Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2131: War Demon Law Enforcer!

"Take him, regardless of life or death!"

The young demon lord pointed at Ling Xiao coldly and gave orders directly to the law enforcers!

What everyone did not expect was that those law enforcers actually obeyed the orders of the young master demon, and the whole body was full of anger, and they came up towards Ling Xiao.

"Boy, hand over the bride of the young demon master, and then obediently catch your hand! Otherwise, it will make you soulful, and never be born!"

A law enforcement officer headed by is a burly man holding a double hammer, a broken animal skin, muscles knotted, blood thin, full of explosive power, staring at Ling Xiao and screaming, as if Thunder generally rumbling.

"You are the law enforcers, so you listen to their words so much? If I say they are the first to do it?"

Ling Xiao's brow furrowed and stared at these law enforcement officers.

He can feel that these law enforcers are not easy to provoke, and each one of them is extremely powerful. After a hundred battles, the general nine-and-a-half-strong are not their opponents at all. In order to fight against them.

With so many law enforcement officers, it is enough to kill a heavenly arrogant and powerful man who has gone through three realms!

It was just that he didn't expect that these law-enforcers would so obey the orders of the young master demon, so that Ling Xiao's heart was incomparable!

"Master, the guardian in the holy city of the demon race is rumored to have benefited from the demon emperor, so these law enforcers have been secretly told to obey the order of the young demon master, so they will be so partial to the sky. Young demon!"

Xue Wei whispered softly to Ling Xiaodao.

Ling Xiao sneered, and the light in his eyes grew colder.

"Whoever moves the hand first, we have our own judgment! You just obediently catch your hand and go back with us to be investigated, otherwise don't blame us for being welcome!"

The burly big man, headed by, smirked.

"I didn't expect that the so-called law enforcers who preside over justice are just a group of villains who depend on powerful people! It seems that I have looked at you a lot, and since this is the case, then you don't have to exist!"

Ling Xiao sighed softly, her gaze very calm.

"Hey, I said long ago, these guys are not good things, they are all slaughtered, and this demon holy city has also become a chaotic city!"

Bai Longma sneered.

There are 108 holy cities in the ancient chaotic land. Although each holy city has law enforcers and guardians, but in the past three years, there are also strong against the sky, forcibly killing the law enforcers and guardians, Turn the Holy City into a chaotic city without any order and rules.

As soon as Ling Xiao and Bai Longma's words came out, the faces of many law enforcement officers suddenly changed.

Chaos City is the anti-scale in their hearts, Ling Xiao and Bai Longma are so unscrupulous, and immediately aroused the murderous intention in their hearts.

"You are looking for death! Come on, regardless of life or death!"

The burly man sneered with a sneer, and his whole body exuded an extremely fierce murderous intention.


He took the lead in shooting. The double hammer was like two mountains, killing towards Lingxiao.

At the same time, the law-enforcers around him, one by one, were grievous, and their eyes were cold, and a very powerful magical power broke out. The whole body was shrouded in holy power, as if they could tear apart this world.

More than a dozen law enforcers shot at the same time.

"This Long Aotian is too rampant? Dare to offend the law enforcers? No one can save them!"

"Yes! Even if he is strong? Law enforcers are all strong men who have experienced endless battles. Although their talents are not necessarily strong, but their combat power is superb! Plus they have guardians behind them. This dragon Aotian will die!"

"Dare to go into the holy city of demon races and into the demon palace, this is the price he must pay!"

Many demon clan powerhouses sneered, their eyes full of cold look.

Naturally, they are not optimistic about Ling Xiao. Over the past three years, there have been many talented and powerful people who have been unruly and against the iron laws of the demon holy city, but in the end, without exception, they were all beheaded by law enforcement.

Today, there are not only law enforcers, but also the reincarnation of the Son of God and the young master demon, and even the extremely mysterious law enforcement adults. Ling Xiao can be said to be caught in a lot of siege. Everyone thinks he is dead. .

"Protect Xuewei!"

Ling Xiao placed Xuewei on the body of Bailongma, commanded a sound, and turned to kill many law enforcement officers!

Xue Wei's injury has not yet healed, but Ling Xiao has given her a supreme healing Jindan, and at the same time let Bailongma and Feng Qingyang protect Xue Wei and choose a person to face many law enforcers.

After all, there are reincarnation saints and celestial demon masters watching.


Ling Xiao burst out with a punch, the golden fist print exploded like the bright sun, and contained a strong and unparalleled divine power, which directly collided with the double hammer of the burly man.

The wave of terror swept away, and with the outburst of chaos, the two giant hammers buzzed and trembling, and a force of terror burst out, so that the burly man couldn't help but change his face, and then suddenly retreated Come on.

The body of the burly man is ancient and alien, and his body is powerful and unmatched. Coupled with the two giant hammers in his hands, he has the power of incomparable fear, unfavorable and unfavorable, he did not expect to lose to Ling Xiao.


Ling Xiao didn't give him a chance to react at all. Ling Kong kicked it out, kicked it on the chest of the burly man, and kicked him out!

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

At the same time, other law-enforcers were killed, the whole body was horrified, and they exhibited extremely powerful magical means. The long sword was in the air, the sword was sharp, and the gun-man hole penetrated everything. Come.

Although the strength of these law enforcement individuals is not very strong, only the equivalent of the nine-and-a-half holy cultivation is but their cooperation with each other is wonderful, and they have extremely powerful fighting instincts. .


Ling Xiao punches like a dragon, his eyes are fierce and his body is full of energy, no matter what powerful magical means, he is a punch, breaking any attacks that stand in front of him!

Surrounding the vacant surroundings, Ling Xiao and the law enforcers launched a fierce battle. Almost every blow exploded with the power of a mountain and a tsunami, just like a volcanic eruption, blooming endless divine light.

"Knight Zhou Tianxing Battle Formation!"

The burly man roared with a roar.

He could feel Ling Xiao's power. Although more than a dozen law enforcers shot at the same time, there was no way to help Ling Xiao, and in this way, the law enforcers would lose soon.


He shone a blazing divine light all over his body, just like Zhou Tianxing's stars, blooming monstrous gas, behind him, as if there was a mysterious star floating, extremely mysterious.

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