Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2107: Imperial Brand!

"This palace has been set up by time and space?"

   Ling Xiao's eyes flickered, and immediately saw something was wrong.

   The palace shrouded in darkness looks very mysterious, and it is very likely to contain the secrets of the wolf-killing pattern, but at this moment Ling Xiao is blocked from the outside, and he cannot get close to the palace at all.

He can feel that there is a mysterious power of time and space around this palace, which is the power of time and space fusion, forming a mysterious enchantment, it seems to be in front of him, but in fact it is isolated from endless space and time, making people There is no way to enter it.

   "Is the time and space bound, is it the person of the time and space gate?"

   Ling Xiao's eyes flickered, and he immediately thought of the extraordinary time he once encountered. Shi Weifan possessed a compass of time and practiced menstruation. His identity was very mysterious.

Among    God Realm, the most proficient in space-time avenue is the space-time sky gate.

   "I really want to see what is hiding here!"

   Ling Xiao smiled coldly in his heart, and the light in his palm was shining brightly. Three compasses of the years suddenly floated out at the same time. The mysterious runes on it lingered and the power of the years flowed.


   Ling Xiao urged the years compass with his menstruation, and the years compass floated up, and turned into three bright light circles around him, slowly drifting toward the front.

   In front of Ling Xiao, there was an extremely gorgeous scene, the mysterious light flowing, the years endlessly, as if the fog of time had been set aside, and the reality was seen.

   The palace shrouded in darkness shuddered slightly. There was a rune flowing in the mysterious space-time boundary, but another power of space appeared, as if there were overlapping illusions of space.


  Lingxiao seemed to have expected it. After seeing this scene, he couldn't help but sneered.


   Nine heavenly chaotic monuments rose from the sky, intertwining a mysterious circle with each other, and the sky was printed towards the overlapping space.

   Suddenly, the Quartet was trembling and the darkness was surging. It seemed like a hurricane had been set off. Above that huge space-time boundary, a portal appeared instantly.

   Ling Xiao's eyes flashed, and instantly flew in.

   "A very powerful time-space enclave, if it weren't for three years of compass, I'm afraid it's still difficult to come in!"

   Ling Xiao breathed a sigh of relief and said to herself.

The most powerful force in time and space is the power of time. Time is a taboo. Most people cannot touch the power of time, but the law of space is more common. Since many powerful people have come into contact with the true meaning of the avenue, the first contact is the power of the law of space. .

  Tao Dao Chao Chaobei can break through the void and break the space barriers is not a big problem, but the power of time here is extremely powerful, if it is not for Xiao Xiao to explode the power of three years compass, I am afraid there is no way to come in.

   After entering the palace, Ling Xiao began to look around the scene.

   This is a very old palace. The whole body is made of black stone. It looks great and unworked. It is very simple. It exudes a wild atmosphere. The walls are mottled and the atmosphere of years flows.

   Lingxiao saw three ancient stone mirrors in the palace.

   The stone mirror looks very huge, hundreds of feet tall, with a chaotic light flowing through the body, and a mysterious evil spirit diffuses from it.

"this is……"

   When Ling Xiao saw something in the stone mirror, he was shocked instantly, and his eyes showed an incredible horror.

  The first stone mirror reflects a giant sword that traverses the world, as if it is a weapon of chaotic gods and demons. It is hundreds of millions of miles long, like a vast galaxy, floating in chaos!

  The second stone mirror reflects a long-gun that is indestructible. The whole body is as black as ink, flowing with eternal and immortal atmosphere, and contains the endless fighting intention, as if it can destroy the world with one blow!

  The third stone mirror reflected a dazzling long sword, with sword energy in the sky of hundreds of millions of heavens and unparalleled sharpness, as if it could cut the heavens and all the worlds into powder, extraordinary and extraordinary!

   three weapons of knives, guns and swords appeared in the stone mirror.

   "This turned out to be... Ji Dao Emperor?"

   Ling Xiao's voice was shaking, and his eyes were full of shock. He could clearly feel that these three weapons exuded the mighty divine power, eternal and immortal, as if they could destroy everything.

   He recognized it almost at a glance. This is the Ji Dao Emperor, and only the Ji Dao Emperor has such a terrifying power!

   "No, this is not a real Ji Dao Imperial Soldier, this is just the brand of Ji Dao Imperial Soldier!"

   Ling Xiao's eyes flashed sharply, and if there were three extreme soldiers here, let alone kill the wolf three-star pattern, even the entire void had completely collapsed.

   Three pieces of completely recovered imperial emperor soldiers are equivalent to the three supreme emperors. That kind of peerless supernatural power is enough to break up the ancient chaos and penetrate the heavens and the world.

  The swords, swords and swords among the three stone mirrors are the imprints of the imperial emperor soldiers. I do not know who arranged this place with supreme means and formed three imprints.

   Even if it is the imprint of the Ji Dao Emperor, it is also extremely precious.

  If you can understand the true meaning of the great emperor in the imprint of the Ji Dao imperial soldiers, not only will you be able to advance by leaps and bounds, but you may also be able to enlighten the godlessness contained in it, and have a peerless combat power.

   "The sword is the king of a hundred The gun is the ancestor of a hundred soldiers, the sword is the lord of a hundred soldiers, are these three pieces of imperial emperor soldiers, is it related to this three-dimensional pattern of killing wolves?"

   Ling Xiao's heart moved, and he suddenly remembered the mysterious power that he felt in the three stars of the Seven Kills, the Broken Army and the Greedy Wolf. It was a brand in the years and was endless.

   And the three ancient mirrors in front of him seemed to be connected to the three stars of the killing wolf, drawing the mysterious power from it, and gradually condensed into the brand of these three great imperial soldiers.

"If you peel off the brand of the three great pole emperor soldiers, it should be enough for me to have three life-saving cards, and the brand of the three great pole emperor soldiers is enough to slaughter the great saint! But I have better choices, Refining the imprint of the Ji Dao Emperor soldiers with the Fighting Power of Heaven, my Fighting Power of Heaven will be accomplished and have invincible power!"

  Ling Xiao's eyes were burning, and she thought a little excitedly.

  No matter who left such a means here, he actually built a three-dimensional pattern to kill the wolf to draw the brand of the three great imperial soldiers, and now it has just become Lingxiao's fortune.

   "Just broke through the boundary of time and space, I am afraid that the master of this place has been shocked! Without further ado, I will refine the brand of the three great imperial soldiers!"

   Ling Xiao's heart moved, and immediately sat in front of the three stone mirrors.


Ling Xiao's blazing divine light spread all over his body, and there was a dazzling divine glow above his head, and the mysterious runes rose. In a flash, he was urged by the fighting battle to transform into three torrents, and suddenly blasted towards the three stone mirrors. go with!

   (End of this chapter)

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