, as if looking for her own food.

Such a discovery suddenly made this original beautiful appearance, covered with a layer of weirdness.

"These marine creatures really cannot be considered with the common sense of mainland creatures."

It's not that Bailan has not seen similar carnivorous plants.

Especially after the cataclysm of the wasteland and the invasion of the ancient creatures underground, the various mutant creatures in the star screen land have been dazzled, but in this warm and comfortable environment like a paradise, there is such a cruel side hidden, which makes her feel. Somewhat abrupt.

Muttering to himself, when Bai Lan looked at this paradise again, he only felt that it was a mysterious deep-sea ecosystem.

If this place is used as fertile soil, if any civilization will be born in the future, I am afraid it will also be a very dangerous existence hiding a knife in a smile.

When she returned to the place where the aircraft fell again, it was already sunset and dusk.

East sun and west rain.

The violent storms swept by the violent thunder outside the reefs formed a layer of rain curtains, sheltering the reefs. In addition to strong intruders like Bailan, only through the undercurrents under the reefs, the outside world can be protected. Material information exchanged.

In addition to the constant sound of dull rolling thunder explosions, it was the rustling of the beetle swarm.

Take out the etching ink from the space box, white and blue enter the ultrapure water aircraft, and begin to mix several precious magic materials in perfect proportions gradually.

The repair of this tidal civilization ultrapure water aircraft is limited to the most basic functions in the academic world.

But even so, due to the cultural differences between different civilizations, many basic functions of the spacecraft have only been restored, and the recovery method adopted by scholars is the magic rune of time.

The blood of three different legendary-level creatures was refined, and then 12 kinds of magic metal trace elements were added. According to the specific preparation method, Bai Lan concentrated his attention, and after spending a full hourglass time, he finally got 600 ml of high-grade products. Etching ink.

She finally breathed a sigh of relief.

She shook the test tube under the light, and the ink crystal in the test tube was crystal clear.

Then, the next step is to constantly repair the magic guide that was damaged by the aircraft.

babble babble.

She stretched a little and focused on a high level of energy for a long time, which made her feel a little tired, and then she noticed that it was dark outside.

clap clap...

Walking out of the white and blue of the aircraft, I suddenly noticed that the thunder and rain curtain noise in the distance seemed to disappear, and at the same time, the submerged reefs on the ground made waves of tidal water, and the continuous fuchsia vines around them actually flickered faintly, and with The tide leaves swayed left and right, as if alive.

Countless beetles lay on these vines and rested motionlessly, and there was not a single one in the sea.

Compared with the daytime, the reef at night seems to have entered another world.

Goo, goo, goo...

Bai Lan noticed that in the dark tide not far away, a strong acid corrosion reaction was taking place, causing a pungent smell.

She floated past.

This is a deep sea monster that should have corroded most of it, and only the bones of the fish are melted in the strong acid.

Bai Lan looked at the tides under her feet in disbelief, which only submerged a few tens of centimeters.

During the day, the incomprehensible fresh water has turned into an even more unbelievable strong acid at this moment?

Could it be those undercurrents in the sea?

Bai Lan privately named the openings on the island reef that were connected to the undercurrents on the seabed as Haikou, and after making some guesses, flew over to confirm it again.

cluck cluck cluck.

This sea mouth with a diameter of more than 20 meters is like boiling at this moment, bubbling continuously, and a terrifying strong acid reaction. Bailan estimates that it is probably over 500 degrees here!

Once any non-legendary creature is contaminated, I am afraid that it will be killed in an instant.

"A strong acid rushing up with the undercurrent?"

Bai Lan floated above this seaport, and the strong chemical reaction caused the air to be filled with severe corrosiveness, and the protective cover on her body continued to flicker in the acid mist.

She stretched out her hand slowly, and a layer of soft light gradually filled her fingertips.

A strange scene appeared.

Under the soft light of the white and blue fingertips, the corrosive acid mist that permeated the boiling water in Haikou turned out to be a dense light, arranged in the form of elements, constantly diluted and diffused.

"Streamer Shimmering Origin Technique."

I saw the soft spot of light on the tip of the white and blue finger, actually detached from the index finger, floated down towards the boiling water, and gradually drowned in the undercurrent below.

She closed her eyes and felt it carefully.

After a while, she slowly opened her eyes with a thoughtful look.

"The strong acid originates from the upstream of this undercurrent. In this way, the reef ecological environment here seems to be formed to adapt to a special environment upstream of the undercurrent? Could it be industrial waste pollution from tidal civilization?"

The more Bai Lan thinks about it, the more likely it is!

You must know that for a long time before the formation of the college alliance decades ago, some of the highly polluting waste produced by the academic world was often directly discarded into the death storm.

