Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2143: Kill 9 Yang Yaosheng!

Ling Xiao's body was full of energy and blood, the fairy flower above his head, the breath was mysterious, and he was bathed in the sky of thunder, but he was not affected by the punishment at all.

Those fierce thunder struck him, as if forming a very mysterious cycle, making him slightly vibrated, as if he had become a part of Thunder Tribulation, and it looked very mysterious.

The young demon master trembles, and it is difficult to believe that all this is in front of him. Ling Xiao caused the heaven punishment, and now the unscrupulous attack on the three of them should cause more terrible heaven punishment. But the scene in front of him makes the heavenly demon The young master was shocked and angry.

"Jiuyang Yaosheng, die!"

The murderous fierceness among Ling Xiao's eyes made a punch in the air and suppressed towards Jiuyang Yaosheng!


The terrifying fist print encased the thunder in the sky, as if it could smash this side of the world, containing endless killing intentions, and added a bit of fierceness.

Just now Muen has sent a voice to Ling Xiao, telling him that the old goat is now cracking down on Zhou Tianxing Daxing, let him solve the Jiuyang demon Saint as soon as possible, Ling Xiao is shocked and happy, very excited in his heart, did not expect the old goat Even in this holy city of demon race.

After hearing Mu En's words, Ling Xiao was also a little worried about the situation of the old goat. Naturally, he endlessly killed Jiuyang Yaosheng and locked him completely.

Ling Xiao cast the secret technique of heaven punishment, and the whole person seemed to be transformed into a part of Heavenly Dao. The whole person's breath was terrifying, and each blow had the power to destroy the world.

"Long Aotian, you must not die!"

The eyes of Jiuyang Yaosheng were about to spit out fire, and they felt extremely suffocated. They roared loudly in rage and dodged in embarrassment.

However, Ling Xiao has locked him up, and when Jiuyang Yaosheng originally used Jiuyang Blood Spirit Emperor's spell, he has already paid a great price, and there is no way to escape from the envelope of heaven.


The terrifying fist marks fell, and Jiuyang Yaosheng wanted to resist, but as his arms were struck by lightning, a crisp voice sounded and was directly broken by Ling Xiao.

Jiuyang Yaosheng stumbled backwards, he was surrounded by demon light rising, wanting to avoid the stormy stormy attack, but the surrounding thunder and light fell, penetrated his defense, let him tremble violently, coughing blood in his mouth !

Whereas the young master demon and the reincarnation son still dare to continue fighting with Ling Xiao at this moment, while Ling Xiao chased and killed Jiuyang Demon Saint, they all escaped from the area covered by heaven penalty.


Ling Xiao punched out, and the fierce lightning gathered together, forming a matchless fist punch, and suddenly slammed on the chest of Jiuyang Yaosheng, making Jiuyang Yaosheng tremendous, Blood spewed wildly in the mouth, and a huge blood hole appeared on the chest!

Jiuyang Yaosheng stumbled and flew away. He did not know how many ribs were broken on his chest. He planted directly from the sky dome and hit the ground fiercely, hitting a huge deep pit. !


Jiuyang Yaosheng roared, his body was full of blood, his eyes were full of anger, and he performed the supreme mystery, and the injury around him began to improve at a speed visible to the naked eye!

"You are going to die!"

Ling Xiao's eyes were filled with murderous intent, as if in substance, he slapped down in the air, Fan Tianyin burst into immense light, and the vast thunder poured on Fan Tianyin, making Fan Tianyin look like an ancient Thunder Mountain, Rumble suppressed!


The tremors shattered, and the emptiness of the Quartet shattered. The eyes of Jiuyang Yaosheng showed a very desperate look, but he could not escape the suppression of Fan Tianyin at all. He could only watch Fan Tianyin drop down. .


Jiuyang Yaosheng directly exploded into a blood mist, the demon light spread all over him, and even Yuanshen was directly bombarded by Fan Tianyin, which can be said to be a complete dispersal of soul and soul!

This scene shocked everyone.

"Jiuyang Yaosheng actually died in the hands of Long Aotian?!"

Everyone's eyes widened and they were all stunned.

Everyone was trembling, and I couldn't believe everything in front of me, as if in a dream.

Who is Jiuyang Yaosheng? The well-deserved ruler of the holy city of demon races, who holds the power to be conquered by life and death, even the countless arrogant powerhouses such as the demon young master can only bow in front of him.

But now, he died in Ling Xiao's hands like this, the bones were gone, and even the Yuanshen was turned into a fan. ..

"Long Aotian, how did he do it? Isn't he even punished by heaven?"

"He is intolerable by Heavenly Dao, but he has such a terrible combat power! I seem to see that a peerless ruthless man is born!"

"Even if he can't be the son of Heaven's Choice, he will definitely have his place in the future era!"

Everyone looked at Ling Xiao's eyes full of awe.

The scene was silent, everyone looked blankly at Ling Xiao above the void.

Ling Xiao bathed in endless thunder, walked around, mysterious and mysterious atmosphere, like an ancient emperor who controlled the punishment of heaven, possessing the supreme power of ruining the world.

"You have mastered the secret technique of heaven punishment?! No wonder even heaven punishment can't help you! Long Aotian, you dare to kill Jiuyang Demon Saint, you are dead, then you are waiting to be chased by the world. !"

The young demon lord stared at Ling Xiao and said, his eyes filled with anger, as if he was watching a dead man.

"Really? But I'm sure you two should die in front of me!"

Ling Xiao said lightly, the voice was extremely calm!


He took a step The thunderous thunder of the sky, roaring like a thunder dragon, was slaying towards the young master demon and the saint son.

Jiuyang Yaosheng has already died in Ling Xiao's hands. Ling Xiao also did not intend to let them go. He used the punishment technique to control the punishment. The strength of the whole person skyrocketed and the horror was horrible.

Even the demon young master and saint son of samsara, at this moment, his face changed greatly, he turned around and fled without thinking, and wanted to leave the holy city of demon race!


However, Ling Xiao's secret removal technique was carried out to the extreme, as if only Ling Xiao's figure and the sky's lightning were left in the void, he could destroy the sky and tear the Quartet's void with every blow.

The speed of Ling Xiao's shot was extremely fast, and a thunder fell from the sky dome, like a chain of order gods, containing a vast road to the truth, so that the young demon master and the reincarnation son felt the scalp numb, toward Dodge around.

Of course, the law enforcers who are fighting with Bailongma and others, of course, Ling Xiao did not intend to let go. With a wave, the lightning suddenly hit the sky, and each one has the power to destroy the world.

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