Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2132: Law enforcement is unfair? Just kill it!

The other law enforcement officers also screamed at the same time, intertwined with each other, and the stars floated out, filled with the blazing starlight!

Above the nine days, the endless starry sky lighted up instantly, and the vast power of stars came to form a heavenly pillar of heavenly light. Soaring!

Many law-enforcers shrouded Ling Xiao in the center, and their breath was intertwined with each other, as if their power had soared dozens or hundreds of times in an instant.


The violent shock of the void, a mysterious sound wave burst out, let the sky dome shake at the same time, want to directly shake Ling Xiao among them.

"Zhou Tianxing battle battle?"

Ling Xiao's eyes flashed with a fine gleam, and the whole body was filled with chaotic air, as if forming a vast chaotic boundary, his flesh was crystal and shining, and contained an immortal fluctuation.

That bizarre sound wave oscillated, making Ling Xiao's chaos around him tremble, showing ripples, but there was no way to cause any harm to Ling Xiao.

"How about using the power of the formation? You are still too weak! Break me!"

The fiery Jin Xia rises among Ling Xiao's eyes, and he rises in the sky instantly, Ling Kong punches towards the burly man!


Ling Xiao broke out the fist of Heavenly Emperor, his whole body was in a state of chaos, and the phantom of the three thousand worlds appeared. The void suddenly shattered, and the divine light of the sky seemed to be drawn into his fist. .

The fierce tremors of Tianguang Tianzhu seemed to break apart at any time!

Seeing that Ling Xiao had shaken Zhou Tianxing's battle array with his own strength, those law enforcers couldn't help but change their complexion, as if they trapped a waking ancient beast, as if they had to speak at any time Torn apart.


The burly man roared with a scream, intertwined with stars, and the law of the avenue came in an instant, like a chain of order gods, winding around Lingxiao!


The magic chain of order wrapped around Ling Xiao's arms and legs, as if completely cancelling Ling Xiao's unmatched fist print.

But Ling Xiao's eyes showed a touch of sarcasm, and a word came out softly.


In an instant, Fan Tianyin, floating above the void, resembled a **** slammed down, containing the power to destroy the heavens and the earth, and enveloped all the law enforcers.

The easiest place for such battle fronts to break is outside.

Ling Xiao can see that this week's incomparably mysterious battle of stars and stars, even if he wants to force it apart, it is not so easy, so he will attract the attention of many law enforcers with the fist of the heavenly emperor, and then explode. The power of India is directly suppressed!


The stars in the sky burst into bursts at once, the four sides of the sky were violently shaken, and the stars were broken. The Zhou Tianxing battle array was directly broken by Fan Tianyin.

Those law enforcers were all shocked, and they were bitten by the powerful formation. They all coughed up blood in their mouths and suddenly flew away!

"It seems that we don't need our shot at all, he can solve the battle by himself!"

Feng Qingyang whispered helplessly to the white dragon horse.

"Hey, dare to fight Ling Xiao with these rubbish? It's just that I don't know how to live or die! Today, I have to make a big mess with the demon clan!"

Bailongma also smiled proudly.

They are full of confidence in Ling Xiao, and are not surprised at such a result!

"Law enforcers are willing to run dogs and do things unfairly. What's the use of keeping you? I think you should die!"

The killer flashed in Ling Xiao's eyes, and Fan Tianyin rose into the sky, and once again suppressed against many law enforcers, wanting to kill all the law enforcers directly!


But at this moment, a bright light bloomed, and a blue copper pot appeared in the void, blooming an infinite amount of ray of light, which looked simple and mysterious, and it was blocked by many law enforcement officers in an instant, and Fan Tianyin hit a note!


The violent shock of the void, Fan Tianyin and the copper pot were shocked, and then flew away at the same time!

"Relying on the power of Fantianyin, what is the skill? Long Aotian, you dare to act against the law enforcement, that is, against the sky, against the heavens, today I can't help but killer and kill you!"

The celestial demon young master exuded a terrible atmosphere, fierce and unmatched, as if exhaling hundreds of thousands of swords.

The copper pot floated on the top of his head, and there was a ray of light. His eyes opened and closed, and there was a mysterious scene that opened the earth, making him look more mysterious and majestic.

"It turned out to be a monster pot of ten thousand demon swords? This is an imitation of the pot of pottery emperor soldiers, but it was made by the emperor of the demon king himself, and he possesses a pot of pottery pot of pottery pot. , The young demon master killed the saint with the ten thousand sword sword pot!"

Someone exclaimed, his eyes full of awe.

"Ling Xiao relied on Fan Tianyin, and now he encountered the demon master potter's sword pot, but it kicked on the iron plate!"

"Yes, there is the young master of the demon, he will certainly not be able to kill the law enforcer!"

Everyone is talking.

Ten Thousand Demon Sword Pot floats on top of Young Master Demon, exuding hundreds of millions of radiances, and the spirit of a sword rises, making him look like a saint in the sword, in charge of the sword, extremely powerful.

"Lord demon? I can't save anyone I want to kill, not even you!"

The murderous eyes overflowed in Ling Xiao's eyes, and the breath around him rose to the extreme!


Fan Tianyin was suppressed towards the Sky Demon Master, shrouded in fiery thunder, and was urged by the Thunder Spirit King to contain the original power of the horror thunder.

At the same time, Ling Xiao volleyed a fist towards the young master demon, the fist print was unparalleled, and the rumbling was like a thunder.

"With me, you can't kill the law enforcer!"

The young master of the sky monster is also cold, and the sword pot of the ten thousand monsters burst out of boundless light, and a sword awn flew out of it, and the horrible sword intention covered the sky.

The sky is full of blazing sword light, and Hengkong shot towards Fan Tianyin and Ling Xiao!

The young demon's hands protruded, as if he could pierce through the void and grab him directly towards Ling Xiao's heart. He would like to take Ling Xiao's heart off directly.

Zheng! Zheng! Zheng!

The sky's sword light collided with There was an unmatched blazing wave of divine light, as if everything was turned into powder, everything left the most original divine wave.

And Ling Xiao seemed to be pushed back by the sky's sword light, and he was very embarrassed. The next moment he was directly penetrated by the young demon.

"not good!"

The face of Young Master Yaoxian changed, and he was about to take Ling Xiao’s heart out and seriously hurt Ling Xiao, but he suddenly discovered that Ling Xiao in front of him turned out to be just a phantom, and instantly exploded into nothingness.

The real Lingxiao appeared above the law enforcement officers, and the murderous boiling in the eyes, the arms were suppressed in the air, and a blazing flame rose, directly appeared in a three-legged two-eared tripod Exudes a force of engulfing violently!


The dozen or so law enforcers didn't expect it, and even if they didn't expect it, they would not be able to contend with Yan Diding's so terrifying power. After being sucked by Ling Xiao's Heaven Swallowing Mystery Technique, he instantly became like dumplings, and all fell into Yan Diding. Among them!

PS: The fourth is over, everyone rests early.

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