Grand Academy of Natural Sciences

Chapter 468: New era (middle)

call out!

The Bright Judge broke through the encirclement, and finally sprinted to the black shadow body that was blocked in the door of the Chamber of Secrets. The brightness of the Holy Sword in his hand had reached its limit, and it was almost impossible for people to look directly!

"桀桀 桀桀 桀桀 桀桀 桀."

The old and ugly face with big and small eyes issued a trembling laugh of evil spirits.

Corleone turned into a layer of cold, silent dark mist, and a huge dark finger stretched out slowly in the mist. This finger was even bigger than the body of the light judge.

"this is?"

The pupil of the light judge shrank suddenly.

With the light holy sword pierced at the fingertips of this dark finger, accompanied by a piercing buzzing sound, an irresistible force made him faster than he had come and flew back.

Goo, goo, goo.

at the same time.

The reagent in Reynolds' hands was completely boiled when Corleone opened the law.

The reagent ignored the gravity and formed a mini-arrow in the test tube. Raylow could feel that he could control the shooting direction with his super-physical energy and wait for his own will!


Corleone's Law only lasted for a brief moment.

As the real body dissipated and affected by it, the essence of Refined Spring reagent purified by Rello was also re-cooled, returning from the solid arrow to the calm liquid in the test tube.

"This thing, can't perceive the power of the real body hidden by the scholar?"

the other side.

As the Bishop of St. Granberg caught the judge and flew back, the judge made a "poo", spurting blood in his mouth, his right arm was unable to hang down, his face was ugly, and he murmured: "The law is true."

"This is a god-level bachelor of the Grand Duchy, a dark sealer, we ... um !?"

At this moment.

Everyone in the secret room, at the same time, if they felt, they looked at the shadow warrior who had just been purified by the divine power of light and spontaneously burned into ashes.

A strange ring floating in the air!


"not good!!"

With the clear cracks spreading on the ring, everyone in the chamber yelled together, but only Relo and Corleone reluctantly stepped out at the door, and all the rest were instantly overwhelmed by the dazzling light Too.

It was this shadow guard who, before dying, launched the magic weapon's self-detonation power!

more importantly……

The violent dust was accompanied by a deafening collapse. The tens of thousands of squares of grand buildings in the backyard of St. Grand Fort ’s Bright Cathedral destroyed most of its area in an instant.

The light of pure energy of more than fifty meters in diameter is like a round of rising sun on the horizon, destroying and smashing everything within its envelope.

"Damn it! How could there be such a high magic weapon on this shadow guard!"

Corleone growled angrily.

No wonder he will be like this.

The number of high-quality magic weapons, even the entire Grand Duchy, is even counted, and even he does not have one, and after such a magic weapon explodes, the power released in an instant is almost no less than one ready to go. A fourth-level creature, with a full blow.

Hey, hey, hey, hey.

There are only a few people scattered, barely escaping from the power of the magic weapon's self-detonation, including the archbishop who is old and almost unstable.

The power of light falling from the unknown place of the sky formed a beam of light, sheltering him.

Looking down at his skinny hands, he looked at the collapsed cathedral complexes around him and the countless believers in the surrounding plaza, as if the dominoes were buckling up and down, his face showing a miserable smile.

Once the blessing of the Holy Power is over, he will instantly become a dying old man, even if he is not killed, he will not survive for a few days.


Suddenly, a light blue spiritual light hit him from the ground, but no ripples appeared on the beam of light.

The bishop looked over to the past, but it was Relo in the ruins.

"Hey! This is the ultimate means you promised your majesty? The so-called super deterrent to the Sicily in the Principality of Zealand?"

Corleone said coldly: "Just now you want to succeed and declare war on the Holy See. From today on, your position in the Holy See will be the same as that of the dark world Capricorn. If you can't take the Principality of Zealand and establish the so-called scholar civilization , You're dead! "

After he finished speaking, he appeared in a flash, beside the Bishop of St. Grand Fort.

The dark palms instantly turned into cruel claws, attempting to break through the beam of light falling from the sky and killing the old man who hung inside.

Zizizi ...

Corleone had just come into contact with this beam of light, and was resisted by the power of the noble law rising above it, and eroded in the reverse direction!

The law of soft light, like poison, spreads to his body along the nails of his cruel claws.

"How can it be!!"

Corleone murmured.

He looked up to the end of the beam of light.

Suddenly, Corleone ’s pupils shrank, and the old face shrouded in dark mist seemed to be hit by a twelve-level gust of wind. Under great pressure, the sound of “buzzing” caused the fog around his body to be left behind. A thin layer, close to the body surface.

"Bright Creator, the power of the laws of level 5 biological will control ..."

Different from the general divine call, it requires senior clerics to pray to the light creator's divine power, and then use their own vitality as the starting material to activate the power of the law.

The light divine power summoned by the Bishop of St. Grand Fort at this moment is the power that the light creator personally paid attention to, and used his own will as the starting material to actively cast.

Generally speaking.

The gods are often reduced to the so-called law weapon because they avoid being eroded by the believers' souls ~ ~ will be in a state of sleep for a long time in the kingdom of God.

However, due to the appearance of Capricorn, in the face of the crisis of life and death, the awakening frequency of the bright creator has increased significantly.

In this way, after feeling the call of Bishop St. Granberg, the light creator will glance here through the current of faith.

Corleone flew back pale.

Even if he was glared far away by a level 5 creature, it was really uncomfortable.

"Master, how are you?"

Lei Luo came to Corleone and cared about it, and saw a scene where he was losing his nails.

at the same time.

The Archbishop of Bright in St. Granberg looked up and stared at the source of the pillar of light. It seemed that he was receiving instructions from the Creator of Light. In a short time, the old and hungry old man shed tears of excitement.

after awhile.

It seemed that after the instruction was completed, he nodded silently and flew to the sky with the help of bright divine power, enough for everyone to look up to the high ground.

Buzz ...

The power of a law rippled, with him as the center, rippled like a wave.

"The Lord's pitiful people."

With the help of bright blessings, his voice almost covered the whole of St. Grand Fort.

Even in the depths of the Royal Palace, even the Zealand Embassy, ​​and even the Grand Academy of Natural Sciences in the outer suburbs, they can hear clearly.

People walked out of the room and looked up.

"Even if the ring of meteor explosion explodes, can't it be resolved?"

Chen Wang, who was watching the live broadcast of the battle through the crystal ball light curtain, couldn't help Sensen murmuring, which was originally a follow-up means he secretly prepared.

"Your Majesty, we must prepare for the worst immediately!"

The Minister of the Army's face looked ugly.

The so-called worst plan is, of course, to continue the rule of the royal family and the nobility, to abandon the car and to keep the handsome, will blame all the evils that caused these radical scholars, and the gecko is dead.

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