Grand Academy of Natural Sciences

Chapter 841: Tears of Sand Crystal (Part 1)

The evolution of organisms and civilization is a process of adapting to the natural environment and exploring the mysteries of the truth of the universe.

Among them, the evolution of organisms is mostly out of spontaneity, passive adaptation to the natural environment through the talent inherited in the blood and the survival instinct of the organisms.

The birth of civilization and the process of exploring the mysteries of the universe's truth laws are actually a process of active knowledge and transformation of biological groups after they have a stable material foundation.

This is a group spontaneous behavior. No matter how powerful a single individual creature is, it cannot form a civilization. The academic community has long reached this conclusion.

But what anthropologists hadn't thought of.

The key to the evolution of a third-level civilization to a fourth-level civilization, the basic material conditions required, in addition to various accidental factors, there is an indispensable condition, that is, productivity.

What determines the strength of civilization's productive forces is production relations and production technology, or...

A factory with a standardized assembly line is the opportunity to evolve a higher civilization.

This is a vast, incomparably turbid sea.

In this sea area, there lives a group of mortar creatures.

And the civilization created by this group of mortar creatures is the quicksand civilization.

The quicksand civilization has a long and long history, and it has been clearly recorded for seven thousand years, but from the perspective of the star screen world civilization, seven thousand years is not a long time.

Especially when this civilization of only 7,000 years has developed a catastrophic weapon with laws that can change and destroy the natural environment, it can be said that this is a vigorous civilization full of potential, and it has a bright future and future.

Inhabit this shallow sea of ​​muddy quicksand mud.

Nobody knows. How did this barren land, covering millions of quicksand and mortar seas, come into being, whether it was a catastrophic weapon derived from the laws of ancient civilizations, or a miracle of nature.

The creatures that inhabit this shallow sea mud call themselves Sha Chung.

Their will is strong and unyielding, and they are constantly fighting against the sea beast invaders that may come at any time in the nearby waters.

Their spirits are positive, and every Shayong is aiming to achieve self-worth as the highest goal. No matter where he is, he will do his best to complete his responsibilities.

In their political system referendum, any adult Shayong has one vote regardless of his position, and this is regarded as the most fundamental power of every Shayong.

In this environment, the quicksand civilization strives to develop and thrive.

Goo, goo, goo.

Endless turbidity.

This is the endless stream of quicksand mud spewing from the bottom of the shallow sea, turning the endless seas into a yellowish-brown color.

"Unchangeable, please!"

With a heavy voice, a creature resembling a giant swamp monster pleaded with another sandy choke in the shallow sea quagmire.

Adult sand chongs, as energy body creatures, although they do not have a fixed form like flesh and blood cell creatures, but through simple visual inspection of their daily forms, it can be seen that they are a group of mud creatures with a height of about two meters. Like a fish in water.

"The matter of the tears of crystal sand is covered by me, you can rest assured."

After the Shayong, known as the Impermanent Lord, made a promise, the opposite Shayong showed a spiritual message of gratitude and trust, and then his body slowly sank into the shoal without a trace.

The Lord of Impermanence was silent for a while on the sea, looking up to the sky.

quack quack...

High in the sky, countless blue sand gulls were flying.

This is the most valuable asset of the quicksand civilization.

After these gulls devour the food mixed with mud, they will excrete a special material called blue sand after being processed by the digestive system.

And these blue sands are the most important raw materials for making Sand Crystal Tears!

It is one of the most important strategic resources of the quicksand civilization.

In this way, the sand chongs have naturally become the shelters of these blue sand seagulls, and the two sides have formed a special symbiotic relationship.

Although he promised the other party, if he wants to smuggle some sand crystals through special channels, Mr. Wuchang still needs to think carefully, especially the amount proposed by the other party is not a decimal.

in this way.

After this Shayong sighed, his body gradually sank into the yellow-brown mud and disappeared.

