Grand Academy of Natural Sciences

Chapter 469: New era (Part 2)

Zealand Embassy.

The Grand Duchy invited seven well-known scholars from Zealand to participate in the Gran Royal Scientific Seminar.

But in the end.

Faced with the possible conspiracy of the Grand Duchy, after some power struggle, only [Bio-Exterminator] Sicily came to Saint-Grande yesterday.

Through the second-floor glass window, Sicily felt a pain on his skin.

She looked towards the bright cathedral of St. Granberg.

"Light miracle !?"

The tingling of the skin stems from the rejection of bathing by the law, similar to allergic symptoms.

She can no longer accept the so-called bright blessings like ordinary people.

"Academician Sicily!"

With a "bang", the door was pushed open, and the ambassador of the Zealand, Robin Han, ran anxiously, ignoring the etiquette.

"Reliable news! The bright cathedral of St. Grand Fort has been surrounded by the warriors of the palace, and the clerics are being arrested there. This is a heretic rebellion, and the believers have surrounded that side !!!"

Sicily did not look back.

Her slightly melancholy face, her eyes gradually deepened, and then suddenly a strange surprise smile was made.

"Originally thought that my progress in the Principality of Zealand was far better than you. Now it seems that you have not only received the full support of the Granite academia, but also awakened the ambitions, greed and desire of the royal power and nobles with catastrophic weapons to let them Become your weapon, so that they are no longer satisfied with the rights under the Holy See ... Well, well, well, I really look forward to your Excellency! "


Robin Hannah looked at Sicily.


Gran Academy of Natural Sciences.

Countless mentors gazed at the miracles towards the bright cathedral of St. Granberg.

Their memories seemed to have returned to a year that was not far away. The Cardinal of the Red Cardinal drove over to St. Grand Fort, summoned miracles, and burned the sad scene of the book.

Ripples making dinner pies, frowning slightly.

"Is it miraculous again? Every time there is no good thing, old man, I feel a little nervous ..."

Gaihe jumped from Gubo and came to the window sill.

Gubo, who was holding his cigarette rod in contemplation, couldn't help but look out and stood up and sighed, "I'm going to the office. The instructions should be given soon. The college is going to prepare."


On the streets of Saint-Grande.

"This ... this is the miracle of light! The miracle of the light creator!"

"I am a sinner!"

The tide-like believers murmured with tears in their eyes.

At this moment, they are willing to dedicate all their own for the bright Creator, for the redemption and the afterlife.


From afar.

In the sacred beam of light that descended from the sky, the old Bishop of St. Grand Fort, incomparably majestic and incomparably holy, overlooked the world.

Every movement and every look of him was so clear and full of pity.


Corleone took a deep breath.

"Your Majesty's most worrying thing is still about to happen, from now on you and I are afraid ..."

He looked at Raylow.

"Come on, your majesty has done her best. Once the situation is wrong, facing the pressure of the Holy See, in order to smooth the rebellious pressure of the nobles and the religious believers, you may become a sacrifice for the Grand Duchy by then. The Holy See, who is at war with the dark world, is the best result they want. "

Rello clenched his fists.

He seemed to have returned to the enlightenment apprenticeship, and for the first time looked up at the stars under the guidance of Gu Bo, firming the truth of "Heliocentric".

At this moment, he is like a patient stargazer.

He concentrated on looking up at the sky, fully feeling his insignificance. Even the real body of the fourth-grade star was nothing but a tiny amount of dust under the vast vastness. He tried hard to spy on something from this vastness.

"The omnipotent Lord is looking here, saddened by the heretic evil here, and I will command you in the name of the most faithful servant of the Lord ..."

At this moment.

A blue beam of light came silently and silently. It seemed to be the sharpest blade in the world. It came from the dark and quiet universe, from the ancient celestial body.

After entering the influence of the rule of the star screen world, it briefly and violently rubbed against the energy of the rule of this world, and was constantly consumed, but there was no sound, just a fast blue.

After erasing dozens of small sky floating island fragments along the way, it melted a medium-sized sky floating island, destroyed its structure, and split it into dozens of fast.

These meteorite fragments were affected by the gravitational magnetic field of the star-screen world, and they all fell into the atmosphere of the star-screen world one after another, making a dull and agitated sound of "long", "long", "long", "long".

The potential energy is weakened layer by layer.

But the beam of blue light itself remained silent.

With only a very small part of its power, it finally broke through the layers of obstacles and came to the surface area of ​​this star. The sound of "Poo" hit the Bishop of St. Grand Castle under the miracle of light without any errors. At an unbelievable speed, the fleeting land fell on the outer suburbs of St. Grand Fort.

After it landed on the ground, there was still no shock wave, no explosion, and no dust waves.

Everything is so calm.

As if everything that just happened were just illusions, only the bishop who summoned the miracle of light seemed to be wiped out of thin air and disappeared completely.

The power of light also lost the summoning coordinates, the so-called light miracles slowly disappeared in the eyes of countless believers, and the world suddenly returned to the dusk and sunset that should have been.


Corleone looked at the empty sky.

Of course he knew exactly what it meant, and he looked slowly at Rayloo with a slightly cold back.

"This is the attack launched by Superman?"

Nodded silently, Lei Luo, who was also in shock, but resolutely flew to the sky with great courage the first time after regaining his reason, suppressing the fear and desire for the unknown in his heart ~ ~ In the attitude of an absolute winner, he overlooked the countless believers and scholars and neutral nobles who were shocked by Saint-Gran-Bourg-Nenet.

"Stupid and numb believers, the Bishop of St. Granberg ’s Cathedral of Light is dead, and the Creator of Light is not omnipotent! The era of ignorance in which the Holy Master of Light created the rule of mankind is over today!"

Rello snarled as much as he could, his howling voice, even a little hoarse.

Along with his roar, in the sound of rumbling, a meteor shower dropped in the distant sky, the destroyed floating island debris and the star-screen world law in the atmosphere burned violently.

Countless believers watched this scene happen.

The miracle of light was forcibly interrupted by external forces.

The brain is blank.

Just now, the Bishop of St. Glenburg, who is calling the miracle of light, was killed in the advent miracle of the creator of light?

The Creator of Light let his spokesman of the will in the world be killed when he showed the most majestic side to the world!

He is not omnipotent?

Panic, confusion, confusion ...

In the unabashed, uplifting smile of His Majesty the King of the Royal Palace, and in the unbelievable loss of countless teachers and students of the Grand Academy of Natural Sciences, Sicily, the [biological exterminator] of the Zealand Embassy, ​​left the room the first time.

"Academy Sicily, where are you going?"

Robin Han, who had returned to God, shouted loudly outside the window and asked.

Sicily did not respond. She did not go to the bright cathedral of St. Granberg, but flew straight to the far suburbs of Sengran Castle where the mysterious azure beam fell.

"What the power is that? Raylo ... This is really an unforgettable cover-up! Heh, heh, this is going to be in the history of the exchange meeting, since you smart old guys are not coming , Destined to be eliminated by history! "

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