However, with the establishment of the Academy Alliance, according to the continental dark zero-sum war theory, any civilization that exposes its own coordinates may incur a blow from an unknown civilization in the depths of the darkness. While establishing the Curvature Reef Plan at all costs, the Academy Alliance is also regulating the disposal of waste. Emissions, close to possible to prevent exposure to human behavior in the Starlands.


She took out a glass test tube, collected some strong acid samples, and noticed that the nearby vines rooted in the reef seemed to have been fully adapted to these strong acids, while the reef sea worms would appear at night. They climbed to the top of the vines and hid the remains of the prey caught during the day in the flowers of the vines, forming a symbiosis.

Bailan returned to the ultrapure water aircraft again.

The strong acid here has been continuously diffused and diluted, and its strength is only about degrees.

Although it is still deadly strong acid to ordinary people, it is of no importance to extraordinary scholars who master the power of the real body. Even if the ultrapure water aircraft does not turn on the source of energy, it is far from being able to erode its passive defense.

White and blue returned to the interior of the aircraft again.

She has made up her mind to enter the sea mouth of the reef on this small island after repairing the aircraft, and go upstream to see if this undercurrent that affects the ecological environment of the small island is an accidental exposure of civilization coordinates.

half a month later.

After a repair failure process, Bai Lan finally repaired the magic rune that was damaged after the aircraft was overloaded.

The ultrapure water aircraft with a diameter of two meters broke away from the water surface of the reef again and slowly floated up.

Its surface shimmers with a translucent, frothy light that looks magical.

After the aircraft paused in the air for a while, it circled around this vast reef at an astonishing speed with a bang. A total of more than a dozen large and small seaports were discovered. Four or five meters.


The aircraft rushed into the sea mouth with the largest diameter.

As the aircraft dived deeper and deeper, after about a kilometer, the surrounding sea area gradually opened up.

This is an undercurrent under the sea that does not know where it came from or where it leads.

These undersea currents are like the 'death vortex' in the marine ecosystem. They are likely to be traces of the laws left by some ancient civilizations after the catastrophic weapon war. The wars between civilizations for tens of thousands of years are not only left on the continent. It is riddled with holes, and the seabed has long been scarred.

The undercurrent was very strong, causing a strong oppression to the aircraft that suddenly entered.

The aircraft struggled against the oppression in the undercurrent and adjusted its direction.

The light here has also become very dim, and it is difficult to distinguish the direction, but for Bailan, it only needs to go upstream along the ocean current, and the aircraft will go upstream against the undercurrent.

rumble rumble,

The area covered by this turbulent undercurrent on the sea floor is unknown to tens or hundreds of kilometers, and the area it stirs will probably be ten times a hundred times larger. Broken flesh and blood, higher creatures will also be spoiled.

From this point of view, the reef islands above are like anglers parasitic in this undercurrent, sucking away some of the nutrients involved in the undercurrent through the reef estuary.

The speed of the aircraft going upstream is not fast, or very slow.

Bai Lan hesitated again and again, and finally chose to take out the fission-grade radiation weapon and cast it to the rear of the ecological fertile soil where she accidentally passed.

"Password verification is correct."

Beep beep beep.

In the icy sea water under the strong pressure of the undercurrent, this spherical object with an icy metallic luster on the outer shell, and the light prompts are getting more and more dense. This is the freshness confirmation device installed by the Glenn Academy of Natural Sciences for each radiation catastrophe weapon.

call out.

The unique fishing system of the reef, after sensing this 'nutrient' in the undercurrent, suddenly came with a great attraction and sucked it up.

After Bai Lan completely confirmed the survival method of this mysterious island, he sighed slightly.

Will the destruction of potential zero-sum competition be the only truth that permeates the ecology under this sky?

at the same time.

At the mouth of the reef, the beetles on the vines emitting a purplish red shimmer seemed to feel something different. They all woke up, instinctively stretched out their tentacles, and sensed the metal object floating in the center of the sea mouth.

Beep beep beep.

The metal objects made strange beeping sounds in the strong acid and seemed to be getting denser and denser, and its anti-corrosion properties did not show any signs of melting due to the strong acid seawater.

A few minutes later.

boom! ! !

Centered on the sea mouth where this metal object is located, a sudden burst of strong light drowned everything in an instant.

After a brief silence, the blast wave destroys everything in its path.


Accompanied by a strong light penetrating more than ten kilometers of seawater, a dull detonation came from the sea surface. This anthropologist by accident, destroyed this potential fertile land of civilization and destroyed it into a piece of law through the weapons of law mastered by human civilization. Barren land.


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