Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2133: 9 Yang Yaosheng!

Yan Emperor Ding bursting with blazing blaze, containing vast and unmatched swallowing power, the flowing flame is the fire of the road, which can burn the world, even if the strength of the dozen or so law enforcers is extremely strong, but Involved in Yan Emperor Ding, coupled with the power of Heaven Swallowing Mystery Technique, it was burned to ashes almost instantly, and even the screams did not have time to make a sound.

"I said, no one can save the people I want to kill!"

Yan Xiaoding, the top of Ling Xiao's head, blazing flames all over his body, his eyes scorched, staring at the young demon master said.

"You... dare to kill the law enforcer?!"

The face of the young demon lord was somber instantly, his eyes full of shock and cold look.

What is the law enforcer?

The law enforcer represents the order and rules of a holy city, the will of the avenue, and the guardian are the most powerful forces of a holy city.

Although in the past few years, some powerful men have slaughtered the law enforcement and guardians in the holy city and turned the holy city into a chaotic city, but those holy cities are not strong, and they are not as good as the holy city .

The strength of the demon holy city, even among the 108 holy cities, can be ranked in the top ten.

"God... about to collapse!"

"He killed the law enforcer, I'm afraid the guardian will be coming too!"

"No one can really save him this time! Long Aotian...cowardly!"

Everyone was stunned, their eyes filled with incredible looks.

The law enforcement officials are extremely united. Although the number is not large, they are all strong people who have survived hundreds of battles and robberies. If they are shot at the same time, the power is shocking, even if it is a sacred thing.

Not to mention, standing behind the law enforcers is the unfathomable guardian!

The guardian in the holy city must be a true saint, and it is extremely powerful. It can control the power of a holy city, summon the supreme killing battle, and its combat power is beyond sage.

Even if the strong opponents in other holy cities cut the law enforcers and guardians, they were led out of the holy city before they started. No one in the holy city dared to stab them.

"Law enforcers are unfair, how can they be kept?"

Ling Xiao smiled coldly, his eyes were clear, and he stared at the young demon master.

"You are dead! I can guarantee that no matter what you rely on, you will definitely die today!"

The demon young master's eyes are gloomy, the killing is like a substance, and the whole body exudes a monstrous grief!

He felt like he was slapped by Ling Xiao, and his face was hot and painful. Just now he was deceived by Ling Xiao’s incarnation. Not only did he not save the law enforcement, but let Ling Xiao kill all the law enforcement. Killed completely.

This is a huge humiliation for the young demon master.


At this moment, the sky dome seemed to be broken, a huge vortex of divine light appeared above the void, and an endless fierce thunder spewed out, and the mighty heavenly power diffused, making the heart tremble.

A heavenly figure stepped out from above the sky dome, and the vast Holy Vigor of the whole body rose, the chaotic atmosphere filled, covering the endless expanse of the law of the Avenue, appeared above the Sky Demon Palace.

"Who is it? Dare to kill the law enforcers in the holy city of demon races?"

The icy sound thundered, and it contained a mysterious power, so that the four corners of the world were tumbling.

It was a middle-aged man wearing crimson armor. His face was indifferent. A pair of eyes contained ancient and vicissitudes of power. His whole body rose, as if he could break everything apart.

He was shrouded in monstrous flames, and a fiery atmosphere shone over him, as if he could burn everything to ashes.

Behind the middle-aged man, there are dozens of frightening figures of the followers, all of them are law enforcement officers holding the Divine Soldier, and each one is cold and cold, looking at Ling Xiao's eyes full of killing intent.

"Yes... Master Guardian!"

Someone exclaimed, his voice could not help shaking.

The guardian of the demon holy city, Jiuyang demon!

According to legend, the body of Jiuyang Demon Saint is an ancient fierce beast, and its strength is terrifying, but no one has seen the body of Jiuyang Demon Saint. It was only three years ago that Jiuyang Demon Saint appeared once and was shocked. The heroes who entered the city.

This time, because Ling Xiao slaughtered more than a dozen law enforcers, the Jiuyang Demon Saint was also brought out!

"Ling Xiao, you are in a big disaster! This is Jiuyang Yaosheng, the guardian of the demon holy city. He is terrifying and powerful. He has mastered the supreme killing of the demon holy city. You have killed so many law enforcers. , He certainly won't let us go, or find a way to go quickly!"

Feng Qingyang's voice passed into Ling Xiao's ears, full of bitterness and helplessness.

He did not expect Ling Xiao's temperament to be so fierce that he directly beheaded all the law enforcers. He originally thought that as long as these law enforcers were deterred, he could take Xue Wei's body back.

But he did not expect that Ling Xiao would poke Ma Honeycomb directly!

This time, I'm afraid it's hard to be good.

"Sir Jiuyang, it is him who killed the law enforcers, Long Aotian! He also made a rant, wanting to turn the demon holy city into the next chaotic city!"

Reincarnation Saint Child sneered at Ling Xiao.

"Yes! Master Jiuyang, this kid didn't take the demon holy city in his eyes at all. He forcibly broke into the demon holy city and snatched Ben Shao's bride. The law enforcement came to prevent him from bewildering and beheaded. Or, this son must die!"

The demon master said coldly, his eyes full of cold murderous intention.

He and the reincarnation son each brought a group of people, surrounded them towards Ling Xiao, the whole body was murderous, locked Ling Xiao and others, ready to burst a fatal blow at any time.

"You killed the law enforcer?"

Jiuyang Yaosheng looked at Ling Xiao expressionlessly and said incomparably indifferent.

" is me! If the law enforcers are unfair, they are not worthy of being law enforcers!"

Ling Xiao nodded and looked very clear, looking directly at Jiuyang Yaosheng.

"So, do you want to kill even my guardian? Who gave you the courage to dare to come to my demon holy city Saye?"

Jiuyang Yaosheng stared at Ling Xiao, his eyes gradually filled with chill.

Like a sleeping archaic beast slowly opened his eyes, Ling Xiao felt a very dangerous feeling from Jiuyang Yaosheng.

"Jiuyang Demon Saint, as a guardian, you must be as indiscriminate as those who enforce the law. If you are right or wrong, do you have to die? If so, what kind of guardian are you?"

Ling Xiao smiled coldly.

He could see through these so-called law enforcers and guardians, but it was just a group of people who happened to be the first to control the demon holy city by chance. They pretended to be law enforcers and guardians. the difference?

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