As far as the eye can see, the turbid sea area, with the impermanence, came to the deep cement pool port.

The nearby mud began to fill with an unspeakable stench, which seemed to be strongly corrosive. The Lord of Impermanence continued to dive deeper into the sea. Every time he went deeper, the corrosiveness in the sea became stronger. This is also a production The price Sand Crystal has to pay.

After about half an hourglass, Wu Changjun came to a private laboratory.

"Old wine monster, please!"

The person that Lord Impermanence is looking for is called Old Monster Jiu, and he is the most famous bigwig in the smuggling world of Miquan Harbor, but even it can't help but be surprised for a moment after seeing the amount of sand crystals that Lord Impermanence needs.

"This amount has far exceeded the range required for casting a real body, let alone me, even those gods, I am afraid it is impossible to take out so many sand crystals in a short period of time, and the military department Although the existence of the black market is acquiesced, such a large number of transactions will inevitably cause the black market to shake in a short period of time, do you really think those military bosses are sand!"

The drunk old monster was silent for a while, and finally couldn't help but burst out.

It continued: "If you can use this amount of sand crystals, I think there are only rebel organizations! I have long heard that they have made breakthroughs in space-time technology, and they are planning to build their own space-time platform. Shouldn't you have joined them? Sorry, although we have some friendship, I don't want to have any connection with this matter, please come back."

When Wuchang-Jun heard the words, he saw the decision of the drunk old monster and left with a helpless sigh.

Staring at the back of Lord Impermanence, Old Monster Jiu was lost in thought, but was soon broken by another visitor.

This is black water.

After a brief chat, when the wine monster learned of the other party's request, it was also crystal sand, and the same amount. It was startled. It had been in the dark area for a long time, and it was keenly aware that the quicksand world might have a big change. .

a few days later.

The monthly lunar tide is approaching.

At this time, the sand chongs will take a short vacation for themselves, because the continuous operation of the major deep-water port factories has already seriously polluted the quicksand in the port, which is highly corrosive and strong acid, which is extremely harmful to ordinary sand chongs. Therefore, it is necessary to use the power of the lunar tide to pour the seawater of the major ports into the deep-sea trench current to complete a purification.

It is impossible to know where these strong acids are flowing through the ocean currents.


Often only at this time, because the quicksand in the port is highly polluted and has a strong acid nature, some secret operations in the dark area, the pollution emitted, have a greater chance to hide from the supervision of the military...

After all, the old wine monster did not escape this whirlpool.

As a person in the dark area, he can reject the impermanent prince and escape from the black water, but as long as the dark area has needs, then facing the pair of giant hands stretching out from the abyss, it will eventually sink. conditions for escape.

Compared to the government's Lansha factory, the equipment of the Jiuguai laboratory can be said to be quite rudimentary.

"Nine hundred kilograms of blue sand is close to the limit of what my equipment can hold. Please don't break your promise, don't forget what you promised me before."

"Hey, don't worry, I just want the tears of crystal sand."

With a gloomy voice, the drunk old monster has no more functional options.

Refining sand crystals from blue sand is by no means an easy task.


The extraction and collection of blue sand raw materials from the dung of millions of gulls and birds is not counted for the time being. Without this special raw material, even a civilization that has mastered the relevant craftsmanship technology would never be able to produce even one gram of tears of crystal sand.

at this time.

The container loaded with 900 kilograms of blue sand raw materials gradually dived into the ring-shaped core melting furnace with the operation of the old wine monster.

And this ring-shaped core melting furnace is the key to refining the tears of crystal sand!

The way and efficiency of energy utilization has always been a key technological field that various civilizations are constantly striving to break through.

Restricted by basic materials and theoretical technologies, different civilizations have different breakthroughs in the way of energy utilization. For example, the source of energy that anthropologists are constantly upgrading, and the super civilization transforms energy into spiritual power that perfectly fits its own race.


