Great Country Academician

Chapter 798 Some signals that CERN has not ‘discovered’!

It was indeed unexpected that Xu Chuan could push the confidence level of the experimental data of the coupling constant signal of strong electric symmetry breaking to the level close to 5sigma in just over half a month.

After all, after completely abandoning the analysis data from CERN, they need to accumulate collision experimental data, analyze original data, draw Daritz diagrams, etc. bit by bit.

However, such high efficiency and such fast speed are inseparable from excellence and efforts in many aspects.

Excellent collider, excellent mathematical model, Chinese scholars who process data almost 24 hours a day in three shifts. All of them add up to create this "miraculous" speed.

However, for Xu Chuan, being able to complete this work in half a month is not the only good news!

In the office, after sharing this good news, Lin Feng grinned and couldn't stop laughing: "Not just fast!"

"You know? We compared the data that has reached a confidence level of about 4.5sigma. Guess what we found?!"

Without waiting for Xu Chuan to answer, he quickly gave the answer.

"CERN's data is really problematic!"

As he spoke, Lin Feng was gesticulating and drawing in the air.

"Do you know! In the detection experiment of the coupling constant signal of the strong electric symmetry breaking, in the detailed data of 4sigma confidence, we detected the change of quark reorganization energy level when the strong electric symmetry is broken!"

"Not only that, we carefully checked the acceptance data from CERN, and there is absolutely no relevant Daritz diagram and analysis data on it!"

"This means that CERN's data may really be falsified."

Take a deep breath, Lin Feng shouted with a flushed face: "More importantly, this is a brand new discovery! Never seen before!"

"When the strong electric charge is broken, the quark reorganization energy level will show decay and enhancement curves, which is a trace that has never been found in the physics community!"

"It is no exaggeration to say that this 17Tev energy level collision experiment has created a brand new result!"

"This is epic! It is the greatest discovery!"


The excited Senior Brother Lin Feng quickly burst out all his emotions in his heart in one breath, so that after saying this paragraph, his whole face was a little pale, and he took several deep breaths to recover.

Xu Chuan picked up the analysis data that Lin Feng brought from the table and read it carefully.

He led the re-verification experiment of the coupling constant signal of strong electrosymmetry breaking, including the analysis of experimental data and related mathematical models.

However, he could not keep an eye on these tasks 24 hours a day.

After all, as the chairman of the CRHPC Institutional Council, there were too many tasks and meetings that he needed to handle personally in the early stage of the CRHPC collider's operation.

In addition to these CRHPC institutional tasks, he also needed to take time to sort out the linkage between quarks, gluons, and the void field when the void field was broken.

After all, for today's physics, the quark reorganization energy level curve under the particle collision experiment at the 17Tev energy level is a brand new discovery and an unsolved mystery.

So he handed over the re-verification of the coupling constant signal of strong electrosymmetry breaking to Lin Feng to help him check, and Lin Feng did not disappoint his expectations and brought this test result that was enough to preliminarily determine that there was a problem with the CERN data.

On the analysis report, rows of data and energy spectrum images came into Xu Chuan's eyes.

When the integrated Daritz diagram of the 4.5 sigma confidence level mentioned by Lin Feng jumped into his pupils, a smile appeared on his face.

Brother Lin Feng said that the discovery that has never been seen in the physics community is that when the collision experiment is conducted at the 17Tev energy level when the strong electric symmetry is broken, the quark reorganization energy level will show a decay and enhancement curve. He knows very well what this is.

In the void field theory, when the quarks and gluons that form the strong force form protons and neutrons, their gluons will break the void field when they interact with each other, and obtain energy from the void field to maintain and generate strong interactions.

In the collision experiment at the full 17Tev energy level, its traces were initially revealed.

Although the data in hand alone cannot fully prove that his void field theory is correct.

But Xu Chuan believes that his theory will eventually guide the progress of the physics community!

Along with the collision of the 17 trillion electron volt energy level experiment, the re-verification of the coupling constant signal of strong electric symmetry breaking is also progressing steadily and orderly.

In the physics community, the internal voices of physicists who pay attention to this aspect have gradually changed.

