Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2108: Great achievements!


  The sky-wide divine light bloomed like a rain of light, and it was dazzling. The three stone mirrors in front of Ling Xiao began to tremble slightly.

Fighting Heavenly Strength is the supreme secret technique of the Temple of War. It contains the secret of fighting battle and possesses the power of supreme killing. monstrous.

After Ling Xiao got the inheritance of Fighting Fighting Heavenly Strength, he only initially cultivated Fighting Fighting Heavenly Strength and used it to condense Yan Emperor Ding, which is unmatched. However, if he wants to cultivate Fighting Fighting Heavenly Strength into the state of great success, he must constantly absorb the powerful The immortal soldier's brand, and the fighting battle power is turned into a part of itself.

The emperor's brand in the three stone mirrors in front of him is the best nourishment for Ling Xiao's cultivation of fighting warfare, and Ling Xiao has a hunch that if he absorbs the three emperor's brand, his fighting warrior will be completely successful .

   Ling Xiaopan sat in front of the stone mirror, a rune rose around him, and turned into a mysterious world, which seemed to appear a virtual shadow of a Taoist soldier, ruining the world, unmatched.

  The emperor soldier's imprint in the stone mirror vibrated slightly, and the fierce Jidao Emperor Wei broke out, just like the complete recovery of the three Jidao Emperor soldiers.


  The violent shock of the void, the long knife in the first stone mirror flew out of the stone mirror instantly, and volley flew into the magical world above Ling Xiao's head.

  In an instant, the turbulence, the void roared, and the endless swords and terrors were monstrous, as if they could wipe out everything, so that the world of magic soldiers was shaking.


   Lingxiao pushed his arms out, and the fiery flame rose up above him, turning into a Yan Emperor Ding, spraying endless firelight, and the four sides of the void seemed to be twisted.

   That long knife slammed on Yan Emperor Ding, bursting out of unparalleled magical power, every collision was like a sky-shattering, terrifying power.

   However, with the collision of the Long Sword and Yan Di Ding, the integration of the Di Dao Di Wei between the two gradually became harmonious, and finally intertwined with each other, making Ling Xiao's breath more and more powerful.

   Boom! boom!

The second stone mirror and the third stone mirror also tremble. The war gun rises in the air, and the long sword pierces the sky. One shot and one sword contains an unmatched sharp edge. It suddenly hit the top of Ling Xiao's head. Above the magical world.

   The extremely terrifying divine light erupted, like a huge wave rising in the sea, and the terrifying breath of terror seemed to be able to completely annihilate everything.

   Ling Xiao's figure was swallowed by the blazing light.


Just when Ling Xiao refined the three imperial soldiers' imprints, a palace floating in chaos, hundreds of millions of miles apart, ancient and mysterious, at this moment a young man in the palace suddenly opened his eyes, as if There was fierce lightning puncturing the sky, and his eyes showed anger and shock.

   "Who is it? Dare to move my emperor's brand?!"


   The blazing flame burst into thin air in an instant, and the young man's whole body burst out with endless flames, as bright as the sun, exuding the radiance of the yang to gang.

   He was wearing a gold armor, slender and magnificent, with long blond hair flying, and his face was extremely handsome, but his eyes were full of murderous intentions, making his whole person's breath seem extremely fierce and terrifying.

   "No matter who you are, dare to move my emperor's brand, you have to die!"

   The voice of the young man in the gold armor was very cold. He took a step, and the tremor of the void immediately appeared, and a door of space appeared directly. His figure entered the door of space, and disappeared completely.



In the palace, Ling Xiao has completely refined the three emperor soldiers' imprints. On top of his head, centered on Yan Emperor Ding, there are also a sword, a gun, a sword, and the four pole emperor soldiers are intertwined with each other. , Exudes a terrifying momentum, so that Ling Xiao's breath has become more severe.

   "Fighting for battle, finally, it's done!"

   Ling Xiao's eyes shook, and there was a trace of excitement in his eyes.

Based on the four great pole Dao emperors and soldiers, Ling Xiao's fighting warfare is completely accomplished. Then as he gradually learns about fighting warfare, and realizes the fighting road, his combat power will become stronger and stronger The power of terror.

   However, because Dou Zhan Tiangong refined the three emperor soldiers, making Ling Xiao exerting Dou Zhan Tiangong also became a lot more difficult. If the four emperor soldiers manifested at the same time, Ling Xiao might have the power of one blow at most.

   But the power of this blow must be terrifying!

   "The imperial soldier's brand here must have been intentionally collected by someone, or leave here first, otherwise if the owner of this place comes, it will be bad!"

   Ling Xiao thought secretly in his heart that he was about to leave this palace directly.


   Suddenly, Ling Xiao felt an extremely fierce murderous attack coming from behind him, making his body of hair seem to stand up.

   Ling Xiao didn't want to think about it, Fan Tianyin's light flashed directly behind him, and his entire person was casting the secret technique of moving and moving away.


  Fan Tianyin shuddered slightly, a bright halberd blast exploded, as if the heavens and the earth were divided into two halves.


   Ling Xiao's eyes flashed, looking at the void behind him.

The void thundered, a door to space appeared out of thin air, a young man wearing a gold armor, holding Fang Tianhua halberd came out, and his whole body was violent and The eyes were full of cold Killing intention, instantly locked Ling Xiao.

   "You asked me who I am? You stole my imperial soldier brand, if you don't hand it over today, don't blame me!"

   said the young man in the golden armor coldly.

  He saw that the three stone mirrors were already empty, the emperor's brand disappeared completely, and he knew that all fell into Ling Xiao's hands. He was still late, and the anger in his heart became more and more fierce.

   "Your Imperial Soldier Brand? Who are you? You said that the Imperial Soldier Brand is yours, they are yours? It's a joke, the treasures have the destiny, and I have the destiny with them, the Imperial Soldier Brand is naturally mine!"

   Ling Xiao smiled indifferently, but there was a strange look in his eyes.

   He didn't expect that the three imperial soldiers' brand had just been refined, and the master of the imperial soldier's brand came. The most important thing was that Ling Xiao discovered that the young man wearing the golden armor turned out to be a woman!

   "This secret realm was left by my golden ancestors' ancestors, and the treasures inside are naturally mine! If you thief, if you don't hand it over again, I will blame you!"

  The young man in the golden armor said extremely angry.

   "Golden Clan?"

   heard these four words, Ling Xiao couldn't help but feel shocked.

   PS: Something happened in the evening, only two changes today, everyone take a break early.

   (End of this chapter)

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