In the ring-shaped furnace, the powerful pulses inside, wave after wave, kept erupting, continuously raising the temperature of the blue sand raw material, and gradually converting it into a liquid state.

The drunk old man turned a blind eye to this.

It is concentrating on mixing the strong acid raw materials in the dye vat. Only the perfect ratio can imitate the sand crystal tears that are closest to the strength of the military.

The continuously rising high temperature in the annular furnace caused further changes in the liquid sand crystals. They floated in the container like raindrops of square gravity, and under the illumination of the furnace's pulsed light, they exuded a beautiful light, just like It reflects the essence of the principles of the world.

With such a scene, Sha Yong, who was watching from the side, couldn't help being completely intoxicated.

It is really unimaginable, which senior master, with great wisdom, discovered such a wonderful substance, and actually absorbed and imprisoned the power of the laws of the inner world to form this substance, thus making the quicksand civilization move towards today's brilliance powerful!

It's just a pity...

Now this kind of miracle has been occupied by the military and has become a tool for enslaving the people. The jihadists have the obligation to rescue the enslaved and oppressed people from oppression!

Thinking of this, Sha Yong's mood has obviously changed.

the other side.

The wine monster has finally prepared the strong acid agent.

This is the most important neutralizing material to solidify the tears of crystal sand. Without these strong acids for neutralization, once the tears of crystal sand in the furnace are exposed to normal temperature, it only takes a very short time to completely sublimate and volatilize.

Feed, feed, feed, feed, feed, feed.

As the pulses in the furnace ceased, under the careful manipulation of the wine monster, a small opening was opened in the blue sand smelting bin, followed by a dense and dull sound like rain, which was impressively countless liquefied blue sand with natural The sound of the fluid falling into the strong acid neutralizing the solvent.

After the viscous liquid enters the strong acid neutralizer, it solidifies into a crystal with a similar personality in a short time.

The whole process took a few minutes.

During this process, a large amount of strong acid evaporates and is expelled by the device in the laboratory into the quicksand bubbles in the deep water port.

However, because it was the end of the month, the pollution in the port was already very serious, so the changes in pollution here were not noticed by the outside world.

"Huh, luckily not humiliated."

The wine monster breathed a sigh of relief.

In the strong acid container, there are about ten kilograms of transparent body material left. They are shaped like tadpoles and sink to the bottom of the container.

Another mysterious sandyong, with a powerful mind, ingested a drop of tears of crystal sand.

This is a transparent crystal of a slender tadpole with a head diameter of about one centimeter and a tail length of about ten centimeters. It looks unremarkable. The only special thing is that no matter how much thought power is poured into it, it is like a bottomless pit, absorbing all the thought power. .

Immediately afterwards, this Sha Yong suddenly released an unbelievably huge psychic power.

The old wine monster on the side was startled.

With such a strong mind power, apart from those mysterious gods, I am afraid that he is already the top powerhouse in the quicksand world.


However, after such a huge crystal of psychic power collided with the tears of sand crystals, it still collapsed after a little touch.

"Not bad~ Although it has not yet reached the first-class sand crystal tear standard of the military, it is quite close, and it is indeed stronger than those counterfeit and forged sand crystal tears on the black market. a lot."

Saying this, it actually turned the direction of the tear of sand crystal in front of it. With a light touch on the tail of the tear of sand crystal, with a "pop" sound, the lens shattered in an instant, sublimated and evaporated in an instant. , leaving no trace in the world.

This time, it was completely relieved.

"The special material structure of the Tears of Crystal Sand determines its indestructibility in front of its head and the absolute defect at the tail. If it is Tears of Crystal Sand in the furnace, naturally there is no such defect, but with our civilization technology, we want Tears of sand crystals condense at room temperature, even if the strong acid neutralizer is refined to the limit, this price must be paid."

The old wine monster regretted: "If we can extract the Tears of Almighty without flaws, it may be time for the quicksand civilization to move towards a higher level of civilization."

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