Some news leaked intentionally or unintentionally seem to confirm that there are problems with the coupling constant work of strong electric symmetry breaking verified by CERN.

Many physicists who initially stood on CERN's side and believed that there was no problem with the acceptance work completed by Professor Fox were somewhat shaken in this somewhat "weird" atmosphere.

In the coffee shop downstairs of CRHPC headquarters, Edward Witten and Frank Wilczek found a seat by the window and ordered two cups of coffee.

"I heard that the re-verification of the coupling constant work of strong electric symmetry breaking at CRHPC is about to be completed?"

After taking the coffee from the waiter, Wilczek asked Edward Witten.

"There is this news, but it's not very clear." Witten took a sip of coffee and replied.

Hearing this, Wilczek looked over with surprise: "You don't know the specific situation?"

Witten glanced at him and said, "I didn't participate in the data analysis work, how can I know the situation."

"I thought you would help your student do some mathematical analysis work." Wilczek laughed and teased.

Witten shook his head and said, "All the local scholars in China participated in the re-verification of the coupling constant work of strong electric symmetry breaking this time. CRHPC did not invite outsiders to join."

"I heard that they have made a major discovery. It seems that in the collision experiment at the 17Tev energy level, some decay traces that have never been found when quarks are reorganized have been found."

Wilczek asked curiously. Although he did not participate in the recent work of CRHPC, as a famous "good relationship" in the physics community, he still knew about it.

It's just that those Chinese scholars have maintained a mysterious attitude towards this matter as a whole. He found out some, but not much.

Across the table, Witten sipped the coffee in his cup.

He probably knew what the decay traces that Wilczek mentioned when quarks were reorganized were.

If nothing unexpected happened, it should be the linkage between quarks, gluons and void fields when the void field was broken in the void field theory proposed by Xu Chuan.

Under the energy level collision of 17Tev, the mechanism that Xu Chuan had roughly described to him a few months ago might really appear.

However, he had no interest in telling others about this theory that had not been fully disclosed.

After the re-verification of the coupling constant work of the strong electric symmetry breaking was completed, his student would probably upload the theory of the breaking of quark clusters, gluons and void fields to arxiv.

If his speculation was correct, this theory would most likely surpass string theory or grand unified field theory and become a new hot theory in the physics community.

"Maybe I can also adjust string theory according to the void field theory?"

As he thought about it, a new idea came to Witten's mind.

String theory is his most important achievement, but unfortunately, the physics community today has no ability to go deep into the microscopic world of "strings" and "quantums" to verify whether it is correct.

Even if he has mathematically perfected the overall logic of string theory as much as possible.

If you want to verify this extremely microscopic theory, you probably don't need a 100+Tev collider, but a collision energy level of at least 1000Tev or even 10000Tev or higher.

Only in this ultra-high energy collision experiment can it be possible to completely crush quarks and reduce them to "strings" in the microscopic world.

However, before the collider develops to this level, he seems to be able to do something by combining string theory and void field theory?

Of course, this does not mean that he wants to "steal" Xu Chuan's achievements, and he can't do such a thing.

What he wants to do is to use void field theory to complement string theory to improve and solve the problem that string theory is too far away from experimental physics.

It took longer to advance from 4.5sigma to 5sigma than Lin Feng estimated when he reported his work.

It took nearly five days, with the cooperation of many university teams, to sort out and make the final Daritz diagram.

In the office, Xu Chuan, who got the complete analysis data and Daritz diagram, had a happy smile on his face.

Facts have proved that his judgment is correct!

At CERN, the analysis data made by Professor Fox of Stanford University did have problems.

In particular, along with these analysis data, there is also a curve chart of "quark recombination energy level decay and enhancement when strong electric symmetry is broken at 17Tev energy level", which proves this point.

For repeated verification work, what this means is self-evident.

It is also a collision experiment at the 17Tev energy level, one has an extra curve chart of collision energy level decay and enhancement when quarks recombine, and the other does not. All the data fully meet the prediction standards in the strong electric unified theory.

It can completely show from the experimental data that CERN's Daritz diagram is problematic!

This curve chart is crucial evidence.

"Well done!"

Putting down the report in his hand, Xu Chuan raised his head, looked at Senior Brother Lin Feng, and gave him a thumbs up.

Lin Feng grinned and praised each other: "It's just a small achievement, not worth mentioning, not worth mentioning."

"If you want to talk about amazing, you are amazing. An experimental result that deceived the entire physics community was overturned by you alone!"

Xu Chuan smiled, put the report in his hand on the desk, and said with emotion: "I have to say that Professor Fox Hale is really amazing. The data he fabricated deceived almost all the top physicists."

"Although this is related to the fact that he has enough analytical data in his hands, he is also a talent to be able to do this."

"Unfortunately, he took the wrong path."

As he said, he couldn't help shaking his head.

To this day, the CRHPC analysis data and the curves of the decay and enhancement of the collision energy level during quark recombination have been able to clearly confirm that the experimental analysis data at CERN is indeed fake.

Based on his understanding of the theory of strong-electric unification and high-energy physics, Fox Hale's means of fraud are nothing more than a few.

The most likely one is to use the 3sigma confidence data previously completed by CERN, with the help of original analysis data and supercomputers, and to promote the predicted coupling constant of strong-electric symmetry breaking.

This level of data fabrication can be said to be difficult to find loopholes.

Because the original data he used were all real, the only loophole was that the subsequent supercomputer analyzed and simulated the large-scale original data, and the subsequent confidence data was too perfect.

The data that was perfect enough to fully meet the predictions in the theory of strong-electric unification became the biggest loophole.

In the absence of the theory of void field and the theoretical basis of quark splitting and gluon breaking, it is normal for the physics community to be deceived.

After all, science requires evidence. Without evidence, even if you suspect that his data is too perfect and there may be problems, you cannot refute the other party's results.

In early September, when the physics community was still studying the two papers related to "magnetic monopoles" that Xu Chuan published on the arxiv preprint website.

CRHPC suddenly held a press conference.

At the press conference, Lin Feng replaced Xu Chuan to report on the work of CRHPC in the past month.

The re-verification experiment of the coupling constant of strong electric symmetry breaking has made great progress. CRHPC has officially completed the experimental data with a confidence level of 5sigma, and will officially hold an acceptance report meeting in three days.

At the same time, during the question-and-answer session, Lin Feng said that the re-verification of the coupling constant of strong electric symmetry breaking by CRHPC has obtained experimental data that is very different from that of CERN.

At the same time, the CRHPC collider has obtained some signals that have never been obtained in the coupling constant experiment of strong electric symmetry breaking, which are not included in the acceptance data of Professor Fox Hale of CERN.

As soon as this news came out, the entire physics community and even the world suddenly became lively.

In just one night, the press conference hosted by Lin Feng spread to various countries.

On the internationally renowned physics forum PhysicsForums, the relevant discussion posts occupied the entire high-energy physics page at the first time, and almost everyone was discussing this matter.

【CRHPC officially held a press conference, stating that the re-verification of the coupling constant of strong electrosymmetry breaking has been completed. While obtaining a 5sigma confidence level, it also captured some data that Professor Fox of CERN did not capture! Link:】

【? ? ? ?, if I remember correctly, today is only September 2? It seems that it has been less than a month since CRHPC announced that it would re-verify the coupling constant of strong electrosymmetry breaking? 】

【To be precise, it was 23 days. 】

【God, are the Chinese crazy? Originally, I thought that CERN could complete the verification work in 2 months, which was very efficient. The Chinese actually shortened it to less than a month? 】

【Completed the verification of the coupling constant of strong electrosymmetry breaking in 23 days? How is this possible? I now also doubt whether CRHPC has falsified. 】

【Given Professor Xu Chuan's academic reputation, it should be impossible for him to falsify, right? 】

【Who knows? The competition between CERN and CRHPC is so fierce. As the chairman of CRHPC, he might be unwilling to do so for the sake of the development of the team he leads. 】

【So who is right now? CERN or CRHPC? 】

【I don't know, but I know that the acceptance report meeting in three days will probably reveal the answer. 】

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